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ICD U.S. Doubler

Ganky Ghost

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Tried it on both drives - real hardware, it uses sector skew for us doubler when you create the menu.

First 3 sectors(I think) have code to enable high speed for doubler or happy.this code was used for the later AURA menus...

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On 6/10/2023 at 11:05 PM, _The Doctor__ said:

the doubler rom images et al and the instructions to make the ram stack are on these forums, a search should yield at least 2 readily usable bins and 2 different memory stack wiring configurations.

I have the RAM stack and as I stated previously, I don't have the capability to produce my own ROM. I would like to know where I can purchase one.

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You might just want to consider getting a programmer. 

I ended up getting a TL866II+ a number of years back.  I guess there is a newer version https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804232971223.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allProduct.8148356.24.76463ee3kEP3eo&pdp_npi=3%40dis!USD!US %2479.99!US %2471.19!!!!!%402103231116866941569922646ef5d4!12000029681183274!sh!US!834105329&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa

It can program the roms, and I use EEPROMS instead of the UV EPROMS, much easier since the programmer can erase and program those.  It's not that expensive and can test DRAM/SRAM as well.  It also saved my butt on a 1MB firmware update that bricked it, I was able to pull the chips and reflash them directly.  For the 1050 you would most likely need a rom adapter like this https://www.go4retro.com/products/23xx-adapter/ because finding that small an EEPROM I found impossible.  You can flash your own OS and Basic roms, and cartridge roms as well.

I really only bought it for a single use case, but as I've gone down the rabbit hole with A8s, I found more and more use out of it.  With the additional adapters for the different packages, it can do a lot.  There isn't that much to know, you get the rom file, and program it to the EEPROM.  The only real issues, are because the ones that are available, are larger than the original Roms, you have to use an adapter, and basically fill the rest of the EEProm with the same code a few times, or get more fancy and have an adapter that can select more the one set of code, so for instance, you could have the both the OEM Atari code, and US Doubler on the same rom, with a switch/jumper to select between them.

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