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Have you ever ticked off an eBay seller....?


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You'd be surprised, though. I frequently lowball sellers and I've had a few times when I got something for much cheaper than I expected. As an example, there's a sort-of hard to find Dungeons and Dragons guide (first edition) called the Manual of the Planes. One in good condition could run in the $30 range or more perhaps. A seller had one listed around $35. I offered $3 and he took it, not kidding at all. Lot's of those sellers list stuff at much higher than normal because they can list for so cheap. They basically just wait for a lone bidder who's just starting out to go for it. This explains stuff like why this one guy has had a Super Tennis (Master System of course) demo card up for $75 for the last five years or so. What I've had more experiences with is actually annoying bidders with really, really lame opinions about everything. The only negative I ever got (that was eventually removed) was this kid I sold my old Atari 2600 to a long time ago. I get a negative with no contact prior. I was like why? He explained it wasn't working. After some talking he, again not making this stuff up, told me he gave me a negative because the GRAPHICS IN BURGER TIME WEREN'T VERY GOOD. I laughed at him and he said he was 'taken aback' by my laughter. Are you serious? Did you think I MADE the game? Seriously. I've had a number of odd bidders over the years.

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I made a "Best Offer" to a seller one time for a 1050 drive. Over the last 10 years on ebay, I have bought 20-30 of the same item for various prices so I offered him what it was worth to me - what I was willing to pay. Instead of him merely declining or counter-offering, he sent me a NASTY message and then expected me to offer more. Heheheh


My word to sellers is: If you don't want people to make offers, don't use the best offer option!

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My word to sellers is: If you don't want people to make offers, don't use the best offer option!

Yep! I've made offers to sellers on items that don't have the offer button either, if the item doesn't have any bids yet (so it would still be easy for the seller to revise/end the auction without ticking off any bidders). Sometimes the sellers bite. I don't know that I've ever gotten a rude response. :)



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I made a "Best Offer" to a seller one time for a 1050 drive. Over the last 10 years on ebay, I have bought 20-30 of the same item for various prices so I offered him what it was worth to me - what I was willing to pay. Instead of him merely declining or counter-offering, he sent me a NASTY message and then expected me to offer more. Heheheh


My word to sellers is: If you don't want people to make offers, don't use the best offer option!

As a seller I just ignore the silly offers.Why send a smart reply,as has been already said,The item says "make an offer". Really I only use the make an offer option mostly for items that have little history of selling or items that I just have no idea what they are worth,

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As a seller I just ignore the silly offers.Why send a smart reply,as has been already said,The item says "make an offer". Really I only use the make an offer option mostly for items that have little history of selling or items that I just have no idea what they are worth,

People like this should never try selling something on Craigslist. As you get all sorts of crazy offers for stuff there! :D



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As a seller I just ignore the silly offers.Why send a smart reply,as has been already said,The item says "make an offer". Really I only use the make an offer option mostly for items that have little history of selling or items that I just have no idea what they are worth,

People like this should never try selling something on Craigslist. As you get all sorts of crazy offers for stuff there! :D



Thats for sure! :D Tried that for awhile, had some strange offers... boats, cars, (sex), alcohol and cash. The whole crew got a big laugh out of those!

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Several years ago, I was finishing up my Savage Sword of Conan collection and buying big lots on eBay. One big lot didn't sell, and I didn't bid on it because I only needed a couple of the issues. I contacted the seller and asked if he would sell me just the issues I was after, and he wrote back saying something like "possibly, name your price". I offered him $2 per issue, plus whatever it would cost to ship, and his reply was this rambling, incoherent rant about how I was clearly a reseller just looking to prey on him and people like him and that the issues were worth more than $2 each. So I wrote back, citing several SSOC lots I had bought and how I was looking to finish my set, and he went even more ballistic after that, sending several messages about the evils of resellers. I didn't buy anything from him and finished up my collection elsewhere.

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Several years ago, I was finishing up my Savage Sword of Conan collection and buying big lots on eBay. One big lot didn't sell, and I didn't bid on it because I only needed a couple of the issues. I contacted the seller and asked if he would sell me just the issues I was after, and he wrote back saying something like "possibly, name your price". I offered him $2 per issue, plus whatever it would cost to ship, and his reply was this rambling, incoherent rant about how I was clearly a reseller just looking to prey on him and people like him and that the issues were worth more than $2 each. So I wrote back, citing several SSOC lots I had bought and how I was looking to finish my set, and he went even more ballistic after that, sending several messages about the evils of resellers. I didn't buy anything from him and finished up my collection elsewhere.

I wonder how many tin foil hats he has.



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