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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Comic Books and Video Games


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The following is all stuff that I've picked up over the last few days or that arrived in the mail:




This is Mach Go Go Go( the Japanese import version of Speed Racer, which is where Speed Racer originated from) for the original Gameboy. Gameboy games are quite hard to find in complete condition, especially in good condition. But the Japanese as a whole take wayyyyyy better care of their games than people in the US do. I still don't understand how people could lose their manuals and cases. Anyway, this game box is tiny, even compared to US Gameboy boxes. I just hope that it's a better game than the Snes version of Speed Racer, because that sucks. So far the PS1 version of Speed Racer is the best Speed Racer game ever made....and it's not even that good.




Cheat code Overload Book: 1 cent from Besy Buy

Mortal Kombat Armagedden(Xbox): $9.99 CC

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter(360) $9.99 CC

Fear Files(360) $9.99 CC

Mach Go Go Go: $8.00


Every now and then Best Buy "pennies out" their strategy guides in an effort to get rid of them. This use to be a common practice but more and more these days the employees buy all the penny guides before they even hit the sales floor. Back in the day they use to just lay them out in a big section and marked them all at a penny. Thats how I got my Silent Hill guide(among others) for a mere cent. Too bad those days are gone. Circuit City is running a special all week long(until Saturday) where all their $12.96-19.99 clearance games are just $9.99. Thats where I got those above mentioned three games, but they also had tons of PS2, Psp, DS, Gameboy, Gamecube, PS3, 360 and other clearance games. If you were a regular reader of my discount/clearance thread on DP: http://www.digitpress.com/forum/showthread.php?t=115238 you would know all about these great sales.


Now time for something completely different:




When I use to read comics I wasn't a huge fan of mainstream comics for the simple fact that they are so damn repetitive. I mean, how many times can Spider-Man, Super Man, Batman, the X-Men die(or their supporting cast of friends, enemies, allies, etc.) just to come back later that year or several years later? Nobody stays dead in the Marvel or DC universe, so their continuity isn't worth shit. Thats why I stick to stuff like Grendel. Since 1983(although his first appearance was in 1982) it's been one of the greatest independent comics of all time. I stumbled into a comic book store yesterday for the first time in atleast 6 months and was about to walk out empty handed(the way I like it) until I saw this big ass Matt Wagner/Grendel art book. As much as I wanted it, I struggled with the $40 price tag, but I snatched it up anyway. The other two Grendel comics were in their dollar bin, as were these:




Another Grendel book, some comic with Joseph Michael Linsner artwork and a Highlander comic . Of all people, my mother was the one that got me into the Highlander tv show years ago. She loved it and eventually so did I. I mean, the thought of a secret society of people that get to go around chopping off each others heads was just too damn cool for a 17 year old to ignore. Later on I would find out that the concept wasn't so original when I read the Elf Lord comics. At that time I dated both to realize that the first Elf Lord comic predates the first Highlander movie. Coincidence? I think not. And since this is primarily a gaming blog, I have to mention the upcoming often delayed next gen Highlander game for the 360/PS3. Interesting fact: it released in the UK/Europe sometime ago(just check ebay) but it has still refused to come to our shores yet. Whats up with that? I've seen all the previews and have read synapsis's of the story and I really want to play that game. As for the last comic, I'm a big Linsner fan and enjoy his artwork.


So it's another year but it's still the same place. And this is still the greatest gaming/everything else blog on the net. Why? Because I made it that way. Do try to keep up :cool:



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