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What's the Worst Game You Have Ever Played?

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Simply name the worst game you've ever played and explain why. Don't base it on someone else's review or the general consensus. You have to have played the game. Even if it's considered good by the general gaming community, if you had the worst time playing it don't be ashamed to let it all out. Really let these games have it.


I'll start with Superman (N64) Paint Drying: The Video Game. I got this game at a FuncoLand when it came out. As a kid, not knowing the difference between cool and suck, I was into a lot of stupid things, but I had enough brain power to know when I was being fed crap through a plastic cardtridge. There was no fun to be had. I wanted to cry. :_( I wanted to return the game, but I, in my idiocy, threw out the receipt back at the mall.


I nevertheless plodded through the game, trying to find something cool to do in it. After all the ring mazes, frickin frackin #^&$% bombs, asshole controls, and pointless moves, I decided to call it quits. I managed to sell the game to some kid at school for twenty bucks. I avoided him the rest of that year. I knew he knew that I ripped him off. If you're reading this, guy whose name I don't remember, I'm sorry.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I got the game as a birthday present. Hence the wanting to cry part.

Edited by Freakin' Duck
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Simply name the worst game you've ever played and explain why. Don't base it on someone else's review or the general consensus. You have to have played the game. Even if it's considered good by the general gaming community, if you had the worst time playing it don't be ashamed to let it all out. Really let these games have it.


I'll start with Superman (N64) Paint Drying: The Video Game. I got this game at a FuncoLand when it came out. As a kid, not knowing the difference between cool and suck, I was into a lot of stupid things, but I had enough brain power to know when I was being fed crap through a plastic cardtridge. There was no fun to be had. I wanted to cry. :_( I wanted to return the game, but I, in my idiocy, threw out the receipt back at the mall.


I nevertheless plodded through the game, trying to find something cool to do in it. After all the ring mazes, frickin frackin #^&$% bombs, asshole controls, and pointless moves, I decided to call it quits. I managed to sell the game to some kid at school for twenty bucks. I avoided him the rest of that year. I knew he knew that I ripped him off. If you're reading this, guy whose name I don't remember, I'm sorry.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I got the game as a birthday present. Hence the wanting to cry part.

Halo for Xbox, I hate analog controllers and this stupid game had 2! Impossible to control,too many buttons, I buy games for fun not to have to read a darn manual.I bought it, tried it and returned it the next day. Freakin awful.

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AD&D Heroes of the Lance for the NES It had the worst play control of any game I've ever played, it was almost impossible to execute even a basic attack or a proper jump


Another real bad one was Shaq Fu. Along with one of the worst stories in video game history about Shaq being transported to some mysterious land, it was a poorly made fighter with bad play control and horrible graphics.

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Space Ace for the Jaguar has a glitch which offsets the timing between when the animation shows a move is needed with when the computer is expecting it, making it completely unplayable. It could drive a man to seek revenge... Sweet, sweet revenge....



"Sssnake" for the 2600 is quite the abomination as well...

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Haha someone listed Halo as the worst game they've ever played!!??

I'm going to guess they've only played about 5 games their entire life.

Too funny.


I usually can find something positive about any game (I'm the same way about movies and I actually prefer a good bad movie or game)


Some just suck.


Fire World on the 2600 is pretty bad for a 1st party game. Not much positive to say about that one.


On the NES there were plenty of bad games (Total Recall) but one that sticks out as really bad to me was Hylide. A lame lame RPG.


People mentioned Dragons Lair on NES but Space Ace on the SNES is pretty much a suck fest also. The gameplay is so freaking hard and when you die you start all the way back at the begining of the level, did I mention you only get 5 lives to get through the entire game??....the game is zero fun.

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Panic! for SegaCD. I can search the forums and copy and paste the text I used to previously describe this "game" but I'll start fresh...


I've played a lot of bad games but this is the only one that made me angry. Angry as in: I am wasting seconds of my life on this. WTF is this? This is a game? I bought it thinking it was a rather obscure title and I remember reading about it in EGM back in the day.


Here is the "game play" in a nutshell: use the onscreen pointer to push an onscreen button to progress to the next screen. If you push the wrong button, prepare for the hilarity to ensue as your character's head blows up or some dumb sh*t. Push the "correct" button (of which there is absolutely no indication) and you "progress" to the next screen. Repeat.


I throw up a little in my mouth every time I have to revisit this memory.

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yes!! i loved the 3 stooges game. anyway, please don't respond to this, because i'm sure i'm in the deep minority, but i think the game i hated the most ever was.....final fantasy 7 for ps. that game single-handedly turned me off of videogames for like 3 years. of course, i am nowhere near being a hardcore gamer, so...

more recently, i really was pissed with wii play. that was an insult-of-a-game.

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Elite Beat Agents - DS

I have a hard time believing this, but you're entitled to your opinion. I think EBA is one of those games you're either good at and enjoy or you suck at and hate. Oddly enough I feel the same way about Parappa the Rapper even though everyone tells me it's such a great game.



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there are a lot of games that some people just love that don't live up to all their hype for other foks, but that doesn't make them bad--most are just average or a little below.


As a kid, somebody got me the NES version of Dirty Harry. Since I had so few games for that system, I had to get good at it and eventually got so I could beat it, but no matter what, that game was just trash. I doubt that was the worst game I ever played, but since I had to spend so damn much time on it, and very little of it was 'fun' I remember that one the most.


I also have fragmented memories about a batman game on lynx, and street fighter the movie...


but I'll bet the worst game I ever played was one of the hundreds that I pulled out of a stack, turned on for a few seconds before throwing it back in the box with the rest and forgetting all about it. There was a walmart 3-pack of games I bought which all fit that discription.

Edited by Reaperman
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I'm sure I've played worse, but the game that sticks out in my mind right now is Destruction Derby Arenas for the PS2.


I may have an unfair bias against the game, because when I played it, Burnout 3 had just come out, laying all other car-crash games to shame. But I was still interested in DDA because I had enjoyed Destruction Derby 2 on the PlayStation. However, even without comparisons to B3, DDA sucked. The game was slow, the crashes weren't cool (DD2 had better destruction, I thought, and that was on an earlier console!), and overall there just wasn't anything fun about the game. After renting both at the same time, I spent maybe 15 minutes playing DDA, then spent the rest of the time on B3.


I asked for B3 that Christmas. I never considered DDA again.

Edited by skunkworx
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There are loads of games that should never have been made, like Street Fighter: The Movie.

However, the prize must go to Test Match cricket on the zx-spectrum. It goes like this.


Cricket field is drawn on screen with little stick men

You press key to bowl ball

You are awarded with "Break: Line error at 5824" and that's the end.


Not even Ubisoft are that bad :)

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Morocco GP for the TRS-80 Color Computer.

I didn't own a lot of games for it and I talked my parents into buying me a couple.

What I wanted was a game like Pole Position.

Something like this:



What I got was this:


Load it up on an emulator and play. No really, you don't know what bad is!

The sound is so bad you wish it didn't have any.


I never asked them to buy another game because I felt bad for having them spend their money on it.

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