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Atari v Commodore


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I'll tell you what's funny, is that Commodore and Atari guys should be beating up on all the other guys who think their systems compare. Where's an unsuspecting Speccy or Apple forum?


Part of me thinks that's akin to shooting fish in a barrel... but another part of me knows that the Speccy guys will put one hell of a fight up!

You don't join into the rough stuff. Would you be up for a good Speccy fight? :)

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You don't join into the rough stuff. Would you be up for a good Speccy fight? :)


Nah, i post over on World Of Spectrum as well... i haven't had much time but i made a vague start at learning Z80 and it gives you a serious amount of respect for the coders.

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You don't join into the rough stuff. Would you be up for a good Speccy fight? :)


Nah, i post over on World Of Spectrum as well... i haven't had much time but i made a vague start at learning Z80 and it gives you a serious amount of respect for the coders.

I've done Z80 stuff and I can't remember it like 6502 code. There's so many things that are only done with this register or that register or whatever. I guess it's what you're used to, but I can think in 6502. :)



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school girl.





Well, thank you very much, you are very sweet.




I try, I try. :grin:


I'll tell you something though, those Apple II guys are mean. You can throw all the specs you want at them and they'll just say, "it's just a game system."


I don't know about the A8 people, but it's not like us C64 people haven't heard that argument before! :lol:


Nothing gets their hearts racing like a well executed spreadsheet. :)


I was going to say not to mention that horrible built-in spreadsheet in the Plus/4 but on the other hand it might scare them to death to bring it up. :lol:



Part of me thinks that's akin to shooting fish in a barrel... but another part of me knows that the Speccy guys will put one hell of a fight up!


I have an idea. Any way we can get the Apple and Spectrum people to attack each other while we sit back and watch? :ponder: :D



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First off, the 1541C did not come with drive # select switches from the factory.
Yes, and I hadn't said any different.

Lets review:

How did you do it?
Can't speak for TMR, but all I did was plug my devices in out-of-box. Didn't have to open any of them up first nor use a software method to change device numbers. All I needed to do was flip a switch on the back of some of them - which I might add isn't a terribly hard thing to do. :roll:
What were these "devices"? 1541's?
Two are, yes: 1541C and 1541-II. The third is a FD-2000 (A 1581 compatible drive).


So in the context of the discussion - Where you said you flipped switches out of the box, were asked what drives they were, then gave a list - There is a very strong and clear implication to be made. :ponder:


Even more so when you consider that it's pretty obvious that the question of what devices they were specificly pertained to the ones you were flipping these switches on, not all the drives you have collectively. :ponder:


Your answers inject irrevelant information to the query, and totally hinges on the keywords "flip a switch on some of them" to excuse that. To that end, it's nice you have a later variant that has switches, and that you're satisified with (I assume) leaving the 1541C set to default. Lets mix it up a bit. What about C128 owners with both 1541 and 1571 drives. Sure, one could flip switches on the 1571 and make it #9 so both work without any effort - at the cost of making the C-128's primary drive a secondary device. Might be an easy solution, but not the desired or best one. To that end, decide to make your 1541C drive 9 and the 1541-II device 8, and tell us what you had to do. More then flip a switch. :P The fact that later, switches were added to still didn't help that much to the overall problems people had in configuring their more complicated setups the way they wanted.


So in the bigger picture of the debate on this issue, your haven't helped nullified the Atari argument very much as the typical CBM user doesn't have it as easy as you so their point largely remains correct. Exceptions don't make the rule. Changing device #'s on CBM drives is generally a pain in the ass for most people in most cases most of the time unless you were lucky and/or willing to accept limitations on device order. :|


I've never personally known anyone with a 1541II (or 1541C for that matter.)
Now you do. Want a prize?

I still don't "personally" know you. :P


Want a prize?

Yeah. Gimme your 1541-II! :cool:

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Wow, I honestly don't have the time to read 44 pages :) but way back in the first few pages, I asserted that, imho, the a8bit was more powerful than the c64 and someone said 'there's no way to say that.' (basically,) and I'm sure it's all been hashed over these pages :) But, to me, back then, if you had more colors, more sound voices and a faster processor, that was more powerful. period. It doesn't mean that the c64 can't have better software, at the time, because it did. It had a much longer development cycle. But you can argue software forever. :) To put it another way, I don't think the c=64 can do anything that the atari 8bit can't. But I do think the atari 8bit can do things the c=64 can't (even back in the day version comparisons of (for example,) koronis rift, show this.) Much less modern stuff like numen.

Edited by Godzilla
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I have an idea. Any way we can get the Apple and Spectrum people to attack each other while we sit back and watch? :ponder: :D



Humm.. The Apple and the Spectrum were popular in different areas so they may not know how best to attack each other. I say we give them hint cards with each machines' weaknesses printed on them.

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Wow, I honestly don't have the time to read 44 pages :) but way back in the first few pages, I asserted that, imho, the a8bit was more powerful than the c64 and someone said 'there's no way to say that.' (basically,) and I'm sure it's all been hashed over these pages :) But, to me, back then, if you had more colors, more sound voices and a faster processor, that was more powerful. period. It doesn't mean that the c64 can't have better software, at the time, because it did. It had a much longer development cycle. But you can argue software forever. :) To put it another way, I don't think the c=64 can do anything that the atari 8bit can't. But I do think the atari 8bit can do things the c=64 can't (even back in the day version comparisons of (for example,) koronis rift, show this.) Much less modern stuff like numen.

I think, with this post, you just reset the whole thread.

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But, to me, back then, if you had more colors, more sound voices and a faster processor, that was more powerful. period.

I notice you state "back then". I do hope you've come to your senses since then.


Comparing specific raw numbers taken out of context of the whole mean nothing.


I doubt one would claim 8 fixed frequency tone generators was better then 2 fm synths just because it had 6 more of them.


Wow, I honestly don't have the time to read 44 pages :)
I think, with this post, you just reset the whole thread.



Maybe I should hide it. The post, not the thread.. ;)
Can you make it say something different depending on who's reading it?

:lolblue: :lolblue: :lol: :lolblue: :lolblue:

Edited by Artlover
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Wow, I honestly don't have the time to read 44 pages :) but way back in the first few pages, I asserted that, imho, the a8bit was more powerful than the c64 and someone said 'there's no way to say that.' (basically,) and I'm sure it's all been hashed over these pages :) But, to me, back then, if you had more colors, more sound voices and a faster processor, that was more powerful. period. It doesn't mean that the c64 can't have better software, at the time, because it did. It had a much longer development cycle. But you can argue software forever. :) To put it another way, I don't think the c=64 can do anything that the atari 8bit can't. But I do think the atari 8bit can do things the c=64 can't (even back in the day version comparisons of (for example,) koronis rift, show this.) Much less modern stuff like numen.

I think, with this post, you just reset the whole thread.


Wow, that's some pretty powerful stuff :)


RE: Albert's 'interactive' threads... terrifying... and great humor potential.

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And our little band of overenthusiastic C-64 partisans have been shown waaaay more class than they had any right to expect..




I didn't remove it that in time as it is pouring a bit of gas on a fire but we haven't exactly flamed the guy to a crisp. He's gotten some heated retorts but it's been fairly civil. Seriously, do you hang out on C-64 boards to incessantly proclaim Atari superiority in all things?

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