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Planet Bob - Playing Flash Gordon (C64)


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Hi there!


Interrupting my Capcom rampage (while waiting for my ordered Resident Evil (NGC) and Breath of Fire III (PSX) to arrive ;)), here comes another short one in the form of Flash Gordon:




Regular readers of this series will notice that this is already the second "licensed" game I feature here after Labyrinth. It's also the second featured game from Mastertronics M.A.D range of games after Ninja.


Flash Gordon offered really a lot of value for a title from the mid-price range, since it was actually three games in one! On the screenshot above you see the first part, where you're action-adventurish exploring a jungle and it's dangerous creatures. As you can see, I even met Baby Godzilla there :lol:


Beating this one follows a kind of poor mans International Karate sequence, where you're fighting the evil prince Barin bare handed.


The games third and last sequence finally lets you fly over a planet surface, not unlike Space Harrier.


On top of all of this you'll get yet another good soundtrack from Rob Hubbard!


This sure would've kept one busy back in the day, but using modern technology (read: save-states :lolblue:) and a map for the first part, I managed to beat it in less than an hour:




Some future day the "Playing..." series may see another comic inspired title in the form of "Garfield", but first I'll have something else cooking...






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