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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Predictions for 2009


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Well, last year I made my predictions for 2008. Let's see how I did...

  • "Apple will release a lightweight MacBook." - Right.
  • "Apple will release a touch-screen tablet computer, with a stand/docking station that basically turns it into an iMac (with the addition of a wireless keyboard and mouse)." - Wrong. I have no doubt Apple has a touch-screen tablet computer in their labs, but I doubt they'll bring it to market. The market just isn't there (especially with the iPhone filling a lot of that niche.) However, if you really want one...
  • "Some major update of the Apple TV. I don't think Apple has given up on this yet. I'm hoping they'll add DVR capabilities to it, but I'm not holding my breath. I expect it to be more of a movie/TV show player for stuff you buy (or rent) through iTunes. The difference will be - you can rent movies directly through it from the comfort of your sofa." - Partially right. You can rent movies from your sofa, but still no DVR though. I've got a DVR through AT&T's U-Verse now anyway, so I don't need one from Apple. So nyahh! :P
  • "Updated iPhone. 3G is already a given, but I expect to see one with GPS built-in, too." - Right. I never would have predicted the success of the App store though. Really... who could have guessed?
  • "Blu-Ray support will finally show up this Summer at WWDC. With it, will come either an update to DVD Studio Pro, or an all new app for authoring Blu-Ray discs." - Wrong. Still waiting for this to happen. Steve Jobs hinted that the sticking point is licensing issues with Sony. That really wouldn't surprise me one bit.
  • "Blu-Ray will win over HD-DVD." - Right. I almost bought a Blu-Ray player over Thanksgiving weekend (the Sony BDP-S350 was selling for $199, but now the price is back up, so I'm holding off). I already have one Blu-Ray disc that I got for Christmas (Wall-E), but there are only a handful of other titles at this point that I'd want to buy. So I can wait.
  • "Lawsuits over HD-DVD. After HD-DVD disappears, expect people to start suing retailers, movie studios and Toshiba, for having sold them an obsolete technology." - Wrong. Never materialized, although if you search around, you can see some discussions about it.
  • "The Wii will increase its lead - if it can keep good software coming." - Right. The Wii is dominating, despite a lower price (and two bundled games) for the XBox 360. Fun gameplay, it seems, wins out over flashy graphics. Who knew?
  • "The PS3 will remain a distant third unless two things happen:
    1. Blu-Ray is declared the winner, and the format wars end. Then people will be actively looking for a Blu-Ray player. But only if:
    2. Sony slashes the price of the PS3. I expect to see a slim-line, lower cost PS3, but not until the end of 2009."
      - Right and Wrong. The PS 3 is still a distant third. Even though Blu-Ray won out, Blu-Ray players are now half the price of a PS3, as is the XBox 360. So people looking for current-gen gaming and a Blu-Ray player don't need to go to Sony. Sony never came out with a lower cost PS3, but needs to now, more than ever.

So how about some Predictions for 2009?

  • Nothing spectacular from Apple, but steady progress and upgrades. Updated iMacs and Minis with faster CPUs and better graphics chipsets (like what are now in the MacBooks) are a certainty. The Mac Pros will also get a new CPU this year (the Core i7) and faster graphics.
  • Apple will ship OS X 10.6 sometime in the summer. It's already known this is going to be a stability/performance release, which is sorely needed. Unfortunately, it's also the first OS X release to require an Intel based Mac. I still own a PPC (G5) iMac.
  • The iPhone will continue to see minor hardware improvements (more storage, better camera) but most advancements will come through software. I'll likely buy one after the next hardware revision.
  • The Apple TV will either be transformed this year into something more useful, or it will die off.
  • Blu-Ray will gradually increase its market share, but won't replace DVDs anytime soon. It needs further cuts in Blu-Ray player prices, and a lot more Blu-Ray discs on the market. Expect to see a lot more Disney/Pixar films on Blu-Ray this year.
  • The Wii will continue to dominate. There seems to be no end of demand for this thing.
  • The PS3 will continue to lag behind in a distant third, and will fall even further behind the other two. Sometime this year, Sony will cut the price on the PS3. It just won't be by enough.
  • Gran Turismo 5 still will not ship this year.
  • The new Star Trek movie is going to be dreadful. However, it's going to be worth paying to see, just for the train-wreck value of it.

Finally, a new feature: Wishful Thinking (things that should happen, but probably won't):

  • Apple should merge the Mac Mini and Apple TV into one product. Expand the functionality of the latter, and decrease the price of the former.
  • Apple needs to suck it up and embrace Blu-Ray. Not everyone is going to be happy downloading their grainy "HD" movies off iTunes. Add it to the Mac Mini/Apple TV at a price point that makes it a no-brainer for people to buy for their home entertainment systems.
  • Nintendo should buy out Atari from Infogrames. The Big N is the perfect owner for all of Atari's classic properties. The Wii and DS are ideal platforms for being able to download and play those classic games exclusively. Infogrames is still a company of idiots, run by idiots.
  • Sony should slash the price of Blu-Ray players to around $129, and the PS3 to $199. At some point, they're going to have to eat the cost on these things big-time to gain market share. They should also start up a "Greatest Hits" series for the PS3, bringing low-cost titles (under $25) to the console.
  • Star Wars (the original theatrical release) needs to come out on Blu-Ray, in a fully restored, cleaned-up version, but without any digital "enhancements". C'mon George, get with it already. (Same goes for Empire and Jedi.)
  • Tron needs to come out on Blu-Ray, and likely will. But will it be this year? It depends on if Tron 2.0 is far enough along in production for a theatrical trailer to be included on it.
  • Star Trek movies on Blu-Ray. Do a good job this time. Clean them up. Remaster them. And don't skimp on the bonus stuff. (You can, however, skip over ST5 and all of the Next Gen films.)
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark on Blu-Ray. (See also: Star Wars.) Why isn't this on Blu-Ray already? Seems to me it took forever for the DVD to come out, too.



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