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My Atari 2600 and Jaguar auctions, good rare stuff, LAST DAY!

Crazy Climber

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Those are nice items! tsk tsk, they ought to have been listed on the chuckwagon first.


Passing it along for you :)


Are they all NTSC?

Yeah, I really do need to take the CTCW plunge. I have about 30 or 40 more auctions to put up so I'll try the next wave of 10 on CTCW. The 32 in 1, Surfers, and cosmic town are PAL but all the rest are NTSC :)

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But you've only had Vong for less than a month :_( oh well, hope you enjoyed it :)

Yeah, it's a great game and it's nothing personal. I just do not want to collect limited edition stuff anymore. Once I get a few It makes me want to track down all the limited edition homebrews (which at one point I was damn close) very stressfull and expensive - lol - if you make an unlimited run of the game I will buy it again, otherwise my new collecting limits I have set forbid limited edition stuff. Hey when you own thousands of games like me you have to set some limits. As soon as VONG is for sale in the AA store I will own it again :)

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Wow, can't believe how high that 2600 lot went. Thought I had it for a while too. <shrug> Oh well. I did nab Metal Slug 7 from you -- another favorite that I'm hideous at playing. :)



[ Would rather stay up late playing games than goto bed, but I'm tired... Meh, screw it... ZZZZzzzz. ]

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