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jboypacman's Blog - The Atari Jaguar Sucks!........


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.......Ok am joking it does not but i bet i got your attention by saying that right?


Anyway i was think today about how in the last year i have gotten rid of a lot of the systems i have bought in order to condense my gaming collection somewhat and i thought i would go through and list the systems and my reasons why.


The reason(s) why i would do this? Just so i can go back at some point and see my logic on why i would get rid of them and just because it makes for some good Blogging for me as well. :)


1)Atari Jaguar: With the Jag i just never played the thing really outside a few games of Tempest 2000 it sat pretty idle in my gameroom.


2)Atari 7800:The 7800 was nothing more to me than a "back-up 2600" that could play improved versions of Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Jr.


3)Atari 5200:I just could never get into the 5200 really with its clunky controllers and all i really ever played on it was Wizard of Wor and Miner 2049er and i could play both of the games happily on my 2600 and Colecovision.


4)Vectrex:The Vectrex was cool really but it was just a conversation piece i would put out at parties and watch people play a few rounds of Mine Storm.


5)Intellivision:Ok with Intelly it was the controllers that killed it for me and seeing i could get alot if not most of the games i liked to play on it outside of Beauty and the Beast on the 2600 and Colecovision i had to let it go.


5)Bally Astrocade:Lack of play was my deciding factor for me to let this one go it was a neat system and a piece of gaming history but i felt it had to go to a home where it would see some play time.


6)Nintendo64:The N64 was just a poorly done system in my personal opinion and just nothing on it that held my interest really.


7)Turbografx-16:This was sold off to make way for my beloved PC Engine(JPN Turbo-16)which is much better than its US counterpart.


8)Sega Game Gear:I had gotten this one thinking that my wife might dig playing it but that did not happen so it went bye-bye.


9)Atari Lynx:This was like the Bally Astrocade and the Atari Jaguar it was the lack of play that saw me trade it off.






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