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THE 1 2 P's Demo/Import/Gaming Blog - My Price Match Adventure


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Best Buy Finds....sort of.



Smallville Season 7 $19.99

Birds of Prey $19.99

Ninja Gaiden 2 $9.99




The ad in question.


Story Time

All of the above were on sale at Best Buy this week, starting today. Although I work in Best Buy as a vendor I wanted to make sure I didn't miss any of these deals so I went early. Both Smallville S7 and Birds of Prey were still there when I arrived, but Ninja Gaiden 2 was not. The store had only been opened for a mere 2 hours when I arrived and yet it had already been sold out. I was thinking to myself "what other gamers got up early to get this"? The thing is, I don't think they had many to begin with. So I asked a dude to check his computer to see if they had any on them and he said "theres zero on hand, we just have a lot of dot.com orders to fill out." Translation: they had some in the back but where using those for online orders.


I was pretty upset on the way home and comtemplated getting it online. But then it would be another $4 or so for shipping and that would pretty much defeat the point of the sale. So then I had this bright idea to do a price match as I passed Sears. I had to go back to Best Buy to pick up their ad and then headed to Sears. I asked the dude in the electronics section if they price matched and he told me I had to ask one of the other guys(I think he was new). So I asked one of the other two guys(they were standing next to each other) and he turned to the other guy and said "do we price match on games?" and the other dude said "yes". So that was it. I was going to get it at Sears for the same price....until he rung it up. A message popped up on the screen that he showed me. He said "although we can do the price match for you we have to ad $3 for doing the price match for you." I raised the people's eyebrow and was like "wtf". I told him I would try somewhere else and headed off.


Next stop was Circuit City. If you haven't been to CC in awhile, they now have helper monkeys running around the store following customers asking them if they need help with anything. The first one that approached me was asked a simple question: do you price match? He said "it depends on the store." I thought to myself "oh boy, here we go again." He asked what store and I said Best Buy. Then he asked what I wanted to price match and I told him a game. We went to the game section, I showed him the ad and he said "I think we can do it but I'm going to go check real quick just to mak sure." So I waited and waited and he finally came back. He said "we can do it" so I told him I was ready and he rang me up. Then his manager comes around the corner. But he was actually there to help because he had to use his password to change the price.


The moral of the story is, if you ever want to get a really good deal on a video game(or something similar) but you still want to sleep in on Sunday(the day the sale starts), go to another store that does price matching. That way you can get your rest and still get your product. But I would recommend calling around first to not only find out which stores price match, but also what their policies are. The last thing you want to happen is a similar situation of what happened to me at Sears.


Moving right along, I finally beat Bloodrayne on Xbox yesterday. So thats now 3 games beaten in alittle over a week. As a whole, I like Bloodrayne alot. It's got a hot female lead, you have really cool powers and abilities and the voice acting is pretty superb. But much like Darkwatch and Super Castlevania 4, the last boss is really cheap. Well, one of them is. In the last level you fight two end bosses at the same time. One was managable but the other one was a blur. I didn't know DC comics was cross promoting with Majesco and Terminal Reality. That can be the only explaination for why one of the bosses(Jurgen Wulf) is really the Flash. The only thing he was missing was the red suit but I'm pretty sure his alias is either Barry Allen, Wally West or Bart Allen. You ever play a video game online and watch how fast the opponents are when they cheat (mod) their characters? Well thats how fighting Wulf was. He'd be in front of you and you press the attack button. By the time your attack animation completed he was either on the other side of the room or all the way downstairs on the floor below. I never knew the Flash was secretly a german nazi.


It's only a few more days until the inauguation and I'm sure you are all as excited as I am. Not only are we getting a new president but we are also getting a new beginning for our country. No longer will be under the reign of the worst US president(Bush) of the last 50+ years. Change is upon us people. The question is, which side will you be on. Will you stand beside me and Obama? Or will you take your place in history as part of the entourage of the worst president of (maybe) all time? Hmm....tough question, I know. But if you stop, breath, think and let the common sense roll thru--there is only one true answer. And I'll leave it at that.



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