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SpiceWare's Blog - SAVI


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I'd been waiting for the third edition of Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X. For some reason I thought it was being released at the end of summer, but I found out last Friday that it was released last month. So I headed down to Borders and bought a copy. I made it through the first 4 chapters over the weekend.


And based on what I've learned so far, SAVI is now underway. SAVI is pronounced savvy and stands for SpiceWare AtariVox Interface.
















So far the serial ports load up in the drop-down list. Refresh will update the list if you add/remove a serial device.


Having issues with the Test button though. It acts like it's sending something, but no sound is generated. I'll have to dig up my RS232 tester to see if data is actually be transmitted. The serial routines are copied from KrokCom, so I'm not sure what's wrong.


I was going to include the source, but it's zipping up to 2.2MB even though I've told XCode to "Clean All". I'm tired so I'll look into it tomorrow.


Attached File(s)



SAVI_app_20080602.zip ( 26.5K )

Number of downloads: 0






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