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F Ebay - What the Hell is up with this !


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Boy, they are going to make people come to the Chuckwagon in droves by pulling crap like this.


So I go to list some items my wife wants me to sell - and I goto list a similar item and I get this from Ebay, and they won't let me list.





You are currently restricted from listing new items because your detailed seller ratings (DSRs) are below the minimum performance standard for sellers.


Sellers are required to maintain a rating of at least 4.1 on each DSR to sell on eBay. Sellers with one or more DSR below 4.1 will be restricted from listing until their DSRs improve. Additionally, sellers with one or more DSR below 4.3 may be subject to lowered standing in search results.



Although you won't be able to list items as long as your DSRs are below 4.1, you will still be able to complete any open transactions, access your account, bid or purchase items, and communicate with your trading partners.


Please note that sellers who are not in good standing are not allowed to register new accounts. Also, another existing eBay account cannot be used to avoid buying and selling restrictions or other policy consequences.


You can find more information on the Seller Non-Performance Policy page or the FAQ page. Find out more information on how to improve your DSRs on the Seller Feedback page.




I have freaking 100% Positive Feedback with over 1200 feedbacks and a members since 1997. This is the first time I have received an email like this. I listed a lot of items last week and never got this notice.


Unfreaking believeable!


Here is a link to my Ebay feedback - I can't believe they are restricting me! F them up the A$$ !



Edited by Parrothead
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Wow, it looks like they are hitting you on the Shipping one. Here is the thing I don't like about the DSR system. They only go back 12 months. To me that means you have to remain a somewhat active seller for the year or you get restricted. Ebay has made more and more clear that they not only don't want the small seller. They want the small seller to leave as well. I see you only have 25 ratings in the past year. Meaning one or two jerks could of totally ruined your rating.

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Yeah. Your shipping time DSR score is 4.0. Any one of your DSR scores that go under 4.1 they tag you with not being a good seller. It's crap but how do they expect you to pick up that is they don't let you list and sell? I don't know. I guess they don't like the fact that you use you HTML in some of your listings. I don't see anything wrong with it but maybe they do. They are like Walmart. They'll try to drive out the competition to become a monopoly. :x

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Yeah. Your shipping time DSR score is 4.0. Any one of your DSR scores that go under 4.1 they tag you with not being a good seller. It's crap but how do they expect you to pick up that is they don't let you list and sell? I don't know. I guess they don't like the fact that you use you HTML in some of your listings. I don't see anything wrong with it but maybe they do. They are like Walmart. They'll try to drive out the competition to become a monopoly. :x


Luckily I had some listings go up last week before they pulled this $hit so maybe if my buyers leave some feedback, I will get it back up again. I am really pissed though - and am more focused then ever to take a bite out of one of their most profitable categories - Video Games :)


All Hail The Chuckwagon !

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The Official F Ebay - Free Seller Memberships To All New Members


To commemorate my pissedoffedness I am giving away an unlimited amount of free seller memberships to the Chuckwagon. You have until 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Pacific Time to get in on the ground floor of something real good


These will entitle you to run free auctions - no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.


This won't cover Listing Enhancements like homepage featured items, category featured items, bold titles, highlighted listings so you will get charged for them should you choose to use them -- although they are all very cheap.


Come and Get'em ! PISS OFF EBAY ! Just register on the Chuckwagon and then PM me here and I will get your account set to Free Status forever on the Chuckwagon!

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I see both sides of the free Seller Memberships... We already are on the chuckwagon and this can drive new members, to help us existing sellers sell more... But it also seems a little unfair to us early adopters that parothead has a knee jerk reaction and passes over the backbone of the site...


But I feel your pain Parrtohead...

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I have only sold a few things long ago so will I still be able to sell since last time I did they did not have this new rating system yet? Technically I am at 0. What if I sell two items and one guy is a jerk, will I be banned? How the heck do you then improve your score? Seriously, if you can't sell how do you change it? Wait twelve months for it to reset? That upsets me too, the twelve month thing, I have never had a neg or neutral but if I don't buy for a couple of months I am basically back to zero. Where are the lifetime totals?


I could go on and on, it just plain sucks, they have pretty much ruined it for sellers and in the process made it harder on buyers because honest sellers have no protection. As mainly a buyer though there are still some good deals to be had. Sometime you almost feel bad, I won a ten cart lot the other night for 2.50 which included Crypts Of Choas, Beenie Bopper, Fast Food, Fast Eddie, and commons. $5 shipping, after auction fees, paypal fees, listing, etc... the poor guy makes basically nothing, what is the motivation for him to sell anymore?

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Are you a pokey shipper or something?


I'm surprised they don't kick you off for advertising a competing site with your auctions. Is that the only reason you sell there? It seems odd that the owner of a competing site wouldn't use his own site exclusively to sell.


That said, I'd be happy to help you stick it to eBay. I'll try to win some of your auctions and bump up your shipping time rating... that is... if you ship fast enough. :lol:


Edit: oh snap, you only have one game listed. Oh well I'll try anyway. At least it's a good one!

Edited by djpubba
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Like I said I hardly ever sell, two years ago I needed money and sold my extra Crazy Climber and some comics. I am one of those people who has a hard time getting rid of things, yes I have a disease. I really should get rid of my dupes but I always think maybe I can trade them one day for something I want.


How long though until the casual seller is no longer welcomed? Seriously. I compare it to modern flea markets. When I was a kid a flea market was like a giant garage sale, you never know what you might find. Now most are booths of cheap China products, a heavily bastardized Wal-mart, cheap tools and trinkets and socks. You still have a few guys selling stuff but they are mainly mass produced junk, the guy or two selling games for twenty times what they are worth and the guy selling incense.


I was proud of my lifetime totals, now they mean nothing. Over eight years with not one neg or nuet now my only info is the last few purchases I made. The no negs on a buyer has to be one of the worst ideas ever. Personally I still always think like a moral person and would never do anything to hurt my reputation but we all know there are too many people who could care less. Now nothing can stop them, don't want to pay? Who cares. Feel like a seller might cut into your sales, just buy something cheap and leave bad scores to try and get rid of them.


What about buyers only not being displayed during an auction but even after now? Huh? I just do not get this one and it really irks me. Can you say shill bidding any phony auctions? Price manipulation?


Like I said, I have a problem selling things but when I do I know it will be on CTCW. Already have an account so no freebies for me and I think you might want to reconsider your momoent of frustration statement there Mike, don't cut off your nose to spite your face.


In conclusion, fbay is becoming that dirty 'Bazaar' in the bad part of town instead of the family friendly flea market it used to be. Now for a good site to auction other items, I love auctions. Maybe CTCW needs to expand some to sell the wifes items too....

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Boy, they are going to make people come to the Chuckwagon in droves by pulling crap like this.


So I go to list some items my wife wants me to sell - and I goto list a similar item and I get this from Ebay, and they won't let me list.





You are currently restricted from listing new items because your detailed seller ratings (DSRs) are below the minimum performance standard for sellers.


Sellers are required to maintain a rating of at least 4.1 on each DSR to sell on eBay. Sellers with one or more DSR below 4.1 will be restricted from listing until their DSRs improve. Additionally, sellers with one or more DSR below 4.3 may be subject to lowered standing in search results.



Although you won't be able to list items as long as your DSRs are below 4.1, you will still be able to complete any open transactions, access your account, bid or purchase items, and communicate with your trading partners.


Please note that sellers who are not in good standing are not allowed to register new accounts. Also, another existing eBay account cannot be used to avoid buying and selling restrictions or other policy consequences.


You can find more information on the Seller Non-Performance Policy page or the FAQ page. Find out more information on how to improve your DSRs on the Seller Feedback page.




I have freaking 100% Positive Feedback with over 1200 feedbacks and a members since 1997. This is the first time I have received an email like this. I listed a lot of items last week and never got this notice.


Unfreaking believeable!


Here is a link to my Ebay feedback - I can't believe they are restricting me! F them up the A$$ !



What do you expect,you are running a website that is direct competition withe their business :D

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Boy, they are going to make people come to the Chuckwagon in droves by pulling crap like this.


So I go to list some items my wife wants me to sell - and I goto list a similar item and I get this from Ebay, and they won't let me list.





You are currently restricted from listing new items because your detailed seller ratings (DSRs) are below the minimum performance standard for sellers.


Sellers are required to maintain a rating of at least 4.1 on each DSR to sell on eBay. Sellers with one or more DSR below 4.1 will be restricted from listing until their DSRs improve. Additionally, sellers with one or more DSR below 4.3 may be subject to lowered standing in search results.



Although you won't be able to list items as long as your DSRs are below 4.1, you will still be able to complete any open transactions, access your account, bid or purchase items, and communicate with your trading partners.


Please note that sellers who are not in good standing are not allowed to register new accounts. Also, another existing eBay account cannot be used to avoid buying and selling restrictions or other policy consequences.


You can find more information on the Seller Non-Performance Policy page or the FAQ page. Find out more information on how to improve your DSRs on the Seller Feedback page.




I have freaking 100% Positive Feedback with over 1200 feedbacks and a members since 1997. This is the first time I have received an email like this. I listed a lot of items last week and never got this notice.


Unfreaking believeable!


Here is a link to my Ebay feedback - I can't believe they are restricting me! F them up the A$$ !





Ask them this: How are you supposed to improve your DSR's if you aren't allowed to sell anymore?


I see someone else already asked this.

Edited by Atarian7
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We signed up nearly 100 members running the F Ebay promotion. Thanks to everyone here who registered. If you missed out on this, no worries, the costs to sell on the Chuckwagon are still considerably cheaper than Ebay so don't hesitate to register and try it out.


I hope you all will attempt to list some items this holiday season as we will be doing lots to promote the site the next couple months.

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I am always happy to see new members, but can't help feel a bit slighted that a lot of us shelled out $50 for something that was then offered for free. Then again, I am an Apple earlier adopter, so I guess I should be used to this kind of thing. Maybe you could do something special for the longer-time paid members? I have not listed in awhile and was just getting ready to put a bunch of stuff up on CtCW and I have to admit to feeling a little bit ripped off right now.





We signed up nearly 100 members running the F Ebay promotion. Thanks to everyone here who registered. If you missed out on this, no worries, the costs to sell on the Chuckwagon are still considerably cheaper than Ebay so don't hesitate to register and try it out.


I hope you all will attempt to list some items this holiday season as we will be doing lots to promote the site the next couple months.

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I am always happy to see new members, but can't help feel a bit slighted that a lot of us shelled out $50 for something that was then offered for free. Then again, I am an Apple earlier adopter, so I guess I should be used to this kind of thing. Maybe you could do something special for the longer-time paid members? I have not listed in awhile and was just getting ready to put a bunch of stuff up on CtCW and I have to admit to feeling a little bit ripped off right now.





We signed up nearly 100 members running the F Ebay promotion. Thanks to everyone here who registered. If you missed out on this, no worries, the costs to sell on the Chuckwagon are still considerably cheaper than Ebay so don't hesitate to register and try it out.


I hope you all will attempt to list some items this holiday season as we will be doing lots to promote the site the next couple months.



Aren't you still allowed to have free listing upgrades? This new deal doesn't include that...

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Boy, they are going to make people come to the Chuckwagon in droves by pulling crap like this.


So I go to list some items my wife wants me to sell - and I goto list a similar item and I get this from Ebay, and they won't let me list.





You are currently restricted from listing new items because your detailed seller ratings (DSRs) are below the minimum performance standard for sellers.


Sellers are required to maintain a rating of at least 4.1 on each DSR to sell on eBay. Sellers with one or more DSR below 4.1 will be restricted from listing until their DSRs improve. Additionally, sellers with one or more DSR below 4.3 may be subject to lowered standing in search results.



Although you won't be able to list items as long as your DSRs are below 4.1, you will still be able to complete any open transactions, access your account, bid or purchase items, and communicate with your trading partners.


Please note that sellers who are not in good standing are not allowed to register new accounts. Also, another existing eBay account cannot be used to avoid buying and selling restrictions or other policy consequences.


You can find more information on the Seller Non-Performance Policy page or the FAQ page. Find out more information on how to improve your DSRs on the Seller Feedback page.




I have freaking 100% Positive Feedback with over 1200 feedbacks and a members since 1997. This is the first time I have received an email like this. I listed a lot of items last week and never got this notice.


Unfreaking believeable!


Here is a link to my Ebay feedback - I can't believe they are restricting me! F them up the A$$ !








I had a friend who recently suffered something similiar. Some jackass bemoaned that his car manual was late arriving and left him a negative despite the fact that it clearly stated on the description that it would be shipped out on first saturday after payment recieved. This was his first neg for two years and Ebay froze his account due to this one complaint. He couldn't buy or sell for a month while Ebay studied his account for improvements. He wrote to them three times and got back he same scripted response of having to wait a month for they ignored his clean record and the 200+ postives he had recieved in the last 6 months from satisfied customers and only after a month of being kept in limbo was he allowed to resume full priveledge status. He told me that once he had got rid of his stock he would never use Ebay again. Thought it was a one off until I read your experiance ;)

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I am always happy to see new members, but can't help feel a bit slighted that a lot of us shelled out $50 for something that was then offered for free. Then again, I am an Apple earlier adopter, so I guess I should be used to this kind of thing. Maybe you could do something special for the longer-time paid members? I have not listed in awhile and was just getting ready to put a bunch of stuff up on CtCW and I have to admit to feeling a little bit ripped off right now.





We signed up nearly 100 members running the F Ebay promotion. Thanks to everyone here who registered. If you missed out on this, no worries, the costs to sell on the Chuckwagon are still considerably cheaper than Ebay so don't hesitate to register and try it out.


I hope you all will attempt to list some items this holiday season as we will be doing lots to promote the site the next couple months.



Aren't you still allowed to have free listing upgrades? This new deal doesn't include that...



That is correct. Anyone who got in for the $50 can use listing enhancements free when listing your better or more expensive / rare items. Any free accounts that have been set up do not include that as they will still have to pay for these enhancements -- like homepage featured items, category featured items, bold titles, highlighted listings, etc.


That should be enough reason to justify the $50 over the years. And most of our members who paid the $50 have already had that paid back to them in savings on all their auctions and are now using the site for free forever and ever :)


These promotions are good not only to get new sellers but also new buyers to bid on everyones auctions and hopefully get your selling prices escalated a bit. So it should be a win-win for everyone :)


It's all good :)

Edited by Parrothead
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E-Bay definitely has its problems, but I use them all the time and almost always have a good transaction. I do have my own set of problems with some of their policies. I like the how the sellar can't hold your F.B. hostage anymore. I felt that was a good change (just so EVERYONE here knows I have left very few bad F.B.s and they were deserved). And the DSR ratings are definitely flawed, but it at least tells you if a guy ships on time or not. I seriously doubt 30 or more people would lie about the shipping time. If you buy something (unless stated otherwise in the auction description) you expect it to be postmarked within a reasonable amount of time after you payed. And if the sellar has a problem with getting it out within a reasonable time, the sellar should warn the buyer that there might be a delay. My e-bay ID KMFDM429.

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