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Pal 5200's?


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I've become a bit of an Atari collector, and over the last few months have got a few consoles (2600,7800,XEGS) on eBay.


In the last few weeks I've kept my eye out for a 5200, but not one has appeared on eBay, and I can't see much else online. Are PAL 5200's hard to come by? And if one does show on eBay, does anyone know what sort or price it would fetch?

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I've become a bit of an Atari collector, and over the last few months have got a few consoles (2600,7800,XEGS) on eBay.


In the last few weeks I've kept my eye out for a 5200, but not one has appeared on eBay, and I can't see much else online. Are PAL 5200's hard to come by? And if one does show on eBay, does anyone know what sort or price it would fetch?

They're very hard to come by, because they don't exist! The 5200 was never released in PAL format. There may be a few PAL prototypes floating around, but I've never seen one. Although I did own two supposedly PAL 5200 prototype games.


You'll have to use an NTSC 5200.



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I've become a bit of an Atari collector, and over the last few months have got a few consoles (2600,7800,XEGS) on eBay.


In the last few weeks I've kept my eye out for a 5200, but not one has appeared on eBay, and I can't see much else online. Are PAL 5200's hard to come by? And if one does show on eBay, does anyone know what sort or price it would fetch?

They're very hard to come by, because they don't exist! The 5200 was never released in PAL format. There may be a few PAL prototypes floating around, but I've never seen one. Although I did own two supposedly PAL 5200 prototype games.


You'll have to use an NTSC 5200.




Thanks for letting me know, at least it all makes a little more sense now!


I guess I'll have to scour eBay looking for someone who has reasonable shipping prices to the UK!

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Interesting bit from the BIOS:


;Only in the 2-port

FD32 AD 14 C0   LDA $C014  ;Read PAL register
FD35 29 0E	  AND #$0E   ;Mask off bits 1-3
FD37 D0 0F	  BNE $FD48  ;Jump if system is NTSC
FD39 AD E7 BF   LDA $BFE7  ;Read PAL byte in cart
FD3C C9 15	  CMP #$15   ;Be sure it's a PAL cart
FD3E F0 08	  BEQ $FD48  ;
FD40 C9 30	  CMP #$30   ;
FD42 F0 04	  BEQ $FD48  ;
FD44 29 02	  AND #$02   ;
FD46 F0 FE	  BEQ $FD46  ;If it's not PAL cart hang system

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Also you'd probably have to get it video modded for composite/S-video unless by some miracle you own a TV that can handle NTSC over RF... though I hear some new LCD TVs have receivers that go down as far as channel 2...

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Also you'd probably have to get it video modded for composite/S-video unless by some miracle you own a TV that can handle NTSC over RF... though I hear some new LCD TVs have receivers that go down as far as channel 2...


Dumb question, but can a TV built here in the USA be used for such a purpose in the UK? Better, I wonder if the tuner section of one of our TV's could be hacked into a set from the UK? That would save the cost of shipping and a power converter.

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Also you'd probably have to get it video modded for composite/S-video unless by some miracle you own a TV that can handle NTSC over RF... though I hear some new LCD TVs have receivers that go down as far as channel 2...


So that's my next question!


I have a Samsung LCD TV that claims (on the menu screen) to do NTSC over RF. I have no way to check this other than to buy a NTSC console. Otherwise, I guess options are limited. One route is to get an analogue PC tuner card that has an NTSC tuner, but I guess that also has limitations, and I don't really want to have to hook a games console up to the TV.


Maybe I'll come back to the 5200 another time........

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I have a Samsung LCD TV that claims (on the menu screen) to do NTSC over RF. I have no way to check this other than to buy a NTSC console.

I also have a UK-bought Samsung LCD TV that does accept RF NTSC signals. In fact, I used it with a 5200 once. And I mean *once* - I hated the 5200 and got rid of it immediately.

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It'd be a lot easier for you to just get an NTSC-PAL converter.







Also you'd probably have to get it video modded for composite/S-video unless by some miracle you own a TV that can handle NTSC over RF... though I hear some new LCD TVs have receivers that go down as far as channel 2...


Dumb question, but can a TV built here in the USA be used for such a purpose in the UK? Better, I wonder if the tuner section of one of our TV's could be hacked into a set from the UK? That would save the cost of shipping and a power converter.

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I have a Samsung LCD TV that claims (on the menu screen) to do NTSC over RF. I have no way to check this other than to buy a NTSC console.

I also have a UK-bought Samsung LCD TV that does accept RF NTSC signals. In fact, I used it with a 5200 once. And I mean *once* - I hated the 5200 and got rid of it immediately.



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I have a Samsung LCD TV that claims (on the menu screen) to do NTSC over RF. I have no way to check this other than to buy a NTSC console.

I also have a UK-bought Samsung LCD TV that does accept RF NTSC signals. In fact, I used it with a 5200 once. And I mean *once* - I hated the 5200 and got rid of it immediately.


Sounds like the Angry Video Game Nerd's video of the 5200!

I think this is the link (but I'm at work and the Video Game Nerd is NOT WORK SAFE): Gametrailers.com - ScrewAttack - Angry Video Game Nerd: Atari 5200



***WARNING incoherent mumblings! form here down***


I like the 5200 but I think you would be better off using an Atari 8bit computer and getting 5200 conversions.


There's a question: "Did any one convert 5200 to 8bit and PAL"?


(of course, you will need a power converter also)


If you got a NTSC tv, would you have to pay the TV TAX on it?


unrelated, when UK goes digital, will you have to pay tax on PAL tv's or only the ones that have a digital to PAL converter?

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Question is, even if you did have a multistandard tv (i.e all PAL, all NTSC and all SECAM) would you still be ablet o use an NTSC 5200 with a PALTranformer or PSU



I live in Australia and have a 5200 using a transformer i got from tandy,as long as output is the same your fine. Although having said that I could not find one with 11.5v and ended up using a 12v.


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You have some sort of gaming museum, Harmik? I'd love to be able to connect each of my consoles to its own dedicated monitor like that!


Thanks :) the desks are 1.5m long and i fit about 3 to 5 consoles on each, depending on the size of the consoles.

I have a similar setup in my basement. I use old school science tables, you can't kill those things...



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Since a 5200 is basically an Atari 400, how hard would it be to hack a 5200 for PAL? Of course the games would still be NTSC...




Atari 400,800,800XL and XE NTSC games work fine on PAL hardware there were no changes made to them. Same with Intellivision,Colecovision, Sega Master System and Genesis, 2600 and 7800 will not work. :)

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