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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - Saturday Smatterday


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I couldn't really think of a better title. I have a few updates to make for acquired items. First up:




These are two rare factory sealed official Microsoft controller "s" for the original Xbox. Just try finding those in any store near you. Or online. Go ahead, I'll wait.(1 hour later) You back yet? You done? Any luck? Thats what I thought. I was fortunate enough to pick these up for $20 a piece. That was a super deal because(like me) they are worth their weight in gold.




This was my lastest find: a Sega Saturn demo lot. Daytona USA is actually the full game in a demo sized sleeve. I only got this lot becase of the Bug demo, which is very uncommon and slightly rare as far as Saturn demos go. And if you want to get technical, it's the second rarest Saturn demo behind X-Mas Nights. I've yet to pick that one up either but thats because I'm not spending $20+ on it.


I still haven't started my site yet but I'll get there eventually. A couple people gave me some ideas over at DP so now I just need to stop being lazy and get it started. But I'm still unsure of rather I want to make it a site for ALL my demos or if I should just focus on the Xbox stuff. We'll see. Right now I'm about to go beat Bloodrayne on Xbox, making it 3 games in January so far. Thats not a bad start at all.


Unfortunately that is the end. I mean, I can't always write these novel-length entries. However, I have something special in store coming in the next couple days related to our new president. I need to give him a shout out for all the brothas'. But I also need to give a big "I told you so" to all the republicans out there. The good news for them is that they will learn how the presidency "should be done" over the next 8 years. And also how blogs "should be done", as long as they stay tuned here.



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