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Can someone explain why you guys feel this is good for the community?


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Ok.. I know he is a good standing member here... but why do you guys support his actions when it only cost's the community more $$?


Here he bought..




Here he sells.....




Am I the only one who see this over and over..and yet this community keeps his pockets full?

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If he wants to spend all of his spare time scouring eBay for good BINs, it's his business. Many collectors would gladly pay the markup rather than spend all their time scouring eBay themselves.


Also, he hasn't sold it yet! And he's already explained that he puts high BINs on his games in order to get Best Offers closer to what he feels is fair market value.

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Ok.. I know he is a good standing member here... but why do you guys support his actions when it only cost's the community more $$?


Seems to me that most folks around here don't support him.

He gets more flak as a seller on these boards then anyone else I'm aware of.

And not necessarily without reason, mind you (I've defended him before, as he's sometimes quite reasonable when you send him offers, but his initial prices are often outrageously high. I'd love to pick up some of his Atari Corp. re-releases, for example, but they're almost all priced out of the range of sanity and my offers have all been rebuked. But if he'd rather sit on them than sell them, that's his prerogative.)

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the thing i disagree with is that this reseller resorts to emailing the seller and asking for lowball buy it nows when they are posted as regular auctions. I feel this is a moral issue ... you can see that the listing is revised and that the buy it now was either added or lowered.

Edited by Atarimania75
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the thing i disagree with is that this reseller resorts to emailing the seller and asking for lowball buy it nows when they are posted as regular auctions. I feel this is a moral issue ... you can see that the listing is revised and that the buy it now was either added or lowered.

And the seller doesn't haven't to honor such requests either. What ever they work out is between them and is no one elses business.


It's his, now, to do with as he wants and doesn't "owe" anyone anything.


Don't like it, don't buy it.

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I'd probably have to agree even though many may not. I've been irritated myself when I miss a good bargain. We all enjoy atari and for some it's also a business and not necessarily a reflection of who the person is. It's a personal choice for each of who to buy from and who to boycott and we all have to take care of our family. But most of all and most importantly, if I don't like it I don't buy it.


Whilst I'm not particularly happy with resellers some times, especially when an item i'm interested in "disappears", but I've bought from Sean before and would again if I was happy with the price
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Am I the only one who see this over and over..and yet this community keeps his pockets full?


The Atari 2600 games market is very illiquid. A seller with a boxed Pengo new in box could probably get more than $40 for it from an end-user if he was willing to wait around for the right buyer, and someone seeking to buy a Pengo for $40 or less could do so if he was willing to wait for the right seller, but if a seller wants cash for his game now he really isn't going to want to wait around for an end-user to buy it.


Thus, the reseller. If someone wants to get rid of a game in two weeks or less, the reseller will buy it. Probably not offering as good a price as the seller might get if he was willing to hold out for something better, but the seller gets cash in hand now, not in six months. Meanwhile, if a buyer wants a game now, he can get it. He'll pay more than if he's willing to wait around for one to appear at a good price, but he doesn't have to wait. He can play the game in a few days rather than waiting who knows how many months.


Without resellers, a lot of rare items on eBay would sell for a fraction of their worth. You might think that's great if you're trying to buy those items, but if it weren't for resellers in the marketplace a lot of people who happen to have rare items may not bother to list them on eBay in the first place. If I have what happens to be a rare game cart, but I thought that putting it on eBay was likely to result in either a $5 sale or no sale at all, why would I bother listing it at all? If that's all I'd get, why not save myself the effort and just throw it in the trash?

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Without resellers, a lot of rare items on eBay would sell for a fraction of their worth. You might think that's great if you're trying to buy those items, but if it weren't for resellers in the marketplace a lot of people who happen to have rare items may not bother to list them on eBay in the first place. If I have what happens to be a rare game cart, but I thought that putting it on eBay was likely to result in either a $5 sale or no sale at all, why would I bother listing it at all? If that's all I'd get, why not save myself the effort and just throw it in the trash?
That doesn't make much sense to me. I'd rather take my chances. Edited by Christophero Sly
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If I have what happens to be a rare game cart, but I thought that putting it on eBay was likely to result in either a $5 sale or no sale at all, why would I bother listing it at all? If that's all I'd get, why not save myself the effort and just throw it in the trash?


If you have a rare cart and decided to toss it rather then take $5 on Feebay, please send it to me and I will pay for shipping. Cause I could definitely use the $ even if it's only a couple dollars. :)


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Without resellers, a lot of rare items on eBay would sell for a fraction of their worth.

Makes no sense at all. Not all resellers arbitrarily jack the prices up to insane levels on stuff. Most just try to make a fair profit for themelves. It also totaly destroys the point of a public auction, in which inherently it's the buyers who set the price. It also seems to piss on sellers who dare to sell their possesions for less then you think they are worth, as if that's any of your business.


If I have what happens to be a rare game cart, but I thought that putting it on eBay was likely to result in either a $5 sale or no sale at all, why would I bother listing it at all? If that's all I'd get, why not save myself the effort and just throw it in the trash?

And I think the truth comes out. You have something that was/is considered rare and want to keep it that way by malipulating the market rather then allowing free market economics to work and adjust it's value of worth based on it's value of worth. Bottoms drop out and past investments might not be worth anything in the future. Suck it up because that's the way it works.


You'll get what it's worth to people. If you choose to believe your "rare" item is worth more then it is, that's your problem.


This has nothing to do with resellers. To borrow from my other reply in another thread, this is about hardcore collectors ruining the scene by artifically driving up prices to suit their own desires.

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If I have what happens to be a rare game cart, but I thought that putting it on eBay was likely to result in either a $5 sale or no sale at all, why would I bother listing it at all? If that's all I'd get, why not save myself the effort and just throw it in the trash?

Because Pac-Man is worth $50 and E.T. is worth $100!!! post-5874-1226435403.gif

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Speaking of this guy, I've noticed that he's selling some of those First Star 5200 games for over $100 even though you can still buy them brand new from Atari2600.com for $45. Talk about scalping...


The sale of those homebrews for $100 to $200 that we all know where to get for $30 to $50 bucks is all based off taking advantage of the casual retro gamer. The one's that don't know about AtariAge or Atari2600.com,ect. who just have an ol' atari they still like to play but are not part of the online atari "community" we take part in.

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