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Who should leave Feedback first on E-bay


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I was wondering if the seller or buyer should leave the first Feedback? I am in the opinion the seller should. I know it is kind of moot now with sellers not being able to give negs. or neutrals. But, I used to sometimes feel sellers would hold my feedback hostage. I like the new rule even though there are many cases of sellers getting the short end of the stick. I know as a seller on E-bay I ALWAYS gave F.B. right away after payment was received. Any thoughts on this one?

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When you buy something from a store, who should say thank you first? The store rep since you bought his merchandise and helped him keep his job? Or should you thank him first for the awesome privilege of being permitted to buy his stuff?



Totally right!...no more feedback hostages

Edited by swampjoe
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When I sell, I try to leave feedback right away when I get the payment. As a buyer, if the item is OK, I try to leave feedback right away, or if it's not I'll chat with the seller and when the difficulty is worked out, I'll leave positive feedback then.

Sometimes I forget, though. And don't blame me if my mouse spazzes out and click the "negative" icon. :P

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I used to make a point of leaving feedback first as a seller. Now I am so burnt out on this topic that I just leave feedback for all of my sales/purchases about every 2 weeks. Sometimes that means they get it first, sometimes they don't. I really don't care anymore :P


Somehow though I'm guessing you were never one to play games with feedback to begin with.

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When you buy something from a store, who should say thank you first? The store rep since you bought his merchandise and helped him keep his job? Or should you thank him first for the awesome privilege of being permitted to buy his stuff?

Feedback isn't (supposed to be) a thank you -- it should be an assessment of a transaction, and that's hardly a minor distinction. Unfortunately, nobody uses feedback properly, so the system has become one of rewards instead of information.

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I used to make a point of leaving feedback first as a seller. Now I am so burnt out on this topic that I just leave feedback for all of my sales/purchases about every 2 weeks. Sometimes that means they get it first, sometimes they don't. I really don't care anymore :P

Wow, it does sound like you are burnt out with E-bay. I do not blame you with so much crap involved there. Still it begs the question of, who should give F.B. first? I have always given and will continue to give F.B. immediately after I am paid. I do not think it is fair to wait an extended period of time to give folks Feedback that paid promptly. I feel it shows that we do not care about our sustomers. I mostly sell Harley parts, and thats about it as far as my selling goes and I know my few customers appreciate my fast feedback.

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I stopped leaving feedback at all.

For buyers or for sellers.


Ebay is stupid.

The new rules are stupid.

I don't have to leave feedback, so I don't.


I am done with Ebay anyway.

After this last season, it's blatently obvious that they only want power sellers.

I said I would never sell on there again, and I plan to stick to it.


Quick recap if you missed my dillema.

Sent out an item Parcel Post (gave buyer option to pay for Priority or Parcel).

They chose Parcel.

Sent out the item THE NEXT DAY after payment.


Item took 10 days to get there during the Christmas rush. This was November.

Buyer bitched at me for it taking so long.

Showed her the tracking number again, told her nicely how I wish it would get there

faster for her sake, but I can't control the USPS.


She left me nuetral feedback.


Then she proceeded to give me ONE STAR for shipping time, even though I sent it withing 24 hours and had proof.


Because of this, my AVERAGE stars for a month period was 4.0.

4 out of 5 stars.

This locked my account and I couldn't sell during Christmas.


Called Ebay. They said, basically, that sucks for you.

I said, "Because one nutjob gives me 1 star I can't sell on Ebay?"

Their response was to contact all my old customers who didn't leave me feedback, or wait

the 30 days until my average stars were no longer 4.0.


So suck it Ebay.

I only sell in the fall.

If you don't sell 100 items a week, it only takes one nut to make it impossible to sell on Ebay.


They might as well have a sign up that says Power Sellers Only.


So for the rest of my sales this Christmas season, nobody got feedback.

And for everything I purchase from now on, I will not be leaving feedback.





breath... 1, 2, 3, 4,


DIE EBAY DIE ! ! ! @111! ! !!11!!2@!@ 3 $# !@


;) :P


Wow. That was a long rant. Sorry.

Edited by therealred5
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I used to make a point of leaving feedback first as a seller. Now I am so burnt out on this topic that I just leave feedback for all of my sales/purchases about every 2 weeks. Sometimes that means they get it first, sometimes they don't. I really don't care anymore :P


Somehow though I'm guessing you were never one to play games with feedback to begin with.

No, I never held it hostage or anything. I did wait on leaving feedback for possible problem ebayers (under 5 total feedbacks, several negatives, private feedback, etc..) until I established contact that they received the stuff and were happy, then I would still leave it first. Now that I can't leave a negative at all I guess it doesn't matter if I leave it first. I just leave it all at once every few weeks, at my convenience ;)

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When you buy something from a store, who should say thank you first? The store rep since you bought his merchandise and helped him keep his job? Or should you thank him first for the awesome privilege of being permitted to buy his stuff?




Feedback does not equal "Thank you". Thank you = Thank you.


If a person is dissatisfied, the way they deal with that is as important to me as them paying. I don't want someone's money if they can't deal with my resolution process.


I still don't leave feedback until I get mine. A 'bot does it, and I don't worry about it. I get less feedback than I could, but I'm at 2666 and there's no hurry to get the next star color.


And I agree with others above, particularly Captain Beard.

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I was wondering if the seller or buyer should leave the first Feedback? I am in the opinion the seller should. I know it is kind of moot now with sellers not being able to give negs. or neutrals. But, I used to sometimes feel sellers would hold my feedback hostage. I like the new rule even though there are many cases of sellers getting the short end of the stick. I know as a seller on E-bay I ALWAYS gave F.B. right away after payment was received. Any thoughts on this one?

As a seller, I never leave feedback until I get it, EVER. Too many dishonest buyers out there. We have all been through this subject before, no one watches the bad buyer and part of being a good buyer is not being a whining pain in the ass or using the star system to punish the seller though the problem is actually the Canadian post, or canadian customs fees with Fed Ex. So as most sellers believe, if the buyer is a pain they sure as heck aren't getting good feedback, the problem is that's all you can leave so when it occurs I just leave no feedback. If a customer files a paypal dispute without first contacting us. I file a non paying bidder,Which I won't remove until I get my money or my merchandise. They have the item, paypal grabbed my money so now the item is "unpaid". fortunately this seldom occurs, usually some noob who will be leaving the ebay community shortly anyway.I had a sale in Sept that a person files a fraud chargeback with her credit card co, twice! Paypal proceeds to open to chargebacks..The next day we called and she realized her husband had made the charge. She agreed to contact the credit card co and fix it as we had already shipped her $450 worth of items. As you can probably already guess.. The credit card co only contacted paypal about one chargeback, the other stayed in paypal limbo till last week, even after many calls and a call from the customer to paypal. They took the money. So I get to spend hours next week fooling around with paypal for this little $450. I have a merchant services co for my regulat Mc/visa transactions that I have had for 20 years (private company,not bank!) and I never have these problems. It's a regular occurrance each quarter with paypal. Idiots. I amazed they wanted to be a "Bank" at one time. Run don't walk away from them if that happens. As much as Chase Bank here sucks, they are light years better than paypal.

The new rules stink and ebay knows it :x as their sales are way the H*** down.

I just read somewhere that ebay is considering not allowing a neg to be filed without first contacting the seller. Probably a good idea if they actually do it. Who knows, those idiots have no idea what they are doing anymore.

For the great majority of sales people are great and I have met some wonderful people in the process. However, Ebay and Paypal have created such an adversarial system that it is becoming unworkable. Again probably one of the reasons sales are down so much. I kind of wish they would die but Amazon is so much worse.

Edited by atarian63
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When you buy something from a store, who should say thank you first? The store rep since you bought his merchandise and helped him keep his job? Or should you thank him first for the awesome privilege of being permitted to buy his stuff?




Feedback does not equal "Thank you". Thank you = Thank you.


If a person is dissatisfied, the way they deal with that is as important to me as them paying. I don't want someone's money if they can't deal with my resolution process.


I still don't leave feedback until I get mine. A 'bot does it, and I don't worry about it. I get less feedback than I could, but I'm at 2666 and there's no hurry to get the next star color.


And I agree with others above, particularly Captain Beard.

Oh so true :D

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I keep reading all of these horror stories about ebay and paypal and yet people continue to use them?


I'm having to cut back on ebay lately simply because they enforce that stupid paypal rule (although I've contacted a couple sellers privately and they'll take money orders, just can't advertise it). I've been fortunate that many of my recent transactions have been with a local seller so I can avoid the hassle and simply pay in cash on the spot.


As for feedback, I've had about a half dozen transactions as a buyer in the last couple of months and I always give feedback immediately on getting my item(s). I've yet to get any feedback as a buyer.

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I keep reading all of these horror stories about ebay and paypal and yet people continue to use them?


I'm having to cut back on ebay lately simply because they enforce that stupid paypal rule (although I've contacted a couple sellers privately and they'll take money orders, just can't advertise it). I've been fortunate that many of my recent transactions have been with a local seller so I can avoid the hassle and simply pay in cash on the spot.


As for feedback, I've had about a half dozen transactions as a buyer in the last couple of months and I always give feedback immediately on getting my item(s). I've yet to get any feedback as a buyer.

You right it's a hassle not to be able to say you take check or cash. There are tons of people out there who don't even have a bank account for various reasons. I would assume it's so since Walmart is spending a buttload advertising that they only charge $3 to cash paychecks...

I still take them but just don't say so.


Sorry your sellers don't leave you feedback, that is wrong. I leave feedback every few days for those that left it for me. Try sending the seller an email saying that you left them good feedback, you'll probably get an apology for the delay and your feedback.

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I keep reading all of these horror stories about ebay and paypal and yet people continue to use them?


I'm having to cut back on ebay lately simply because they enforce that stupid paypal rule (although I've contacted a couple sellers privately and they'll take money orders, just can't advertise it). I've been fortunate that many of my recent transactions have been with a local seller so I can avoid the hassle and simply pay in cash on the spot.


As for feedback, I've had about a half dozen transactions as a buyer in the last couple of months and I always give feedback immediately on getting my item(s). I've yet to get any feedback as a buyer.

You right it's a hassle not to be able to say you take check or cash. There are tons of people out there who don't even have a bank account for various reasons. I would assume it's so since Walmart is spending a buttload advertising that they only charge $3 to cash paychecks...

I still take them but just don't say so.


Sorry your sellers don't leave you feedback, that is wrong. I leave feedback every few days for those that left it for me. Try sending the seller an email saying that you left them good feedback, you'll probably get an apology for the delay and your feedback.


I'm not going to rock the boat with the local seller since he gets some great stuff and I can pick it up free which allows me to bid higher than normal, hopefully giving me an edge.


If I want something enough, I'll email the seller and ask them if they can *wink* *wink* take money orders and most of the time its a yes and many have admitted they would advertise they would take them but they worry about getting in trouble with the ebay nazis.


I don't worry about the feedback too much as a buyer. From what I hear its not as important to get feedback as a buyer as it is a seller, and I don't sell. If I ever do sell again, it'll be on CTCW, not ebay.

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