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Vectrex... my view of the market...


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Looks like the Vectrex is a bit strange at times when trying to price them. Sometimes you can get a system with 10 games really cheap, other times it will cost you a lot.

But take a look at a few of these auctions.


Didn't this one go a bit low? I thought these were sought after... it is a Bandi... right?

Bandi boxed

Just seems a bit strange it went this low. Yes, I know it has cosmetic issues, but, when you clean that sucker up, it will look great. Not sure what is going on with the WHITE power cord though.



Here's another one to ponder:

Vec with 4 games

WOW! Talk about a spike in the price! I clicked on this one simply because I thought there had to be something hidden in this lot. A rare prototype, a few boxed polar rescues or something like that.

But ummmm.... nothing. Just a vec with 4 games .... nearly double the price of a boxed Bandi


I'm adding this auction, well, just because I like the look of this Vec. The blue looks really nice, and I didn't know about this version. The controller looks bad, but I guess that happens. The Blue/Black contrast is cool though:

Vectrex with Blue text


And damn it!!!! I missed another one of these:

Vectrex wraps

I would have paid that as well... LOL


CPUWIZ... if you can make repros of this, you'd have a bit of a cash in... or at least that is my opinion!


Reproductions of rare games have been going on for a while... mainly in the Atari 2600 area. The PC Engine had some key games reproduced as well. Now, it looks like they are starting with the Vectrex as well:

Repro Vectrex games





So, I guess the vectrex is a strange cat. In my research, you really can't 'guarantee' a certain price. Generally, a loose system is worth about $50-75 Then factor in shipping: $20-30

On top of that, working controllers demand a good price. It isn't uncommon to see them for around $50. If a Vectrex auction has an extra controller, it will generally go for $40-50 more. That's from what I have seen.


Overlays: They are like miniature goldmines. In many cases, they are worth MORE than the game itself. Especially if they are in great condition.


Manuals: I still don't think a premium is being paid for these (aside from loose Polar Rescue or Pole Position ones). I think these things are still a bit underrated. Eventually I need to grab some manuals for my boxed games to make them complete. But it seems like I'll have that option in the future at a fairly cheap price.


Sorry if that bored some of you. I've been doing a bit of research on them though being that I have two vectrex lots I need to sell (one with 12 games) and the other: A misfit island lot (2 systems, 3 controllers... all in different working/non-working conditions)


Some may find this interesting. Hell... wasn't it just a year ago or so someone traded a Mr Boston cart for a boxed Bandi? If that is a true Bandi, someone cleaned house on that one... once they clean it up a bit.

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Yeah I was surprised about the boxed Kouso going so low, had I known it was being ignored somewhat, I would have considered bidding. I have a Kouso and most of the paperwork but no box or styro. Oh and just to let you know, the Kouso has a white power cable...

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