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atari2600land's Blog - The end is here


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Let's just say that Jack has been cancelled, as well as everything else i make in the future, because i suck at bB. GoSub 2 and Alien Greed 3 will be my very last games, as sucky as they are right now, because everything i make is total shit of course. Fuck, ET is better than my games. Pac-Man is like video game gold compared to my shit.

God, I wish i was dead. Every day, I wish someone would break into the house with a gun and i'd say "PLEASE, MISTER, SHOOT ME!!!!" Then I wouldn't have to deal with mean people. Well, once I do look at this game, the more I think MausGames is right and that all my stuff is shit. I won't be making anything any more because no matter what i do, it all sucks. Maybe I will just end it all. Fuck, I've wanted to for the past 26 years, maybe now's the time, huh? Of course, if i tell that to my mom, she'd freak and say "why the fuck do you want to kill yourself? Someone on the internet bothering you, just ignore him!" Well, I can't because he wants me to die. Well, Maus, I wanna die too, the only problem is nobody here will let me. You wanna convince my mom to let me kill myself, pm me and i'll give you her work e-mail. And once i do kill myself, i'll go to Hell to be with my Lord. Just because you believe in a different god means mine is total shit, right? There, I've said it.



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