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Boxed Roc'N Rope in this lot

video game addict

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I think the last one on Ebay sold for around $40

Yes, I saw that one awhile ago, there was also another last year hidden in a lot. Is it just me or are some of his asking prices/starting prices on games on Ebay overly priced???? Of course, there may always be someone who will be it at those prices and if so all the more power to him. Cheers, FB

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I am quite amused at people commenting on my prices. Certain things i have BIN's on are half the price of other sellers and I have the best offer option......so if you are that interested in what prices i accept for games u should check out the best offers i have accepted. Whatever though, I am just glad i am thought of from time to time in some shape or form. :cool:

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:) I am glad you are amused. Are you saying my thoughts are unthought? Did not know that was a word; I simply asked others on the forum/this thread if they thought your "starting" prices were high. I did not mention anything about you not accepting lower prices with the make an offer option. In fact, I have bought from you before on Ebay with totally satisfaction I might add. As far as my comment driving the value of these rare games ..wow .. did not know that I had that power. Who wants me to get them a rare game at a great price???? We all know here that prices fluctuate on Atari games like they do on all collectables. Cheers, FB Edited by Frostbite Bailey
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:) I am glad you are amused. Are you saying my thoughts are unthought? Did not know that was a word; I simply asked others on the forum/this thread if they thought your "starting" prices were high. I did not mention anything about you not accepting lower prices with the make an offer option. In fact, I have bought from you before on Ebay with totally satisfaction I might add. As far as my comment driving the value of these rare games ..wow .. did not know that I had that power. Who wants me to get them a rare game at a great price???? We all know here that prices fluctuate on Atari games like they do on all collectables. Cheers, FB


Thank you, for your well thought out response. The prices for Atari games are very unsteady and from my viewpoint if i saw a seller offering an item for best offer that i wanted........my thoughts would be to offer a price slightly lower but not too far from the ballpark of what they listed the item for as a bin..........so lets say the item was at a $95 bin ..........i would most likely see if they would accept $70 for it. If the seller had the same item up for a buy it now of $70 i would see if they would accept an offer of $55 or $60. I generally list my bin's a bit higher than i expect to get for them, and once in a while i get lucky and someone actually hits the bin i put up. And as far as the collecting not collecting part which was commented about....its a bit amusing who the first comment came from. :?


Also if were prepared to pay $75 for a game then came to this site and saw people commenting in posts that the game in their opinion was only worth $20 i think that would greatly affect the value i then held for the game. I really don't think people in this community think of that enough. Comments like that in my opinion really could brng a decline in the values of games in other people's minds.

Edited by Atarimania75
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:) I am glad you are amused. Are you saying my thoughts are unthought? Did not know that was a word; I simply asked others on the forum/this thread if they thought your "starting" prices were high. I did not mention anything about you not accepting lower prices with the make an offer option. In fact, I have bought from you before on Ebay with totally satisfaction I might add. As far as my comment driving the value of these rare games ..wow .. did not know that I had that power. Who wants me to get them a rare game at a great price???? We all know here that prices fluctuate on Atari games like they do on all collectables. Cheers, FB


Thank you, for your well thought out response. The prices for Atari games are very unsteady and from my viewpoint if i saw a seller offering an item for best offer that i wanted........my thoughts would be to offer a price slightly lower but not too far from the ballpark of what they listed the item for as a bin..........so lets say the item was at a $95 bin ..........i would most likely see if they would accept $70 for it. If the seller had the same item up for a buy it now of $70 i would see if they would accept an offer of $55 or $60. I generally list my bin's a bit higher than i expect to get for them, and once in a while i get lucky and someone actually hits the bin i put up. And as far as the collecting not collecting part which was commented about....its a bit amusing who the first comment came from. :?


Also if were prepared to pay $75 for a game then came to this site and saw people commenting in posts that the game in their opinion was only worth $20 i think that would greatly affect the value i then held for the game. I really don't think people in this community think of that enough. Comments like that in my opinion really could brng a decline in the values of games in other people's minds.


Well thought out response, yes thanks, I agree makes good sense to offer in the ballpark of what the seller is looking for. Also, like mentioned earlier all the more power to you if someone hits the BIN. As a collector, I will pay what I feel is reasonable if I want the game, but I do see your point about how others opinions could deter one from wanting to pay a higher price or thinking they just got ripped off if they paid more than what a bunch of people are saying it is worth:) It is just as easy to ignore others opinions sometimes and enjoy the game you just bought. Cheers,FB

Edited by Frostbite Bailey
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Also if were prepared to pay $75 for a game then came to this site and saw people commenting in posts that the game in their opinion was only worth $20 i think that would greatly affect the value i then held for the game. I really don't think people in this community think of that enough. Comments like that in my opinion really could brng a decline in the values of games in other people's minds.

The thing is that at the moment the community is a vast majority more collectors vs speculators. The NES and PS1 seems to be where speculators flock to. So most people here are not planing ever to sell their collection. Meaning that they could care less if their game goes down in price, all they want are games they can get on the cheap, and that is achieved by commenting that games are worth less than they really are.

Edited by homerwannabee
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And as far as the collecting not collecting part which was commented about....its a bit amusing who the first comment came from. :?

I don't get what you mean? I thought you quit collecting?

I think he is calling you a hypocrite because you sold off most of your collection as well.

I think he just took it as an attack which it wasn't. I just thought he had left the scene completely. I did not know he was still flipping stuff, which honestly does not bother me. I would have just PM'ed him but I didn't know he still posted here.

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And as far as the collecting not collecting part which was commented about....its a bit amusing who the first comment came from. :?

I don't get what you mean? I thought you quit collecting?

I think he is calling you a hypocrite because you sold off most of your collection as well.

I think he just took it as an attack which it wasn't. I just thought he had left the scene completely. I did not know he was still flipping stuff, which honestly does not bother me. I would have just PM'ed him but I didn't know he still posted here.


Its all cool man.....I just kind of think you have collected and then sold off then collected and sold off quite a few times. So when you are so suprised that i am still around its a bit amusing. I was burnt out for a long time with ebay and the whole collecting reseller thing.

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And as far as the collecting not collecting part which was commented about....its a bit amusing who the first comment came from. :?

I don't get what you mean? I thought you quit collecting?

I think he is calling you a hypocrite because you sold off most of your collection as well.

I think he just took it as an attack which it wasn't. I just thought he had left the scene completely. I did not know he was still flipping stuff, which honestly does not bother me. I would have just PM'ed him but I didn't know he still posted here.


Its all cool man.....I just kind of think you have collected and then sold off then collected and sold off quite a few times. So when you are so suprised that i am still around its a bit amusing. I was burnt out for a long time with ebay and the whole collecting reseller thing.

So you did start collecting again? I am still confused.

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