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Planet Bob - Playing Zynaps (C64)


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Hi there!


Here we go once again with a classic horizontal scrolling extra weapon heavy shmup:




Heya, another one I owned back in the day! In fact I might still own it, since I don't remember ever selling it ;)


Q: So, what's different in this one?


A: It has an interesting method to gain extra weapons. During your battle, you can collect blue orbs, which often appear as a formation annihilation bonus or when shooting special targets - not unlike Gradius. Collecting these will just skip through the rather standard extra weapon repertoire though. In order to activate the currently highlighted extra, you have to hold the fire button until your ship is glowing and then collect one more orb.


That's the twist basically. Other than that it's rather on the repetitive/boring end of the spectrum. You're flying through standard backgrounds, shoot standard enemies and certainly have the standard bigger boss ship waiting at the end of the level.


Technically flawless, with a good title tune, this also had the fate of coming out after Wizball, Delta, Uridium and others, so it was just another also ran on the C64. At least the people creating it went on for greater fame, joining the Graftgold crew soon after this one.


The game seemingly has no end, after a dozen of levels it just starts repeating elements.


Some future day the Playing series may see another horizontal scrolling shmup in the form of "Sidewize", but first it'll continue with something else.






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