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More insane shipping?


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The holiday season... last year I shipped a 2600 set on the 23rd, I think, overnight to a wealthy suburb of Arizona. Sometimes you just never know--people wait till the last minute and then hit a BIN for $99.99 for their Christmas console. And pay crapload to have it shipped FedEx, though it was actually not that bad for CA to AZ. The only thing that surprised me is that they didn't spend the extra $50 to get a console CIB from another seller.


Turned out to be a great buyer, too--even sent me a pic of the family sitting around playing 2600 Combat on their insanely huge flat screen with the tree in the background.

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I can't imagine anyone shipping something that is 20 years old overnight... if you didn't need it after all this time.... why would you want it that fast now? :D

I fondly recall the time I sold a laserdisc of Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore on eBay and the buyer very excitedly asked me if I'd overnight it -- and even offered to pay me a bunch extra just to accommodate him. When I asked him what the rush was, he replied (in a variety of font styles and sizes, simulated from memory as follows) "I haven't seen this movie in 20 YEARS and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Please ship this immediately! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!! Thank you so much for auctioning this! I'm so HAPPY!"

Hoping to cut short further communication with an obviously crazy person, I overnighted that sucker ASAP. The next day, he e-mailed back to thank me and to say that it was even better than he'd remembered.

OK, fella... whatever you say... :D

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