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Planet Bob - Playing Magmax (NES)


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Hi there!


Let's have a look at the biggest disappointement in the "Playing..." series so far:




Oh my god. Remember me raving about Galivan? One of the Top 20 NES games that was, easily playing in the Metroid league.


And the next game I'm playing from the same company, Magmax (I was really looking forward to it!), is playing in the "Airlock" leage :sad:


Really. It loops within 5 minutes, no kidding :ponder:


Also, it is so dead easy, I managed to loop it 4 times,before dying once, on my first try. You're just crawling slowly from left to right, shoot some 80-100 enemies, kill the three headed dragon pictured above, then repeat ad nauseam.


What makes it especially easy is that you can add parts to your ship, until it transmogrifies into a giant robot. Now when you get it, you'll only lose a part of the robot, e.g. the feet. Now 1-2 screens later you can usually just collect another pair of feet and your robot is complete again :sleep:


Pretty soon already the Playing series will see another horizontal scrolling shmup in the form of "Zynaps".






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