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Edtris rebate?

video game addict

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So my assumption was correct? "the "Visually remastered" part is the new label?" I have and am trying to stay neutral in this issue.

I wasn't picking on your message, I was telling people in general of this discussion. Most of these people thrive on assumptions and bs on this forum site. Once they find a new game or something new with atari, they jump on it and make dumb assumptions when they are too puss ass to ask the seller directly, "what's up, anyway". ..you know? Starting assumptions does nothing but give the wrong message for the people you are spreading rumors about.

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So my assumption was correct? "the "Visually remastered" part is the new label?" I have and am trying to stay neutral in this issue.

I wasn't picking on your message, I was telling people in general of this discussion. Most of these people thrive on assumptions and bs on this forum site. Once they find a new game or something new with atari, they jump on it and make dumb assumptions when they are too puss ass to ask the seller directly, "what's up, anyway". ..you know? Starting assumptions does nothing but give the wrong message for the people you are spreading rumors about.



So you got permission from Ed Federmeyer to make these games? How did you get in touch with him? It's been years sense he's poked his head back into the Atari world. Also I hope you don't mean you got permission from Randy at Hozer cause he has no right to the game and is very well known for stealing the works of others. And not just a couple people, from many, for example from myself, neotokeo, TJ, and on and on and on. So ya if you got it touch with Ed thats great news, it's been a long while sense anyone has heard from him and if you can show something to the effect that Ed gave you his blessing on these carts you will prob double your sales easy.


Oh and saying a game is visually remastered usually would lend to one believing you did more than print out a color label, just sayin' is all as it's kinda taking the buyer on a ride with the way your selling them currently.


Edited to spell Ed's last name right..lol..

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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Yea, visually remastered means new label. Heh.


What about the visually remastered Cabbage Patch Kids? Different label too? Different from what? The WIZ's label?


Your description is very misleading. I know it, we know it, you know it. You can drop the mask now.


I won't be leaving any feedback, but I won't be buying form you again either. For whatever that's worth.



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So my assumption was correct? "the "Visually remastered" part is the new label?" I have and am trying to stay neutral in this issue.

I wasn't picking on your message, I was telling people in general of this discussion. Most of these people thrive on assumptions and bs on this forum site. Once they find a new game or something new with atari, they jump on it and make dumb assumptions when they are too puss ass to ask the seller directly, "what's up, anyway". ..you know? Starting assumptions does nothing but give the wrong message for the people you are spreading rumors about.



So you got permission from Ed Federmeyer to make these games? How did you get in touch with him? It's been years sense he's poked his head back into the Atari world. Also I hope you don't mean you got permission from Randy at Hozer cause he has no right to the game and is very well known for stealing the works of others. And not just a couple people, from many, for example from myself, neotokeo, TJ, and on and on and on. So ya if you got it touch with Ed thats great news, it's been a long while sense anyone has heard from him and if you can show something to the effect that Ed gave you his blessing on these carts you will prob double your sales easy.


Oh and saying a game is visually remastered usually would lend to one believing you did more than print out a color label, just sayin' is all as it's kinda taking the buyer on a ride with the way your selling them currently.


Edited to spell Ed's last name right..lol..


Um...did you get permission from Christopher Omarzu to sell Pepsi Invaders on ebay? Dennis Koble for your Atlantis 2 repro?

There's no question this guy doesn't do as good a job with labels as you and cpuwiz. That's not in question. But if someone wants to *play* Edtris why does it matter? I just don't get the hypocrisy. Is it because this guy is competing for your profit?

I'd genuinely like to know. Lets see if you can answer without flaming.

Don't get me wrong...selling repros of others' work when either they are still selling the game, or are still involved in the community and express they wish for it not to be sold is wrong. Edtris does not fit into either category.

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So my assumption was correct? "the "Visually remastered" part is the new label?" I have and am trying to stay neutral in this issue.

I wasn't picking on your message, I was telling people in general of this discussion. Most of these people thrive on assumptions and bs on this forum site. Once they find a new game or something new with atari, they jump on it and make dumb assumptions when they are too puss ass to ask the seller directly, "what's up, anyway". ..you know? Starting assumptions does nothing but give the wrong message for the people you are spreading rumors about.



So you got permission from Ed Federmeyer to make these games? How did you get in touch with him? It's been years sense he's poked his head back into the Atari world. Also I hope you don't mean you got permission from Randy at Hozer cause he has no right to the game and is very well known for stealing the works of others. And not just a couple people, from many, for example from myself, neotokeo, TJ, and on and on and on. So ya if you got it touch with Ed thats great news, it's been a long while sense anyone has heard from him and if you can show something to the effect that Ed gave you his blessing on these carts you will prob double your sales easy.


Oh and saying a game is visually remastered usually would lend to one believing you did more than print out a color label, just sayin' is all as it's kinda taking the buyer on a ride with the way your selling them currently.


Edited to spell Ed's last name right..lol..


Um...did you get permission from Christopher Omarzu to sell Pepsi Invaders on ebay? Dennis Koble for your Atlantis 2 repro?

There's no question this guy doesn't do as good a job with labels as you and cpuwiz. That's not in question. But if someone wants to *play* Edtris why does it matter? I just don't get the hypocrisy. Is it because this guy is competing for your profit?

I'd genuinely like to know. Lets see if you can answer without flaming.

Don't get me wrong...selling repros of others' work when either they are still selling the game, or are still involved in the community and express they wish for it not to be sold is wrong. Edtris does not fit into either category.

Jetset beat me to it, I agree 100% This game (Edtris) has been long out of print and nobody is able to contact Ed so I see no difference with selling hacks or even full blown rip off's off it, just like Jetset mentioned, you guys do the same with other long out of print games so whats the big deal. I would also like to know, and I would also like a polite, non attack response if possible. Tell me how it is different?

IIRC - Doesn't Ed's website say to contact Hozer video games to purchase Edtris still to this day? So Randy still would be in charge of it if Ed hasn't taken the 5 minutes to change his website. It leads me to believe Ed doesn't give a shit so if the maker of it doesn't care then why does anybody else.....maybe because there "limited" edition of Edtris isn't worth as much anymore :ponder:

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So my assumption was correct? "the "Visually remastered" part is the new label?" I have and am trying to stay neutral in this issue.

I wasn't picking on your message, I was telling people in general of this discussion. Most of these people thrive on assumptions and bs on this forum site. Once they find a new game or something new with atari, they jump on it and make dumb assumptions when they are too puss ass to ask the seller directly, "what's up, anyway". ..you know? Starting assumptions does nothing but give the wrong message for the people you are spreading rumors about.



So you got permission from Ed Federmeyer to make these games? How did you get in touch with him? It's been years sense he's poked his head back into the Atari world. Also I hope you don't mean you got permission from Randy at Hozer cause he has no right to the game and is very well known for stealing the works of others. And not just a couple people, from many, for example from myself, neotokeo, TJ, and on and on and on. So ya if you got it touch with Ed thats great news, it's been a long while sense anyone has heard from him and if you can show something to the effect that Ed gave you his blessing on these carts you will prob double your sales easy.


Oh and saying a game is visually remastered usually would lend to one believing you did more than print out a color label, just sayin' is all as it's kinda taking the buyer on a ride with the way your selling them currently.


Edited to spell Ed's last name right..lol..


Um...did you get permission from Christopher Omarzu to sell Pepsi Invaders on ebay? Dennis Koble for your Atlantis 2 repro?

There's no question this guy doesn't do as good a job with labels as you and cpuwiz. That's not in question. But if someone wants to *play* Edtris why does it matter? I just don't get the hypocrisy. Is it because this guy is competing for your profit?

I'd genuinely like to know. Lets see if you can answer without flaming.

Don't get me wrong...selling repros of others' work when either they are still selling the game, or are still involved in the community and express they wish for it not to be sold is wrong. Edtris does not fit into either category.

Jetset beat me to it, I agree 100% This game (Edtris) has been long out of print and nobody is able to contact Ed so I see no difference with selling hacks or even full blown rip off's off it, just like Jetset mentioned, you guys do the same with other long out of print games so whats the big deal. I would also like to know, and I would also like a polite, non attack response if possible. Tell me how it is different?

IIRC - Doesn't Ed's website say to contact Hozer video games to purchase Edtris still to this day? So Randy still would be in charge of it if Ed hasn't taken the 5 minutes to change his website. It leads me to believe Ed doesn't give a shit so if the maker of it doesn't care then why does anybody else.....maybe because there "limited" edition of Edtris isn't worth as much anymore :ponder:

Thank you to all of you out there that aren't beating me up with this.


Just so we are all clear-I got permission from Hozer Video Games to make the new and improved cover. It was a great improvement and it was a great idea for those Edtris fans out there. Yeah, Ed give the game to Hozer to sell until further notice. Therefore, I am the only other person that can sell Edtris in this manner with permission-It is the real game with real individual serial numbers given out. I don't get why you guys have to stick your nose in. I have not done anything wrong. I do not sell fake Pepsi invaders or anything like that. I thought I had an appropriate description on the edtris carts. You know, usually people will spiff up the game descriptions just like anything you see in the stores(tvs [Plasma duo-mega ton wat ultra sweet 9000], stereos[the boom box3000 w/ extra mega turbo thrusters], Cars[Mega wammy turbo 9900 baby knots that will blow your head off]) to get people pumped about buying the item. I am sorry that I have confused anyone, if I have. I have changed the descriptions a week ago anyway to: "cover" so that people knew. And cosmosis, I could care less if you buy from me ever again, that's your own choice. I don't do this for a profit. I do this just for atari fans that want it.

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Um...did you get permission from Christopher Omarzu to sell Pepsi Invaders on ebay? Dennis Koble for your Atlantis 2 repro?

There's no question this guy doesn't do as good a job with labels as you and cpuwiz. That's not in question. But if someone wants to *play* Edtris why does it matter? I just don't get the hypocrisy. Is it because this guy is competing for your profit?

I'd genuinely like to know. Lets see if you can answer without flaming.

Don't get me wrong...selling repros of others' work when either they are still selling the game, or are still involved in the community and express they wish for it not to be sold is wrong. Edtris does not fit into either category.


I won't flame you, you do that enough to yourself. But to answer your question no I didn't get permission from them and they have no claim to owning those games either as they where programmed for Atari and Imagic respectively. You know exactly what I mean when I speak of homebrew authors work and compairing that to pepsi or a2 is apples and oranges and your argument is moot.

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Jetset beat me to it, I agree 100% This game (Edtris) has been long out of print and nobody is able to contact Ed so I see no difference with selling hacks or even full blown rip off's off it, just like Jetset mentioned, you guys do the same with other long out of print games so whats the big deal. I would also like to know, and I would also like a polite, non attack response if possible. Tell me how it is different?

IIRC - Doesn't Ed's website say to contact Hozer video games to purchase Edtris still to this day? So Randy still would be in charge of it if Ed hasn't taken the 5 minutes to change his website. It leads me to believe Ed doesn't give a shit so if the maker of it doesn't care then why does anybody else.....maybe because there "limited" edition of Edtris isn't worth as much anymore :ponder:



I dunno I guess you just don't get it. We differ in opinion on the subject and thats how it is. No harm in that to have a different look at it. You see it one way I see it another.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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Jetset beat me to it, I agree 100% This game (Edtris) has been long out of print and nobody is able to contact Ed so I see no difference with selling hacks or even full blown rip off's off it, just like Jetset mentioned, you guys do the same with other long out of print games so whats the big deal. I would also like to know, and I would also like a polite, non attack response if possible. Tell me how it is different?

IIRC - Doesn't Ed's website say to contact Hozer video games to purchase Edtris still to this day? So Randy still would be in charge of it if Ed hasn't taken the 5 minutes to change his website. It leads me to believe Ed doesn't give a shit so if the maker of it doesn't care then why does anybody else.....maybe because there "limited" edition of Edtris isn't worth as much anymore :ponder:



I dunno I guess you just don't get it. We differ in opinion on the subject and thats how it is. No harm in that to have a different look at it. You see it one way I see it another.

Fair enough :)

Don't get me wrong though, AtariMaster26 still seems like a prick so I am not siding with him or anything. I think he(atarimaster26) could have been way more polite about this whole thing even if he did feel attacked. The statements I made were just towards reproducing Edtris in general by anybody.

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I don't do this for a profit. I do this just for atari fans that want it.


That's rich dude. Especially after the conversation we had via PM, where you wished me luck with my "business" and my response to you about it, which you didn't bother replying to.


I told this guy that I do this mainly for the Atari fans out there (especially the ones that appreciate authentic looking stuff) and that almost all of the "profit" goes into R&D and production of new PCB's etc., nevermind the money for exotic donor carts and crazy expensive printers etc. etc. etc.!


And this thread has now expired, before it goes any further.

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