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Icky fake Atari shirt.


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Okay, so here's the story...


In the late 80's, AC/DC could no longer sell their albums, so they turned to the Tramiels for funding of their next recording session. The Tramiels agreed, but only if Namco joined in as well. Thus was born the idea for AC/DC: Escape, the video game that would make AC/DC famous! These shirts were printed up in a small quantity for a press event announcing the joint venture.


Of course, we all know now that the AC/DC game was a mega-hit on the 7800 (and later the Lynx and Jag), propelling AC/DC back to super-stardom and giving the Tramiels all the money they needed to take on Apple, Commodore, IBM, and Microsoft and become the pre-eminent computer company they are today.

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