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Imagic Laser Gates How much?


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I usually sell rarity 5 games for $10.00.


You can see my rarity-->price rough conversions on my website at:



I'd ignore the 9's and 10's, tho.. they're probably much too low. The other ones seem fairly accurate, except for very popular games (Pitfall II, etc.)


I don't have any Laser Gates for sale right now.. stuff on eBay has been going for really cheap lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if you picked one up for $4 or so + shipping.





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It's a supply/demand thing, and the supply is way up because of Garage/Yard sales. Is the northern U.S. and Canada, garage sales are very much a seasonal thing.. and all the professional eBayers have been out bright and early every Saturday morning.. buying up all the cheap games they can find to resell on eBay for a tidy profit. So the supply of games has gone way up, but the demand hasn't changed a whole lot.. though the demand does seem to go up a fair bit in the part of the spring where tax returns come out.


You get the exact opposite effect during Christmas.. the supply is down because there aren't any garage sales in the North, but the demand is WAY up, and stays that way until the middle of January (people tend to still buy things 2-3 weeks after Christmas.. I guess they all got cash for presents). If you have enough storage space and time, you can make a killing buying games (either at yard sales or huge lots on eBay), and holding onto them until November. I made a killing last Christmas selling a bunch of extra games that I bought in the summer... then in February and March I took all that money and bought a bunch of games on eBay that I needed for my collection.


Even this summer I've been buying more than I've been selling on eBay... the prices seem to be quite low, and should be for the whole summer.



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