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F Ebay - What the Hell is up with this !


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eBay can go get FFffffff-STUFFED! There are lots of reasons I refuse to deal with eBay, some of which have been listed above, but there are other reasons I've noticed back when I tried selling on evilBay - the most annoying of which was the number of people who clearly couldn't read when I clearly stated LOCAL PICKUP ONLY.


I think I'll have to go check out the Chuckwagon now, and for other items I use and recommend http://www.oztion.com.au (free listings, much more seller friendly then evilBay) - in fact, here's an auction I have going there now, but I doubt many people here would be interested in an Amiga 4000/040 desktop that is located in Melbourne, Australia, lol - http://www.oztion.com.au/buy/auction.aspx?itemid=5674637


Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure how useful oztion will be to anyone outside of Australia, but it never hurts to look does it? :D

Edited by the maddestman
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Just got a call from our friends at Ebay - a gal that could barely read here script - wanting to tell me about how I can best promote my items during the holiday season. I asked why she was calling me as currently I can't even sell on Ebay any more due to a 4.0 ranking for shipping. She didn't have a clue what to say and after I said I was taking my business elsewhere asked if she could still email me the information, so that when I was able to sell again I could take advantage of their "holiday" promotion information.


I am at a loss for words right now :)

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I think there's no clearer sign that eBay has sold out and caters to those sellers who bring them the most money, regardless of the integrity of the seller, then the fact that they let scumbags like this keep right on screwing people.




28 negs in a month. That's once a day they rip someone off. More if you assume they don't work on Sundays. Yet their worthless Star rating is near perfect. BS.


I'm sure there are many worse too.

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