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Gaming With Rogmeister - Final Update On "My Game Is Missing!"


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I wrote an entry on October 31, stating that I had ordered the GameCube title Fight Night: Round 2. The problem came when my package arrived...I opened the case, found the manual...but no game disc. I e-mailed the seller who said to give her a few days to look into it. I still hadn't heard back from her by yesterday morning so I e-mailed her again. Shortly after that, I got an e-mail from Amazon.com, stating they were refunding my purchase price (this was bought through their Marketplace program). According to the note from the seller contained within that e-mail, she accidentally sent the disc to another customer in another order. She said this customer refused to answer her e-mail so he/she probably decided "Hey, free game!" and is keeping it. The seller hasn't e-mailed me back so I assume she's letting me keep the case and manual. I'll hold onto it for awhile in case she does write me back and asks for its return but if she has no disc for it, what would be the point? I think that, after I have breakfast, I may atake a drive over to my local Gamestop and see if they have this game. It would probably cost more there but at least I have it. If the case I have is in better shape than the one I get the game disc in, I could do a swap there. We'll see how that goes.


In a totally unrelated comment, yesterday I gathered up all my games for my Atari 5200...and found, as I thought, that I have 41 different games for the system. I actually have two copies of Miner 2049er. I had bought one copy that was just the cartridge and then I found one with the box and instructions and grabbed that one, too.



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