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Random Terrain's Tetraternarium - Hellboy 2, Hancock, Iron Man, & the Matrix movies


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I got Hellboy II: The Golden Army from Netflix the other day and the first thing I thought was that they were trying to make Prince Nuada look kind of like Tom Cruise from Interview with the Vampire. The second thing I thought was that the face of 'The Chamberlain' has a slightly similar look to Wak from the movie Explorers (1985).


I didn't completely love or hate Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Same for Hancock, another recent DVD I got from Netflix. Nice to have something new to watch, but most of these movies leave me with a neutral feeling. Of the fairly recent DVDs I have seen, I like Iron Man the best so far. The computer generated images look more realistic. You don't semi-subconsciously say through the whole movie 'real Iron Man suit,' CGI Iron Man suit, 'real Iron Man suit,' CGI Iron Man suit' . . .


I remember when the Matrix sequels came out and they tried to tell us that we couldn't tell the difference between real Neo and CGI Neo. I don't know what clueless, brain dead, nose-picking dumbasses they thought they were talking to, but it was pretty clear when they switched from real Neo to 'Gumby' Neo. The life force drains from him and he gets that shiny 'Gumby' look all over.


We need more people doing movies like those who worked on Iron Man. Great quality. Hardly nothing to complain about.





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