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EGM is dead


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Ziff Davis is shutting down all their magazines, print media is dying out.



I felt that EGM specifically needed to be put down Old Yeller-style. The magazine really declined in quality in the last few years with Shu running the show and catering to the ultra-'hardcore'.

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Oh cool. My free subscription was just about to run out anyway.


In general, modern gaming magazines pale in comparison to their 80's and 90's counterparts anyway, so this doesn't really bother me. Gaming magazines have been dying a slow death since the late 90's anyway.


Great. Now I'll have to start buying toilet paper again.


That made me LOL.



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Doesn't bother me. I have EGM from the last few decades taking up space. In fact just a few days ago I was going to see if anyone on these boards wanted some for free.


I always liked the magazine, even now, I liked the fact that more than one person reviewed the games most of the time, but honestly, with sites that offer their own reviews as well as consumer reviews. The magazine was just not something I've needed for years. The only reason I was still getting it was because it was free.

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Aw I'm really heartbroken over the loss of EGM. That's the magazine that really got me into gaming back in the 90s. I loved the big pictures and screenshots in the early days and the clever writing of the late 90s and early 00s. It was just about to turn 20, and I didn't even know that it was in trouble. I'm a little upset that you've all been saying bad things about it. It may have declined somewhat in the last couple years but it was still a fine publication. I'll miss you EGM.

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The EGM I used to read as a kid was great. The magazine became a pile of pretentious posturing in recent years, and the reviews generally sucked. The occasional funny bit from Seanbaby being the only (and very occasional) bright spot.


As far as I'm concerned, it died years ago.

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Wasn't there already another topic on this. I remember that just last week :?:


EGM was a good magazine while there was anything to talk about. During the 1990's when we had real videogames

instead of these abominations that people try to enjoy today. I remember these magazines and feelings it gave me, a feeling that I am trying to get back.


There is no respect for videogames in the western world and whatever occurs was like a joke. Still to even make a community was even harder to do but nowadays there is not even a community a all. I mean we evolved into a voice that is not even heard by it's own community, and more important it's consumers. Where do you go and why do go when 75% of the community is not even holding down a job and stuck to there television screens like zombies. Then there is the people who do not know how to approach videogames like the parents think they will grow out of it, and the bigots who back sas everything without understanding. Lets also not forget the conventions which is like a pride parade just to let everybody know that we still are around but all in the favor of reaching consumers.


However yes death to neo EGM is one I could agree on. Looking back on articles from before that was so mediocore was way better written then todays heartless monstrocities. The layout feels like Game Informer, and everytime you open the pages you ask yourself is this a videogame magazine or a PC magazine?


Maybe we can find refuge in other magazine but yet again I have internet. However who keeps a videogame magazine on a coffe table.

Edited by Royalshin
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If it did why complain? But certainly that one line is deserving of the award.


That one line to me just sounds like my dad who states that when he was a kid, everything was better (music, food etc...)

basically it's someone who has out-grown whatever it was they used to fancy and just fondly looks back to a time when they were happiest.

In other words, most kids today will be bitching in 2020 because the video games just aren't GREAT like they were when they were kids.

I dunno if I call that "post of the year", I call it getting old.

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If it did why complain? But certainly that one line is deserving of the award.


That one line to me just sounds like my dad who states that when he was a kid, everything was better (music, food etc...)

basically it's someone who has out-grown whatever it was they used to fancy and just fondly looks back to a time when they were happiest.

In other words, most kids today will be bitching in 2020 because the video games just aren't GREAT like they were when they were kids.

I dunno if I call that "post of the year", I call it getting old.

Yeah, and sometimes though Moycon, it's not the rose coloured glasses you and some other posters here are fond of pointing out. See, in the emerald city, the munchkins were all presently wearing the glasses and convinced themselves their city was better than it actually was, at present. In gaming, I think people are currently wearing the crazy glasses. Proof? Games with stories so lame they wouldn't make it into a romance novel get called "compelling pieces of story telling." Games that take 20 hours to finish are called "short" by people claiming to think 15 good games a year is a drought (how then do they have the time for so many 40 hour games? Unless they aren't really playing them.) Donkey Kong Jr for $5 is called a rip off, while $50 hooker murder simulators are considered a steal.


Here're some questions Moycon: Do you really, honestly believe TV today is as good as it used to be? Do you really think that reality TV being on something like 60% of the time is a move forward? What about Newspapers? Are they better now that 90% of the content in each is the same article from the Associate Press? Has the durability of consoles improved do you think? How about the economy? Was it worse than this a few years ago? Heck, was it worse than this in the 80s? What about arcades? Are they better than they used to be? See, sometimes things do actually get worse (and with TV that is pretty hard to believe). Not every year is better than the one before.

Edited by Atarifever
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Yeah, and sometimes though Atarifever, it's not the brown coloured glasses you and some other posters here are fond of pointing out. Proof? The video game industry is more popular than ever. That's right even more popular than when you were a kid. Why? Because video games haven't gotten worse like you say. They look better, they are easier than ever to control and we have more options. Video games aren't too short like you think they are. It's 2009, we have so much entertainment available to us now than ever before. I'm not worried about a game lasting 100 hours..why? Because I have a dozen other things I want to do as well and unfortunately, I'm going to die sooner than I have time to do all the stuff. Video games don't suck like you think they do. In spite of the crap economy last year. Video game set record sales. The billions of people that made those sales aren't wearing glasses of any color friend. We just know video games are great fun. Plain and simple. Just sounds to me like you and Royalshin just need to go invest in some plaid pants and maybe take up golfing or something.


As far as your nonsense about things like TV being better when we were kids. Seriously? LOL

No I don't think TV is any better now nor do I think is was greater when we were kids. There's 100 more channels so it goes without saying there is going to be 20x more things one person might consider crap. There are still great shows and now there is something for everyone what you consider crap a 100,000 other people might consider great. If that's your idea of worse, so be it, but don't tell me I have rose-colored glasses. Just sounds to me like maybe YOU have rose colored glasses in regards to the past. Kinda like the old geezers that say when they were kids everything was perfect. *snicker* yeah right, fear of being bombed by the Russians, poisons being dumped every where, and blatant racism etc.. etc... etc... (not to mention NO video games) was probably REALLY great. ;)

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Yeah, and sometimes though Atarifever, it's not the brown coloured glasses you and some other posters here are fond of pointing out. Proof? The video game industry is more popular than ever. That's right even more popular than when you were a kid. Why?

Hey, you want to believe because more people like something then it is better, fine by me. So, just to be clear, as more and more people started to smoke, that meant smoking was great for you, right? And as more people started to own slaves, that made it okay, right? And as more people eat McDonalds, it becomes better for you, right? And as more and more people got mortgages they couldn't afford, that meant they were all making the best choice, correct? And the number of teenage pregnancies is on the rise again, so I guess that makes that a great idea.


To quote Erich Fromm to the best of my memory: "Yes, 100 million people can be wrong.. and are often more likely to be." The fact that more people are "into" something doesn't mean it has to be better. It may mean that it has been made bad enough to be the dull gray paste of mediocrity. Lots of people like dull, slow romantic comedy movies, but that doesn't make them the height of movie making. Lots of people buy Britany Spears albums, doesn't make her the height of music. Lots more people likely watch "The Simple Life" than "Arrested Development" but I hardly think the Simple Life is the better show. Your proof doesn't actually prove anything. Consensus of a wrong opinion would not make the opinion correct.

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So, just to be clear, as more and more people started to smoke, that meant smoking was great for you, right?


Nope, means there are more people in the world now than there were before so more people now smoke. Smoking hasn't changed. Lots of things haven't changed. That's my point. Look you have your opinion that everything was better when you were a kid, and that is fine, but tell me I have on rose colored glasses now before considering the fact that maybe it's you wearing the glasses about the past. I will say this, if everyone thought like you, do you think the video game industry would be setting record sales? No it wouldn't. That fact alone should tell you something. Whether you want to accept truth is up to you. As far as TV goes. I could give a shit. I don't have cable or an antennae hooked up at my house. Like I stated earlier. I have too much other entertainment to occupy my time, and no sir, that is not a bad thing where I stand. Not in the least.

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So, just to be clear, as more and more people started to smoke, that meant smoking was great for you, right?


Nope, means there are more people in the world now than there were before so more people now smoke. Smoking hasn't changed. Lots of things haven't changed. That's my point.

You took that totally wrong. I meant as smoking in the western world HAD increased (it has declined now) was it suddenly becoming a better thing?


As to your continued insistence that more profits etc means a better product, I don't think you're really thinking it through very much. This generation we have the fewest consoles of any generation ever (meaning less consumer choice overall). We have the highest production costs per "major" game ever, so companies can not afford to be very risky at all. More failed systems each generation means more choice was offered, and then the market decided what it wanted. This generation there has been much less choice in choice of features. Do you want the high def system with or without Blu_ray? How about a system with no high def, but motion controls? Neither? Tough, go fuck yourself. See, very little choice. There are only three consoles and publishers have to be real careful. That's not the makings of a great generation. That's the makings of a boring one.



As for game spending beating the recession, that's to be expected regardless of game quality. Movie spending has also gone up (as it has in every financial downturn since, and including, the depression). People like to spend money on relatively inexpensive, escapist entertainment when they are broke. It's hardly indication of improved quality of product.

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I smoked for 20 years. I gave it up a couple years ago not because I grew bored with cigarettes. I did it because I was tired of dealing with sinus issues and I'd rather not have the health issues associated with smoking. I guess I never thought about why people smoked, but I never considered it entertainment. I never would have figured others did it for entertainment either. I have no clue what point you are trying to make there unless maybe that is the primary reason people smoke and it was always lost on me.


(meaning less consumer choice overall).


You have less consumer choice in entertainment now?

Oooooo Ok debate over. I'm not going to be able to continue this conversation. I'd be too busy laughing to type.

Although your profile says. From : The Republic of Newfoundland and since I'm in the US I'll just assume we come from two different worlds and would never understand each other.

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Yeah, and sometimes though Atarifever, it's not the brown coloured glasses you and some other posters here are fond of pointing out. Proof? The video game industry is more popular than ever. That's right even more popular than when you were a kid. Why?

Hey, you want to believe because more people like something then it is better, fine by me. So, just to be clear, as more and more people started to smoke, that meant smoking was great for you, right? And as more people started to own slaves, that made it okay, right? And as more people eat McDonalds, it becomes better for you, right? And as more and more people got mortgages they couldn't afford, that meant they were all making the best choice, correct? And the number of teenage pregnancies is on the rise again, so I guess that makes that a great idea.

You stopped quoting at just the right moment. He said videogames were more popular than ever because they were actually better. And by better I mean being more accessible and having great graphics, storyline, dynamic gameplay and varied challenge levels.


You want to live in the past? Fine, but don't automatically say new games are bad and people that move on have bad taste.

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