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Need help with picture That goes next to post.


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Hi Guys


How do I attatch a picture next to my post like everyone else does? I am talking about the small pictures everyone has next to

their posts....This is my new Atari 130XE that is for my daughter....Now you can see why I do what do for her...She lost her Mom,and

Grandmother and so many other family members due to a another driver driving out of control. She has had to deal with a lot this

last year with no mom...... My goal is to give her the very best I can, and she loves to program on Atari computers, and also uses

the educational Software that I have for it.... Thanks everyone so far for all your help..




Your friend,




















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I am trying to be a good dad to her,and I am trying to get her the complete set up....The little picture on the side is my daughter.






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Thanks and yes she uses the new computers too.....Click on my daughter picture and you will see what has happen to us in the last year.....






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Sean, I have read all your post so I already know what happened to your family.

Now I have read your 'About me' page and I have no words to communicate my feelings.

I am glad your daughter is doing well at school.

I think only faith and love for a child can help a person go on in a case like this.


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I am trying to be a good dad to her,and I am trying to get her the complete set up....The little picture on the side is my daughter.





The picture on the side of this message is my alter-ego that I morph into on weekends... by Monday morning, it is all over and I am back to normal!

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Hi Guys


What I find very cool is that there is so many people interested in Atari all Around the world. I have notice some of you are very far away,but

have the same interest.... I just bought Flight Simulator II for the XE but I have no books on it or the card that shows what the keyboard controls

are for that game..... I need help on this because my daughter is trying to get the game to go and we had very poor luck with this since we don't

know what keys do what. I also got another game for her but found out I needed the light gun. It called BUG HUNT and I did not know I needed the

light gun for it to work. That game is out till I can get her a light gun. Anyways it been fun watching her try to get the plane in the air on the computer.

She done it a few times but it come down fast and she crashes it...So if anyone has the instruction book and key control card please let me know...





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Try here : http://www.atarimania.com/detail_soft.php?...VERSION_ID=6191


Hi Guys


What I find very cool is that there is so many people interested in Atari all Around the world. I have notice some of you are very far away,but

have the same interest.... I just bought Flight Simulator II for the XE but I have no books on it or the card that shows what the keyboard controls

are for that game..... I need help on this because my daughter is trying to get the game to go and we had very poor luck with this since we don't

know what keys do what. I also got another game for her but found out I needed the light gun. It called BUG HUNT and I did not know I needed the

light gun for it to work. That game is out till I can get her a light gun. Anyways it been fun watching her try to get the plane in the air on the computer.

She done it a few times but it come down fast and she crashes it...So if anyone has the instruction book and key control card please let me know...





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Sean39 your daughter is adorable and you are an awesome dad and I have a boatload of games and if she is interested in some /any I can send some to you/her and you can copy them if you want.


I am assuming you have a floppy drive or 2 right ??

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NO I do not have a working floppy drive anymore...


I need to try and get the XF551 floppy drive for her Atari 130XE....So that the next thing on my list....Copy of games would be nice...

Right now I just have some Cartridges and a couple of tapes games for her.....This is a work in progress getting a computer up for her.

The computer I am using to write on the web site is my cousins........It was on loan to me but then it broke down last month and I repaired it...

I went a head and bought this computer from her... I also changed the CPU to a Pentium 4 running at 3.2 GHZ clock speed way faster than these

Core2 prossesors running in the 2 GHZ range. This is a laptop and I took the whole thing apart making changes to it.....I let Dell computers know

the changes I made to improve their laptop since most these machines over heat. Heavy heatsinks with good ventalation and Fans. I call it my

super laptop....Has 100 gigabyte harddrive and 1 Gigabyte of RAM.......not too bad for a laptop that started with hardly anything in it.


Well back to games I do not have much for her right now and I need tp get a XF551 floppy drive.....I found them new in the box never used

but they run $199.00 that way.... Anyways that what I have to get....




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Well back to games I do not have much for her right now and I need tp get a XF551 floppy drive.....I found them new in the box never used but they run $199.00 that way.... Anyways that what I have to get...

Why don't you buy instead SIO2SD (a stand-alone solution storage solution) or SIO2PC (you have to connect a PC)?

These solutions both cost around $50.

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i would not pay $199 for a disc drive... really no cheaper 1050 around?


and yup. Philsan suggested another option...


I wish you all the best... creativity is sometimes a good thing... so if your daughter managed to get her first "hello world"... let us know :)

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You can always try EBAY for a Floppy drive and I am sure there are other auction sites out there and maybe even a thrift store and you and your daughter can take a day and visit as many thrift stores around you as you can and maybe yard or garage sales ??

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Hi everyone,


Thanks for the great ideals on the disk drive.......My daughter is really shy so I not sure if I can get her up on this site. I can ask her....She loves the

Atari 130XE computer.......Anyways let me see if I can gey her to say hi to everyone..........



Hi my name is Sophy. I like the 130XE it is fun. I like the games that Atari has. I like to program too.

My dad got the computer for me.





Well I got her to write a little on this web site,and maybe one day we will see games written by her for computers. Well who knows she has really taken a interest

in computers and she has been taking programing at school too. Thay say she is a gifted child. When she was in the first grade she already read on a 8th grade level

and she is going into the 3rd but may be skipped to the 4th grade......She is reading at a 10th grade level or higher. She goes and gets out my tech manuals and reads

them but I am not to sure how much just retains from them.......Well I hope she continues to learn to program, and at this point her programs are simple but she does really well at understanding Atari basic. The Atari 130XE is a good starting point for her and I hope she grows in her interest to be a computer programer. She like the

regular pc computers but she really likes making her own programs on the Atari. I also have watched her having fun playing the older Cartridge games.....



Thanks Everyone



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Regarding the disk drive, B&C have some reconditioned ones for about $100:

"HDA007 DRIVE 1050 DISK DRIVE recon 95.00"

if you're interested. These are the 800XL sytle drives, though, they won't match the style /colors of the 130XE. They should work, just the same. They're at www.myatari.com. I've met them several times; nice folks.


Anyway, keep looking, you'll find something for the right price.




/* By the way, there are several Atari programming books at www.atariarchives.com for free (online) including BASIC programming and Assembly programming, possibly some others too */

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I see a new retro Atari ad in the works!


"The Atari 130 XE -Sophy's choice!"


Should try to get an old school looking picture of her sitting down in a dimly lit dining room or something making happy faces at a gnarly 70's or early 80's tv screen like the old atari 400/800 ads! What a hoot that would be!


Awesome to hear that she's advanced in her studies. If she's got a good brain might as well feed it well!



Hi my name is Sophy. I like the 130XE it is fun. I like the games that Atari has. I like to program too.

My dad got the computer for me.




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I don't know much about the Atari computers, but I have 3 floppy drives with my 520ST. Are those drives compatible with the 130XE? You're welcome to one of those drives if they're compatible. The system was supposedly fully functional before I acquired it, but I never had any disks to test with.

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Hi I will get her in the picture but she sleeping right now. Well I hope this has the 1980's look. Lighting was the thing I was working on in this picture.

Well does it look right. The Surge protector lights are neon not LED's, so Going for the whole look. The Monitor in an Mid 1980's Style...... With different Lighting the

computer looks different and more like a clear picture you see in this day and age. Take a look and see the difference in them.









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I don't know much about the Atari computers, but I have 3 floppy drives with my 520ST. Are those drives compatible with the 130XE? You're welcome to one of those drives if they're compatible. The system was supposedly fully functional before I acquired it, but I never had any disks to test with.


They are not compatible.

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Hi I will get her in the picture but she sleeping right now. Well I hope this has the 1980's look. Lighting was the thing I was working on in this picture.

Well does it look right. The Surge protector lights are neon not LED's, so Going for the whole look. The Monitor in an Mid 1980's Style...... With different Lighting the

computer looks different and more like a clear picture you see in this day and age. Take a look and see the difference in them.





Ah, a window to the past! How nice!!! :cool:


These are the rare times when I wish I had a child.... or at least an Atari-compatible wife. :D (I'm safe, my wife never visits these Martian forums..... ;) but wait, I wish she did! :D)


Where is the second SIO cable from the 850 leading? Have you connected anything to its serial/parallel ports yet?

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