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selling off my entire collection - Auctions end tonight at 9PM eastern


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It's time for me to move on. I am converting my entire collection into silver and gold in order to try to keep some wealth through the upcoming economic meltdown, but that is a topic for a different thread.






here is the first lot of many more to come. I am basically selling everything I have collected over the last 12 years, except my kangaroo 2600 proto, my millipede 5200 proto, and maybe my NES collection, but then again, maybe not.


Nothing real spectacular here, but definitely a few rarities and maybe a few boxed gamed to round out your collection.


Thanks for looking,


Edited by strattsp
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Now some stuff shows up. Nice shipping prices!


but... Upcoming economic meltdown? That'll encourage people to buy games!


If gold is such a good thing to buy and hold onto, why are there ads from outfits trying to sell it on the radio every 15 minutes?


I know, they get their commission no matter what happens to the price. But if no one was selling, there would be none to make commissions on! So, they are obviously preying on peoples' fears.


Speculation is a tricky business. Atari games, gold, who can say which will perform better?

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Now some stuff shows up. Nice shipping prices!


but... Upcoming economic meltdown? That'll encourage people to buy games!


If gold is such a good thing to buy and hold onto, why are there ads from outfits trying to sell it on the radio every 15 minutes?


I know, they get their commission no matter what happens to the price. But if no one was selling, there would be none to make commissions on! So, they are obviously preying on peoples' fears.


Speculation is a tricky business. Atari games, gold, who can say which will perform better?


It's okay, some people think I'm a little crazy (ya think?) for believing such things, but most ignore me. I feel pretty confident that I won't scare anyone off who isn't already scared.


Anyway, I've been collecting for a long time from thrift stores and garage sales, always knowing that it is all worth a lot more than I paid for it, and that I would eventually sell the collection. Lately it just seems like it is taking up space, and I have a new collecting addiction - silver rounds.


P.S. - paranoid prediction for this time next year - FDIC will be broke, silver over $50 per ounce, gold over $1500.

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If you are interested in selling the Kangaroo 2600 proto, please let me know....I AM VERY INTERESTED!!!! :)


In addition, if you have any other 2600 protos, I'd be interested in those as well.



THANKS!!! :)

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Nice shipping prices!
Too bad cartridges don't qualify for media mail shipping.


As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure I've missed several huge threads and arguments on the topic, they quallify.


Media mail includes computer data. So when they ask me what's in the box, I say computer data, which is technically correct.

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Now some stuff shows up. Nice shipping prices!


but... Upcoming economic meltdown? That'll encourage people to buy games!


If gold is such a good thing to buy and hold onto, why are there ads from outfits trying to sell it on the radio every 15 minutes?


I know, they get their commission no matter what happens to the price. But if no one was selling, there would be none to make commissions on! So, they are obviously preying on peoples' fears.


Speculation is a tricky business. Atari games, gold, who can say which will perform better?


It's okay, some people think I'm a little crazy (ya think?) for believing such things, but most ignore me. I feel pretty confident that I won't scare anyone off who isn't already scared.


Anyway, I've been collecting for a long time from thrift stores and garage sales, always knowing that it is all worth a lot more than I paid for it, and that I would eventually sell the collection. Lately it just seems like it is taking up space, and I have a new collecting addiction - silver rounds.


P.S. - paranoid prediction for this time next year - FDIC will be broke, silver over $50 per ounce, gold over $1500.


Aha! That's why I never find stuff at the garage sales around here... you've already been there :D

(I'm 5 minutes from the fairfield mall)

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Aha! That's why I never find stuff at the garage sales around here... you've already been there :D

(I'm 5 minutes from the fairfield mall)


Yes I have. :D


PM me if you're looking for anything inparticular. I'd be happy to let you come take a look at some point.

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Nice shipping prices!
Too bad cartridges don't qualify for media mail shipping.


As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure I've missed several huge threads and arguments on the topic, they quallify.


Media mail includes computer data. So when they ask me what's in the box, I say computer data, which is technically correct.

While I agree that cartridges should qualify as media mail, technically they don't. This recent thread contains links to the relevant P.O. documents that explicitly bar cartridges from media mail shipments. Some folks have had packages opened and been asked to pay the price difference to an upgraded shipping method. You're auctions look nice, but I, for one, can't bid on them for this very reason.
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I will tell you a wiser investment than Gold, Silver, and Oil. Invest in companies that provide alternative energy such as Solar Power, Wind Mills, Natural Gas. As gasoline goes up more and more people will be turning to these forms of powers. I see these companies doing extremely well in the future to come. Trust me on this one. If you really want to make a killing invest in Alternative Energy.

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Nice shipping prices!
Too bad cartridges don't qualify for media mail shipping.


As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure I've missed several huge threads and arguments on the topic, they quallify.


Media mail includes computer data. So when they ask me what's in the box, I say computer data, which is technically correct.

While I agree that cartridges should qualify as media mail, technically they don't. This recent thread contains links to the relevant P.O. documents that explicitly bar cartridges from media mail shipments. Some folks have had packages opened and been asked to pay the price difference to an upgraded shipping method. You're auctions look nice, but I, for one, can't bid on them for this very reason.


Thanks for the information, this is certainly news to me. In light of the new information, I will go thourgh every one of my 48 current auctions and add information explaining that Media mail is no longer a valid option. Also, I'm not sure why you would refuse to bid on my auctions, I have also offered First class mail at a very competitive price.

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I will tell you a wiser investment than Gold, Silver, and Oil. Invest in companies that provide alternative energy such as Solar Power, Wind Mills, Natural Gas. As gasoline goes up more and more people will be turning to these forms of powers. I see these companies doing extremely well in the future to come. Trust me on this one. If you really want to make a killing invest in Alternative Energy.


I would agree that this field offers excellent investment opportunities. I do not buy metals to make money, I buy metals to avoid losing money.


I really shouldn't have mentioned my intent, as I should have known that the thread would go drastically off track, so I don't really want to get in to it too much.


The main reason I am holding precious metals is to maintain wealth and to have small denominations of real money to barter with in a total currency collapse. In the case of a total meltdown, if all you hold is a piece of paper that says you own shares of something, then all you really own is a piece of paper.


(I told you I was crazy.) :dunce:

Edited by strattsp
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If the system crashes your Gold and Silver will be worth beans, people want things like gasoline and blue jeans.


I agree. Any well rounded doomsday reserve should include lots of food, fuel, ammo, and any other useful tangible items.


Gold and silver are in relatively short supply, and have industrial uses. The value of other commodities vs. gold and silver have remained relatively constant for the last 3000 years. This cannot be said about fiat currency, which continues to be diluted as the FED tries to spend its' way out of disaster.


I also believe that Atari games are an excellent investment, although as you mention, in a SHTF scenario, they will be worthless. When the dust settles, the will still be collectable and rare, but they will rely on a healthy economy where people can afford luxuries before there is a demand for them again. This is why I am holding on to my two most rare cartridges.


I am mostly selling the collection because I simply have different interests now. The game collelction takes up a lot of space, whereas if I converted the entire value into gold, it would only weigh about 5 or 6 ounces (if I'm lucky).


I know a lot of people don't understand, and most people think that an economic meltdown could certainly never happen to us. I have done extensive research, I have read many opinions on both sides of the arguement, and this is where I (and my wife) have landed.



Now, with my tin foil hat firmly in place, off to my militia survivalist meeting :P

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If the system crashes your Gold and Silver will be worth beans, people want things like gasoline and blue jeans.


I agree. Any well rounded doomsday reserve should include lots of food, fuel, ammo, and any other useful tangible items.


Gold and silver are in relatively short supply, and have industrial uses. The value of other commodities vs. gold and silver have remained relatively constant for the last 3000 years. This cannot be said about fiat currency, which continues to be diluted as the FED tries to spend its' way out of disaster.


I also believe that Atari games are an excellent investment, although as you mention, in a SHTF scenario, they will be worthless. When the dust settles, the will still be collectable and rare, but they will rely on a healthy economy where people can afford luxuries before there is a demand for them again. This is why I am holding on to my two most rare cartridges.


I am mostly selling the collection because I simply have different interests now. The game collelction takes up a lot of space, whereas if I converted the entire value into gold, it would only weigh about 5 or 6 ounces (if I'm lucky).


I know a lot of people don't understand, and most people think that an economic meltdown could certainly never happen to us. I have done extensive research, I have read many opinions on both sides of the arguement, and this is where I (and my wife) have landed.



Now, with my tin foil hat firmly in place, off to my militia survivalist meeting :P

Gotcha, while I disagree with the viewpoint that we are headed for an economic meltdown I understand wanting to buy in Gold and Silver if you actually believe this. A good example is Shindlers List when toward the end of the war their money was worthless and Shindler was able to go farther with diamonds instead of currency.

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Gotcha, while I disagree with the viewpoint that we are headed for an economic meltdown I understand wanting to buy in Gold and Silver if you actually believe this. A good example is Shindlers List when toward the end of the war their money was worthless and Shindler was able to go farther with diamonds instead of currency.


Here's a great example of what happens when the currency becomes worthless:




The picture and caption at the top of the page says it all.


As I said, the point is not to get rich, the point is to keep from going poor.


It's not like I've cashed out my 401K or anything.....yet.

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Nice shipping prices!
Too bad cartridges don't qualify for media mail shipping.


As far as I'm concerned, and I'm sure I've missed several huge threads and arguments on the topic, they quallify.


Media mail includes computer data. So when they ask me what's in the box, I say computer data, which is technically correct.

While I agree that cartridges should qualify as media mail, technically they don't. This recent thread contains links to the relevant P.O. documents that explicitly bar cartridges from media mail shipments. Some folks have had packages opened and been asked to pay the price difference to an upgraded shipping method. You're auctions look nice, but I, for one, can't bid on them for this very reason.


Thanks for the information, this is certainly news to me. In light of the new information, I will go thourgh every one of my 48 current auctions and add information explaining that Media mail is no longer a valid option. Also, I'm not sure why you would refuse to bid on my auctions, I have also offered First class mail at a very competitive price.

I'm not criticizing your auctions. lemoncurry is right, you're shipping charges are exemplary. I'm also not suggesting that you alter your auctions. You can, obviously, do whatever you want. Nor am I defending the PO or its arbitrary distinctions vis-a-vis Media Mail. I admit, I could have been more straight-forward, but my intention was simply to let you know that the PO is cracking down on game cartridges in Media Mail shipments and that there are potential ramifications for your auctions as a result. For example, my local PO bars video game cartridges from Media Mail shipments. I'd have to pay the difference between Media and Parcel before I could pick up a Media Mail package that contained video game cartridges. I don't want to hassle with that, so that's why I wouldn't bid on your auctions.


However, I honestly didn't notice that you had an option for first class shipping listed at the bottom. The Media mail rate is specified in the header information and the auction listings. I got focused on that and I forgot to check to see if you offered alternatives. My bad.


You're first class shipping charges are also exemplary. Having a reasonable alternative to media mail shipping, I wouldn't hesitate to bid on your auctions. Sorry for the confusion and good luck.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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I'm not criticizing your auctions. lemoncurry is right, you're shipping charges are exemplary. I'm also not suggesting that you alter your auctions. You can, obviously, do whatever you want. Nor am I defending the PO or its arbitrary distinctions vis-a-vis Media Mail. I admit, I could have been more straight-forward, but my intention was simply to let you know that the PO is cracking down on game cartridges in Media Mail shipments and that there are potential ramifications for your auctions as a result. For example, my local PO bars video game cartridges from Media Mail shipments. I'd have to pay the difference between Media and Parcel before I could pick up a Media Mail package that contained video game cartridges. I don't want to hassle with that, so that's why I wouldn't bid on your auctions.


However, I honestly didn't notice that you had an option for first class shipping listed at the bottom. The Media mail rate is specified in the header information and the auction listings. I got focused on that and I forgot to check to see if you offered alternatives. My bad.


You're first class shipping charges are also exemplary. Having a reasonable alternative to media mail shipping, I wouldn't hesitate to bid on your auctions. Sorry for the confusion and good luck.


In all sincerety, thanks for the information. I do a lot of business with my local post office, and many of the employees there know me by name. I also know that once you make it onto the "media mail cheater list", you can pretty much expect all of your packages to be scrutinized. I am not looking to game the system, as I hope my shipping prices indicate. I have had USPS employees go either way on the matter, so in the past, I have been of the assumption that it was okay.


From now on, I will use a more conservative interpretation of "media".

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I am mostly selling the collection because I simply have different interests now.

I agree with you. I sold most of my collection over the last year or so for the same reason. Things like planning for retirement and living debt free overpowered my nostalgia addiction and I sold a ton of stuff. I wouldn't mind having a little gold and silver either, it's good to have a variety of investments :)

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I have 4 Atari Pong AC adapters New in the box, see picture. $5 each + shipping. I can hold items for you if you are planning on bidding on some of my auctions.


I have 4 SEGA Genesis video adapters new in the box - output is one rca video, one rca audio. 2 good boxes, two bad boxes. $5 each + shipping.


One pair of slik stik controllers for atari 2600 et al. Great working condition, slik stiks are among my favorites. $15/ pair + shipping


4 ColecoVision Power Packs, 2 US, 2 Canadian, tested and working. $12 each + shipping


Anyone interested in 6 completely barebones N64 consoles? - No nothing, not even the RAM. - make me an offer


A few dead colecovisions, make offer.

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I am converting my entire collection into silver and gold





Forget gold.Buy a shit load of lead, then use alchemy to turn it into gold.Maybe this is why lead is "outlawed"!??


I have bid on a few items.Thanks for the heads up.

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