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Will anyone send me some free commons?


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Hehe.... I'm just getting started collecting and don't have much...


I'm only 15 and most the money I get goes to stuff like savings and to pay for stuff I wil need later in life (car, house, etc.) so I dont have alot of cash.


I'm looking for some very very dirt cheap commons, or free ones. If u give me some free ones, then i like you more

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First of all, it is not that on-one likes you young Jedi, you have to understand that most of us spend agonizing hours of time looking for carts,


Going to thrift stores day after day, going on line and hoping we win the auctions, going yard sale to yard sale, looking for a scratch. sometimes for nothing.


It is not that no-one likes you. Just think of it likes this:


For example, If I make 15 dollars per hour at my job. I spend 5 hours per day over 2 days on the weekend looking for games, and I only happen to find one cart. Then do the math.


That cart, no matter how common, just "cost" me $150 in my time, that is one way of looking at it.


Secondly, again, no matter how common, the people you ask, paid for those games, if not with cash, then trades, deals, even manual labor.


Heck, I even found a cart in a store one time that was rare, I could not afford it, so the guy let me work it off in his store! I stocked games on shelves, cleaned old games up, swept the floor, took out the trash, I even cleaned the crapper. But you know what? I got the thing. I was proud that I got it without money, just my time.


You see where I am going with this?


I may even have a few extra commons around, but how much is shipping to Norde De Linges?

Are you sending money for postage?


Secondly, I have to admit, it seems a little wierd that 15 year old is worried about saving for the downpayment on a house.


Commons around here, in my area, go for 10 for $10.


Lastly, I don't mean to sound like I am lecturing you. I was in you boat too, not too long ago. I had a "contact" and a classified location that used to let me know when games came in, I could then go look, pick out what I wanted before they hit the shelves.


I got the advice of some of our AtariAge members, And they were right. I was wrong to do that. I mean it took the fun out of collecting. I love Atari. I thought that I loved collecting the games MORE THAN ANYTHING, but you know what? It is the hunt I like better. If not Atari then I would probably pick something else to hunt down. It just happens that I pick to hunt something I love. I guess I get the best of both worlds.


Sorry to be long winded, but I had to say it.


Good luck.


If you want I can go to a game shop around here, they have games for $1 each, you buy 2 get one free, so it works out to 66 cents each. let me know if I can be of help.


Don't give up.

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Wow General Atarian, you made some pretty cool sociological observations about why people collect (not just collecting video games either).


I hate to say this, but that sounds like a dream come true to "have to" work in a thrift store, so they'd give you a rare game. Nothing gets closer to earning your supper does it?


Centuries ago, I'm sure man DID hunt for his food. Today, perhaps collecting is the closest humans have to those innate intincts.


Humans "hoard" things because of this too. The whole packrat syndrome....but the reason is probably because you needed to have some spare food lying around in case you couldn't hunt for days.


In this case, it is cartridges. And perhaps far back in your mind, and in all of our minds we think....will Atari be around tommorrow? Will the carts start to wear out? Will the price become too unbelievable to afford. Then we get that hoarding reflex.


And then I'm not even talking about the fact that games are fun...and since people are "goal driven", games serve that need really well. Always striving for something/a goal. So you strive to find a game, and then you play the game, and strive some more for the goal of winning, or for a high score, or whatever.


So how's that for long winded? I type fast, so it isn't much different than me talking live I suppose.

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Man, things are starting to get deep around ol' AtariAge.com. We've got quantum physics, freewill vs. determinism, sociology, etc.


As for the subject of this thread... I can understand, if you really are 15 and just starting to build a collection, wanting some help.


In fact, I'd offer you a cart or two but most of my dups are already on your collection list, and the ones that aren't are uncommon enough to warrant heading straight to eBay.


I might suggest having a look at eBay. If you're willing to part with $20 or so of your life savings, you can probably nab a big lot of 20-25 games, and get a handful of ones you didn't have before.

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I was joking about the house, really.... I'm just saving for stuff I may need. I actually do have some money,even without a job- im not no spoiled rich kid like some of us are- but I don't want to sacrific it all to Atari games really, and I sometimes have better luck trading (although most of my trade list is gone), and I saw several People getting free games, and people on #rgvc reccomended I asked here.Sorry for being rude to ask and all, but the ones I want i can't seem to find except in a Bidding of tons of games for like $80.00. And if anyone offered any games to me, of course I would pay shipping, and even a couple dollars, but it depends on what it is. I even stated that earlier.


I have traded several sets of games.There is only a few I need, maybe you can find them for me, General


River Raid

Pitfall 2


Mario Bros.



Ok, i dunno but maybe some are a little rare, but this is practically all I really want right now. Once I get a job, I'll probably go for some rare games and actually pay the $80.00 for some games, but right now, with my social life, I really can't afford it. Hope you all understand.





oh, and room, if u dont believe me, take a look at my collection... I'm actually an honest person, but I know there isn't very many of us out there still


[ 05-31-2002: Message edited by: Elektro33 ]

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Originally posted by Nukey Shay:

"Man, things are starting to get deep around ol' AtariAge.com. We've got quantum physics, freewill vs. determinism, sociology, etc."


Don't forget female pubic hairstyles.


Ah yes... that as well. This brings me to another aspect of my personality I have not quite revealed here yet: finding a marginally-appropriate Simpsons quote for almost any scenario....


Cameraman: Hey boy-o, what's so funny?


Bart: Well... *chuckles*... nah, you wouldn't like it, it's too lowbrow.


Cameraman: No, no, I'm quite lowbrow!

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Hehe, Atari Freak is a good kid :-). I just wish you lived in the U.S. it would definately make giving stuff away a little easier.


Actually I'm contemplating giving up a psudo rough copy of Mario Brothers to our new Atari brother Elektro33 here.


Drop me your address and I'll send it your way if you want. The label is complete but seems to me someone has slid the label around on the pavement or something... might not be that bad though.

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mmmm.....let me think....

YES All my games are from freebies.

I got my system and 7 games from my cousins,

bowling,combat,kaboom, from joel park.

and all the games people are giving me from the previse post.


Oh wait......I just thought of something, I accully did buy some games, I bought asteroids, space invaders, missle command and enduro for a $1.35 from a person at school.

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