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WTB: Many Lynx items


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Top Wanted list for me, based upon my collection needs and money right now:


1. Japanese Klax Cart

2. Desert Strike flat/black/old Telegames style (not 'Long Live the Lynx' style)

3. CGE 5th

4. Other Lynx items (promo items, pins, etc)

5. First run editions of certain games like SIMIS, etc..

6. All Japanese boxes/manuals (-Gates of Zendocon. I mainly want the Manuals!)

7. Atari Lynx Boxed games (that are in blister packages except for: Shanghai, Steel Talons, Kung Food)

(Will update constantly)

8. Boxes for regular released games... I guess I lost quite a few of these when I moved to Michigan. So if you have boxes, and you want to get rid of them, let me know. I'll pay a bit extra for games that are rarer (Lemmings). I only really care for the boxes in most cases, a few games I will need the manuals, but I do have a lot of them.



First on my list... this lovely Japanese cart style. Anyone?

I still have a bounty out there for a Japanese Klax Atari Lynx cart.




Looking for this Desert Strike:



Looking for other Lynx items as well:

Pins, store displays, promotional items... etc


I will eventually be looking for Atari Lynx items boxed as well. (Sun visor, battery pack, rechargeable battery pack, even the Lynx cases)



CGE 5th... I have funds on hold for that if it shows up on ebay.


By any chance: Do any of you have an Atari Lynx like Rygars that has the Key lock on it for the Casino Prototype game that was recently discovered? I have the game and the metal plate and screws. I assume the screws bolted into something that was built into the Lynx.

Edited by EricDeLee
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Got the EPROM version of Super Off Road coming. Now I need the curved version! Loose is fine.... I don't really need that one boxed.



I also have that Ridged Gauntlet finally on the way as well! :)

Commercial releases are pretty much in the bag. I think I need about 28 or 29 more carts though for my collection... (all homebrew or aftermarket releases... or the pesky demo reproductions as well)

Edited by EricDeLee
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  • 2 weeks later...

To check which version you have?


All you really need to do is weigh the box and judge it against one a different boxed game.

You have to figure out how much the desert strike manual weighs though.


I know you can easily find the difference between a PCB cart with an eprom and the weight of a regular cart.

I'm not sure if there is much of a difference between a flat cart like the one in the picture above and a regular curved cart. I think the flat cart may weigh a bit more though. (Desert Strike)

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  • 2 weeks later...
To check which version you have?


All you really need to do is weigh the box and judge it against one a different boxed game.

You have to figure out how much the desert strike manual weighs though.


I know you can easily find the difference between a PCB cart with an eprom and the weight of a regular cart.

I'm not sure if there is much of a difference between a flat cart like the one in the picture above and a regular curved cart. I think the flat cart may weigh a bit more though. (Desert Strike)


Your are wise OB-Wan.



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I have around 30 Lynx games for sale in the Marketplace. $85 shipped.

I also have other items for sale.


I am looking for any Lynx PROTOs that are floating around out there. Real protos, not the stuff B&C is putting out or the cheapo ones you can find on ebay.

I know Curt sold of 34 or so Protos back in the day. If anyone here has any of those and are willing to trade for stuff, or just want to sell them, please let me know.


I've gotten to the point where I am interested in documenting Lynx Protos now being that it really has not been done before.

I also know Vandium sold a few interesting protos back in 2006. Looking to track those down as well.


Just shoot me a PM, tell me what you have and we will go from there!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a quick bump...

Still looking for a few items.


The Ridged Gates of Zendocon is the top of my priority list (unless you want to wave a $1 copy of Relief Pitcher in front of me! LOL)

The Curved Super Off Road if high on the list as well... I have to make sure I have cash for it though! Looses for both of these are fine!

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I am looking for a few other things as well: CGE 5th... and CGE Cybervirus.

Perhaps a Black cart Warbirds as well.


Let me know if you have anything...


Protos: I am still interested, lease just PM me and let me know what you have.

Edited by EricDeLee
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