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On July 19th I won eBay Item number: 300241457038 from berikbasslinenotorious


I paid the guy on the 20th in full by Paypal. After a week I emailed him to ask for shipping status.

He gave me a story about how he had been late sending and that it would be sent "next week".

Well here it is the middle of next week, and the guy lists another cool auction item 300246248970.


I use Buy it now, and email asking if he has sent the items out yet from the 19th. NOPE.


So I make a light-hearted joke about being a good thing so we can combine to save money.

He refuses, says the other package is a done deal, and they can't be combined. I reply and say fine,

then I'll be happy to pay you for my new win, just as soon as I have the first package. We are after all

talking about 11 days without being sent out yet.


He replies, that I am getting a great deal, and just going to resell the stuff (WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?)

Tells me that I have to pay for the second win tonight or forfeit everything. I wrote him back, and

told him he needed to apologize for assuming what I was doing with what I won fair and square. A) it wasn't true

I would resell duplicates NOT IN MY COLLECTION, and B) how can I give him more money when he hasn't proved himself.

The second transaction isn't like new people meeting for their first transaction. So far Ive paid, he hasn't delivered.

He needs to resolve the first deal if he wants to complete another.


In his last reply he says he is relisting the stuff. It looks like I'm not going to get the games I need for my collection

and I'll have to go the paypal claims/negative route. He says he is going to report me as a non-payer (this after 14 hours after winning his second auction) AND having waited 11 days for the first box to even be sent.


I am recommending to the group and anyone who will listen, this guy is a grade "F" that I personally would not deal with.

If he relists my stuff or anything else, don't buy it from him.



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Don't feel bad. I've got a second seller who's waited over a solid week to even try to mark any received payments. Looks like I'm going to be waiting another three weeks for this item like I did the last time.


Oh well. If that's the case, I'll leave more negative feedback. I expect the item to arrive at the latest by Monday. If it hasn't, I'll try to find out what's going on so we can avoid trouble. :)

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Be sure to pay for the second item as well, if you can juggle the money (don't know how much we're talking here), just to avoid having the NPB on your record...then pursue the PayPal grievance. The new ebay feedback system may suck ass overall, but what's cool for buyers is that you can finally say what really happened without fear of an immediate retaliatory negative back.


People like that burn me up. Righteously indignant for doing absolutely nothing for 11 days. That seller should be kissing your ass *and* sending you a coupon for a free Starbucks latte with your item. :x

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On July 19th I won eBay Item number: 300241457038 from berikbasslinenotorious


I paid the guy on the 20th in full by Paypal. After a week I emailed him to ask for shipping status.

He gave me a story about how he had been late sending and that it would be sent "next week".

Well here it is the middle of next week, and the guy lists another cool auction item 300246248970.


I use Buy it now, and email asking if he has sent the items out yet from the 19th. NOPE.


So I make a light-hearted joke about being a good thing so we can combine to save money.

He refuses, says the other package is a done deal, and they can't be combined. I reply and say fine,

then I'll be happy to pay you for my new win, just as soon as I have the first package. We are after all

talking about 11 days without being sent out yet.


He replies, that I am getting a great deal, and just going to resell the stuff (WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?)

Tells me that I have to pay for the second win tonight or forfeit everything. I wrote him back, and

told him he needed to apologize for assuming what I was doing with what I won fair and square. A) it wasn't true

I would resell duplicates NOT IN MY COLLECTION, and B) how can I give him more money when he hasn't proved himself.

The second transaction isn't like new people meeting for their first transaction. So far Ive paid, he hasn't delivered.

He needs to resolve the first deal if he wants to complete another.


In his last reply he says he is relisting the stuff. It looks like I'm not going to get the games I need for my collection

and I'll have to go the paypal claims/negative route. He says he is going to report me as a non-payer (this after 14 hours after winning his second auction) AND having waited 11 days for the first box to even be sent.


I am recommending to the group and anyone who will listen, this guy is a grade "F" that I personally would not deal with.

If he relists my stuff or anything else, don't buy it from him.




Regardless of the poor service on behalf of the seller, since you used the "buy it now" option

in the second auction, you are required to pay for that item right then.

Since you did not, the seller can report you as a non paying bidder.


However, the seller still has to ship the first item that you paid for.


Sounds like both of you got each other by the balls there.

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ince you used the "buy it now" option

in the second auction, you are required to pay for that item right then.

Since you did not, the seller can report you as a non paying bidder.


What? No, you have seven days to pay before he can file a NPB.


Unless a BIN is set up for Immediate Payment, there is no requirement to pay "right then"!

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ince you used the "buy it now" option

in the second auction, you are required to pay for that item right then.

Since you did not, the seller can report you as a non paying bidder.


What? No, you have seven days to pay before he can file a NPB.


Unless a BIN is set up for Immediate Payment, there is no requirement to pay "right then"!


Agreed, it isn't an issue of the money anyways. The standard unless the seller says otherwise in their listing, and he hasn't, is 7 days. I have asked a total of 13 times if the original package has been sent. He will not directly answer that question. I have ignored the new item all together and just keep asking him about the first one. He says that delivery speed is in the hands of the post office, and there is no tracking (instant paypal claim here) because I didn't ask for it. The way he phrases it isn't indicating it has been sent, rather a generic "my policy is" email.


I've out right asked him what assurances I have if he is paid for the second batch that I will get either. He ignores that.


He now says I have until Saturday to pay for the next listing. I told him he has till Saturday to get my first package. Saturday makes 15 days, and I will be going the negative feedback/paypal claim on that first one if I don't have at least proof of shipping by then. It kept me up half the night (obsessive) I really need some of these boxes for my collection, Basketbrawl, Commando, Double Dragon, Rampage... His attitude is that I'm a reseller, and that his stuff is so great that there are a million other people who would buy it, I'm not special for having won and paid, someone else could buy it if I didn't exist. That's what I get from it.


I can't be blind by my desire to want the stuff, to the point I get ripped off. Lets face it in the grand scheme 100+ users aren't that seasoned. He could flake out (and has so far) and never send a thing. He has plenty of good feedback from stuff won from July 20th - 29th, that have been delivered! So where is my stuff from the 19th!?


I'm used to being treated well as a customer. My customers demand it. He keeps calling me unprofessional. Something a few people have called me (AS A CUSTOMER) in the past month. Are customers supposed to be professional? That and... I hadn't been crazy/rude/vulgar/threatening. So where does he get off?




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He continues to refuse to tell me if he sent the original package. It didn't come today, so I have to assume it still has not been sent. I pulled his user information and gave him a call. He told me never to contact him again and hung up on me. I don't know why he would be doing this unless he doesn't have my items and can't complete the transaction. All he needed to tell me is that they were sent, and even then I would have trusted him for another payment. This is being a grade 'A' dick. Simple as that.



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Okay, now here are the actual emails through eBay messages:



Received: Jul-26-08

Dear the.golden.ax,


hey.. just writing to let you know there was a slight delay in sending out your items. i apologize and hope it doesn't


reflect badly on my business. i will be sending them out the beginning of next week.. thank you for bidding again. and


have a great weekend.


[This refers to item won 7-19-2008 paid 7-20-2008]



Sent: Jul-26-08

Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


Thank you for letting me know. Please make sure they are packed well. It is important that they not be squashed or


damaged in any way. Generally if there is a delay sellers will offer a discount, upgrade, or bonus. Just a thought.







Dear the.golden.ax,


thanks for your advice. i will take it into consideration. have a great day





Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


It has been 10 days on this. Has it been sent yet? Also, I won your other 7800 lot. Do you have anything else?







Dear the.golden.ax,


hi how are you?? like i had stated in the last email there was a slight problem and your package is being sent out this




just to explain what had happened, i had a problem with my paypal account. i wasn't able to access it until monday, but


all is taken care of. thank you


i'd just like to thank you for purchasing the other item(s) i had put up for bids. they will be shipped out within one week


of payment. i promise.




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


As it turns out it's a good thing if you can combine for any shipping savings. My zip code is 37214.


I'm interested in any other 7800 boxed stuff you may have. I'm trying to complete a boxed collection ( I already have all


the cartridges, and now I'd like to try to get them all in boxes)







Dear the.golden.ax,


hey.. i will not be able to combine these items, i am sorry, they first is done, and i have not received payment for the


second. i do not have any other atari game stuff at the moment but i will keep your email address and if i come across


any i will send you an email.. thank you again for bidding i hope you enjoy these vintage games.




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


Okay, fair enough. I'll make sure this second win gets paid as soon as the first package is delivered. They look great,


I'm looking forward to it.









hey, im not going to sit on this until you feel like paying me. if you want it, pay it now and i will send it out. im sorry to


sound so up front but if you are not going to pay i will have to repost. you have until saturday to make the payment.


thank you have a great day




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


Where in your listing do you specify a payment time? Per eBay the default is 7 days. I guess you should hurry up and


get the items I paid you 11 days ago here by Saturday.






Dear the.golden.ax,


just a second note to ad. i let you know what had happened why the package was delayed. it wasn't in my control. just


like you, i purchase stuff from ebay all the time. and when i win an item no matter from who or where or if i win two from


the same two weeks apart. i pay up front. again i am truly sorry for the delay, again it wasn't in my control. you are


getting an amazing deal for all that i am sending you. please make the payment and i will send out your items a s a p.


thank you have a great day.




Dear the.golden.ax,


on a third note .. its obvious you are just buying these things to re-sell to make more money off of. which is your thing.


but to harass me about not paying until you receive something, that is not professional.


i have sent out two invoices, and contacted you several times, in accordance to ebay guidelines, for problems between


buyers and sellers. if you do not make the payment, i will take it as you are forfeiting your bid. just like you i am looking


to make money. not play games with people. so again i state that if you do not make a payment after this email i will


take it as you are forfeiting your bid and i will take the proper steps in resolving this issue. thank you again. please have


a great day.




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


First of all, how can you dare to assume what I am going to do with what I purchase at the winning price? For your


information I am a collector. I seldom even make back the money I waste buying large lots to get the 1 or 2 games I


need for my collection. You should apologize for saying it. It doesn't have anything to do with the problem at hand.


Your buyer has no PROOF or indication what-so-ever that you are going to actually send the items he already paid for.


You gave me a story, that's all I have so far. How can I justify sending you MORE money without anything in my hand to


prove that you are a good seller? We aren't at square one, new transaction, never having met. We have a history. A


history of me paying right away, and you not sending so far as I know, yet.


Paying you isn't a problem. I could pay you now. However, I don't feel like I should be held to the standard of having to


pay right away until you redeem our last transaction, something you have so far, not done.






Dear the.golden.ax,


what you do with the item is your business. i do agree to that. i've been to your page and saw that you are a video


games seller. so yeah. put two and two together.


weather it be one or ten transactions. you are the bidder. you have yet paid for one item which i put up for bid. and


though there was a problem on my side with the first item, i sent you an email and let you know about it. which you did


not show any problem with.


it was your choice to purchase another item from me. but it is not your choice to harass and taunt me about payment.


you will have one last chance, and this will be a gracious one. if payment is not made by saturday, being that you are


just with holding the money for whatever reasons you have stated in the email, and just will not pay, i will assume you


are forfeiting the item purchased and will contact ebay with all emails and conversations between us.


on a personal note. please do not purchase any more items from me. i do not appreciate your business, and feel that


you need to learn how to be more professional when it comes to business. thank you again. and again and again. have


a great day.




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,




It appears that this item is a little late. I appreciate your telling me that it was late. At this time I will however need some


sort of commit time on the delivery. Has it been sent out yet? If not, when will it be sent? What type of delivery service


can I expect? Will you send me the tracking information?


Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.







Dear the.golden.ax,


tracking information on all items purchased is optional along with insurance, and must be asked before payment is


made. As for a time of delivery, that is in the hands of the United States Postal Service, depending on them,


weekends, holidays and other natural disasters your item(s) will be delivered soon.

thank you again. i apologize for the inconvenience for the third time. have a great day.




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,




Has this been sent yet?


Thank you,





Dear the.golden.ax,


you have written more then enough emails, and i understand your concern about wanting to receive your item. i've


written you back every time you have written, and explained all situations the best i can. i would truly appreciate if you


would stop emailing me, unless it is to tell me you have made a payment for the second auction you are withholding


payment on, i have sent you multiple invoices for this item but have not paid for it. if payment does not happen by


saturday august 2nd 2008, i will be contacting ebay with all conversations between us. i will also be taking the gesture


as you are willingly forfeiting the auction up so that i can re list. thank you again, and have a great day.




Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


You hadn't answered my question once. It's simple, and has nothing to do with the next auction I owe you for. Has the


item paid for already been sent yet? It's a simple yes or no, and I have every right to ask you that every day until you


confirm that it has.







Dear the.golden.ax,


i have told you about your item. by you calling me and not complying with my request of no contact until payment for


second item is made. i am contacting ebay and filing a harassment complaint. you have been given enough warning for


this. i have tried to deal with this as professional as i can. you have given me no other choice but to contact ebay.




YOU HAVE TAKEN. have a great day.


[Note: at this point it was less than 24 hours after I won the second listing]



Dear berikbasslinenotorious,


S,o you are saying I have no right to expect confirmation that my item(s) that I paid you for are on the way/ever


coming? I don't think it possible for anyone to consider it harassment for a customer to ask a seller if/when their


product is coming. You for some reason skirt around the question and convolute it with the new transaction. I tried to


keep them separate, since you told me "by Saturday" something you have gone off and on changing your mind twice


so far. You owe me product Ive paid for. Forget the new one (that I am entitled to purchase per contract). It would have


been as easy as telling me it was on the way. You, instead, wanted to pick a fight. What is the deal? Black and white, in


writing, is acution 300241457038 on the way? YES OR NO.







Dear the.golden.ax,


please do not contact me any more . i HAVE told you yes or no that the item has been shipped, when you called me on


the phone to harass me about it. PLEASE DO NOT PAY FOR YOUR ITEM, i have filed a complaint with Ebay and i am


stating that if you send a payment i will send it back minus the fees that apply to this item. please do not contact me


anymore Ebay will be the mediator between our converstations.




On our phone call, I asked for Erik by name, and identified myself by real name, then user name. I then stated I just


wanted to know, if my package that was already paid for has been sent. He said the word "sure" then proceeded to tell


me I was harassing him and never to contact him again, hanging up. There was a child playing in the background.


He has very SPECIFICALLY not given me any proof of sending what I paid for. At this time I am emailing this list to


eBay on my own, as well as making one negative feedback (I'll wait a week for the second) and filing a paypal claim.



Edited by the.golden.ax
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*UPDATE* 8-1-08


Even though the dude told me never to contact him again, it's apparently a one way street. He has emailed me three times since my last email to him.


He apparently sent something out today, and sent me the tracking number for a package. God knows if it's a brick, or something that could explode. This is just to get the paypal claim to decide in his favor I'm sure because he is required to give a tracking number. At any rate, it prooves he never sent me anything for nearly two weeks, and he was full of *BS*, totally giving justification to my asking over and over if it had been sent!


Now the question is, should I accept the package, or refuse it unopened?




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*UPDATE* 8-1-08


Even though the dude told me never to contact him again, it's apparently a one way street. He has emailed me three times since my last email to him.


He apparently sent something out today, and sent me the tracking number for a package. God knows if it's a brick, or something that could explode. This is just to get the paypal claim to decide in his favor I'm sure because he is required to give a tracking number. At any rate, it prooves he never sent me anything for nearly two weeks, and he was full of *BS*, totally giving justification to my asking over and over if it had been sent!


Now the question is, should I accept the package, or refuse it unopened?






Film yourself opening it just in case.

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I see that he relisted your auction tonight and raised the BIN from $65 to $75.





Yeah, Id love to see his 'BIN' popped and have that sucker close at $30 :twisted:


It's sad, I still want those games so bad. Hadn't had the boxed Activsion titles since I bought them as a kid from Sears catalog for $19.99 each. (and they were the "Spencive" ones).



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Popped it. If I win I'll sell them to you for my cost (and tell the asswipe I did). lol.


Awe thanks dude, I really appreciate it.


Don't tell him until you get the stuff though, or he will "refuse" the sale. Ha ha.


What I don't get is, all he had to do was send me "proof" or lie about sending the first package.


I would have paid him for the second package if I had any indication the first was really coming.


It was the additude I didn't get. A complete lack of cooperation and desire to be honest.



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