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@ appolloboy: flashcarts and rom use is as volatile a subject as religion or politics, hell it IS politics if you think about it. People with opposing viewpoints have their minds set about what or how other people think, do and/or behave regardless if it is the truth just as long as it fits into their rationale and arguments ...


I never said I was entitled to free games, my point is that technology has surpassed current marketing methods. we saw this in the music industry, with books, with tv shows and movies, games are no different. the amount of time, energy and money spent on anti-piracy is not that different than what is spent on anti-drugs or anti-ANYTHING... the tactics usually wind up causing more problems for legitimate owners of a given game than those who download it illegally... and please notice I have been using the word ILLEGAL the whole time, in all my responses, I am not ducking that issue at all.


There are better ways to distribute games and digital media in general, better price and profit structures, and until companies start to realize this, there will always be this problem.


for the record, AGAIN, I buy a hell of a lot of games both retail and used, Goldenaxe made a great point about being able to backup your games and use/store them how the owner sees fit. Open platforms help systems not hinder them, hell the homebrew channel on the wii is a perfect example of how so called "piracy" or "hacking" has probably helped the system ... more Wii consoles are still in use because of HBC than they would be if there wasn't one


I am sorry for taking things off topic, we have all discussed the shit out of this in this thread, no need to re-hash it

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To get this thread back on track, anyone waiting for the next batch of 1541 Ultimate-II drives won't have to wait long. Looks like the next production run started a few weeks ago. I've had my order in for a while now, but I believe there will still be stock remaining if others want to place an order.




That's a little rash, don't you think?


Not really. The choice to ignore was not simply based on his response here. This was just the 'straw that broke the camel's back', so to speak.

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Not really. The choice to ignore was not simply based on his response here. This was just the 'straw that broke the camel's back', so to speak.


Or rather a typical response from an arrogant and intolerant jerk, who thinks their point of view is the only valid and correct one....


I'm with wolfie, not only in thought but also because it's moronic to state that in a FLASHCARTS thread...


In any case, glad someone mentined getting this back n topic. Just received my 1541U II :)


Now waiting for the N8, NES version.

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let's go easy on the name-caling here, we can keep this civil... it is indicative of intolerance and/or unwillingness to listen to others. I was willing to debate the issue and even concede that the actions are illegal and can and do hurt people's pockets, I'm just unwilling to concede that that happens as much as the anti-piracy folks say or to the degree they say it goes on, most of it is pure speculation based on counting downloads and sales in the same framework... you just can't do that.

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1541U2 is expensive, but it's worth it. It will even load tape images through DMA = instant. It's in that "over the top" category of products that are so loaded with features that one has difficulty enumerating all of them, much less actually getting around to doing everything it is capable of.

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Or rather a typical response from an arrogant and intolerant jerk, who thinks their point of view is the only valid and correct one....



My issues with Mark have nothing to do with him not agreeing with my point of view. In fact, I more than welcome discussion with those of differing opinions. As I previously mentioned, my decision to block him was not specifically about the content of his reply to me. I've had personal issues with some of his posts throughout the time I've been on the forum. The only reason I specifically mentioned about putting him on my ignore list is so he would not expect further responses from me, as I would no longer see his posts. Nothing more than that was implied or intended.


Now waiting for the N8, NES version.


My N8 was held up in customs this week, but should finally be delivered on Tuesday. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to sacrifice any of my existing Famicom carts for a shell or if I'll pick up a cheap/common game to use instead. I might even just use the board as is.


I think it'll depend how often I end up using it, as I'll likely still use my NES since the toaster as sentimental value to me. I'm more than happy with the PowerPak for that system, so the N8 will be specifically reserved for my A/V Famicom.


1541U2 is expensive, but it's worth it. It will even load tape images through DMA = instant. It's in that "over the top" category of products that are so loaded with features that one has difficulty enumerating all of them, much less actually getting around to doing everything it is capable of.


I've been wanting to get one for ages, but have kept missing the order deadline for each batch.


It's funny though, as a week after I placed my order I had my C64 die. When I say 'die', I mean a terrible electronic death. The system I had was previously modded and one of the grounds wasn't connected properly. There was a surge, which damaged several components. A friend of mine has the system now and will be taking a closer look when he gets a chance. I'm not holding out much hope for it though, so I'll be picking up another when the 1541 U-II finally arrives.

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1541U2 is expensive, but it's worth it. It will even load tape images through DMA = instant. It's in that "over the top" category of products that are so loaded with features that one has difficulty enumerating all of them, much less actually getting around to doing everything it is capable of.


that is what is holding me back from pulling the trigger on getting one, time... when will I find the time to use the dang thing, but man it is really cool. I've had my eye on one for a couple years now. right now I use the really cool C64SD:




this thing is really nice and a lot less money, it can be used on the VIC20 also and it leaves the cart port open

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I didn't know about the C64SD, though I've read about the uIEC/SD and the IDE64 projects. Just wish one of these could come in a nice plastic enclosure.


take a close look at the C64SD, it has an aluminum case, it is not a bare-board like so many others, it is built like a tank and can be piggy-backed to have multiple units running at once. it is also very reasonably priced, I think mine was around $45

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I'm not so sure you can do alkl

Hey that's nifty. I'd like to put one of those C64SDs in a broken 1541 shell and make the light route to the front, make the slot take the SD cards :D


I'm not so sure you could do all of what you propose, the thing has an aluminum case already and it does not fit in the cart slot it gets power from the cassette port and feeds data to and from the drive expansion port. the cartridge slot is wide open making this very suitable for copying carts and doing other nifty tricks. maybe I'll take closeups of it if people are interested and post it from all angles so you can see the build quality, it is quite impressive.

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take a close look at the C64SD, it has an aluminum case, it is not a bare-board like so many others, it is built like a tank and can be piggy-backed to have multiple units running at once. it is also very reasonably priced, I think mine was around $45

Ah, a link I found was bare. Seems to cost 50 euro, about 67 USD plus shipping. Uses the same firmware as uIEC/SD and SD2IEC, so should have the same compatibility as those and the IDE64 I guess. Comes from Italia, and is quite a bit cheaper than the others. Now I know the IDE64 has people doing "warez" for them to patch incompatible games. Not sure if they would work on this also. Edited by Greg2600
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that is not bare, that link shows the pictures I was referring to, that blue covering is all aluminum, or at least it was built like that, mine is silver not painted like that one, but this is an updated version, it is all covered where it counts, there is bare board sticking out in places but when you hold it and feel it, you'll see that it does not require any case or anything. they did raise the price a bit, I bought mine like two years ago, maybe a little more.

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Ah, a link I found was bare. Seems to cost 50 euro, about 67 USD plus shipping. Uses the same firmware as uIEC/SD and SD2IEC, so should have the same compatibility as those and the IDE64 I guess. Comes from Italia, and is quite a bit cheaper than the others. Now I know the IDE64 has people doing "warez" for them to patch incompatible games. Not sure if they would work on this also.

Wow, very nice unit.

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Yeah, but then she said:




And fun time was over.


Maybe that's what caused the sandy vagina?




but seriously... I've been looking at C64 online and lusting after some of the great fun to be had. What is the best / cheapest solution to play games. There are so many options? I'm not looking to run anything other than games. I've asked this before and been told IIRC in this thread :) I had no money. A few weeks out from my tax refund I have all kinds of fun ideas brewing in my head.

Edited by the.golden.ax
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@Goldenaxe: the thing we were just talking about is one of the lower priced yet comprehensive solutions, you can get similar bare-board units that behave similarly for a little cheaper but this one is built to last and has features the others don't. just google all the C64-SD based choices , just put "C64 SD" in a search bar to find them, also lemon64 is a great website to find info and get help http://www.lemon64.com/forum/index.php

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