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Reading the paddle controlers

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SpiceWare wrote these great macros:


	lda INPT0	; 3   - always 9
	bpl .save	; 2 3
	.byte $2c	; 4 0
.save   sty Paddle1	 ; 0 3

	lda INPT1	; 3   - always 9
	bpl .save	; 2 3
	.byte $2c	; 4 0
.save   sty Paddle2	 ; 0 3


call them in your kernel and use Paddle1 and Paddle2 for the sprite's position. You also have to assign Paddle1 and 2 a location in RAM.




you also have to charge/discharge the paddle cap. At the beginning of the frame, store $82 to VBLANK. Then just before your kernel, store $00 to VBLANK. After the Kernel, store $82 again

Edited by Wickeycolumbus
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SpiceWare wrote these great macros


It should be mentioned that the Y register is assumed to hold the scanline counter in those macros (hence, sty Paddle1&2). The "always 9" mentioned is the cycle time taken by each macro...9 cycles regardless of if the branch is taken. Basically...the more times that these macros execute in a display frame, the higher resolution of the value.

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SpiceWare wrote these great macros:


	lda INPT0; 3   - always 9
	bpl .save; 2 3
	.byte $2c; 4 0
.save   sty Paddle1	; 0 3

	lda INPT1; 3   - always 9
	bpl .save; 2 3
	.byte $2c; 4 0
.save   sty Paddle2	; 0 3


call them in your kernel and use Paddle1 and Paddle2 for the sprite's position. You also have to assign Paddle1 and 2 a location in RAM.




you also have to charge/discharge the paddle cap. At the beginning of the frame, store $82 to VBLANK. Then just before your kernel, store $00 to VBLANK. After the Kernel, store $82 again

I did what you said with the $82 VBLANK, $00 VBLANK, $82 VBLANK stuff and it still doesn't work. I added the paddle reading code from the Stella Advance Programmers Guide and when i use the -lc Paddles option in Stella, the screen rolls but when i omit the -lc option it just stretches the missiles and ball. Any ideas?






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Ok, that didn't solve my problem as my kernal is very different then yours.

	processor 6502

; Then we have to include the "vcs.h" file
; that includes all the "convenience names"
; for all the special atari memory locations...

include "vcs.h"

include "macro.h"


SEG.U vars		; tells dasm that the proceding instructions are variable declarations
ORG $80			; tells dasm to start placing our variables in memory location 0080

missile0x = $80			; player0's x position

missile0y = $81			; player0's y position

visiblemissile0line = $82	; current visible line for player 0

missile1x = $83			; player0's x position

missile1y = $84			; player0's y position

visiblemissile1line = $85	; current visible line for player 0

ballx = $86			; ball's x position

bally = $87			; ball's y position

ballvx = $88			; ball's x velocity

ballvy = $89			; ball's y velocity

visibleballline = $8a		; line where ball is drawn

leftplayerscore = $8b		; left player's score

rightplayerscore = $8c		; right player's score

	SEG code

; tell DASM where in the memory to place
; all the code that follows...$F000 is the preferred
; spot where it goes to make an atari program

	ORG $F800

; we'll call the start of our program "Start".

sei			; Disable Any Interrupts

cld			; Clear BCD math bit.

ldx #$FF		; put X to the top...

txs			; ...and use it reset the stack pointer

			; Clear RAM and all TIA registers

lda #0			; Put Zero into A, X is at $FF

Clear	sta 0,x			; Now, this doesn't mean what you think...

dex			; decrement X (decrease X by one)

bne Clear		; if the last command resulted in something
			; that's "N"ot "Equal" to Zero, branch back
			; to "Clear"

; One Time Initiations

lda #$00

sta COLUBK		; set the background color to black

lda #$0F

sta COLUPF		; set the playfield color to white

sta COLUP0		; set player 0's color to white

sta COLUP1		; set player 1's color to white

lda #%00100001		; turn on playfield reflections and make the ball 4 ticks wide


lda #%00010000

sta NUSIZ0		; set player 0 width to 4 ticks wide

sta NUSIZ1		; set player 1 width to 4 ticks wide

; Start New Game


lda #2

sta missile0x		; player0's initial x position

lda #150

sta missile1x		; player1's initial x position

lda #95

sta missile0y		; player0's initial y position

sta missile1y		; player1's initial y position

sta bally		; ball's initial y position

lda #75

sta ballx		; ball's initial x position

lda #0

sta leftplayerscore	; set the left player's score to 0

sta rightplayerscore	; set the right player's score to 0


;*********************** VERTICAL SYNC HANDLER

lda #$82

sta VBLANK		; perform a vertical blank and discharge the caps
			; on the paddle controllers

lda  #2

sta VSYNC		; Sync it up you damn dirty television!
			; and that vsync on needs to be held for three scanlines...
			; count with me here,

sta WSYNC		; one... (our program waited for the first scanline to finish...)

sta WSYNC		; two...

sta WSYNC		; three...

lda  #43		;load 43 (decimal) in the accumulator

	sta  TIM64T		;and store that in the timer

	lda #0			; Zero out the VSYNC

	sta  VSYNC		; cause that time is over

;*************************** Paddle Input
; Here we check for left and right paddle
; paddle controller input and check if
; the reset game switch is depressed

lda #%00000001		; a 0 in bit D0 means the reset switch was pressed

bit SWCHB		; was the reset switch pressed?

bne SkipResetSwitchPressed; if bit D0 isn't equal to 0 then jump to SkipResetSwitchPressed

jmp StartNewGame	; if it was then start a new game


lda missile0x		; load the millile 0's position into the accumulator

ldx #2			; set the sprite to be positioned as missile 0

jsr PositionSprite	; jump to our Position Sprite Subroutine to position player 0

sta WSYNC		; wait for sync

lda ballx		; load the ball's x position into the acumulator

ldx #4			; set the sprite to be positioned to ball

jsr PositionSprite	; jump to our Position Sprite Subroutine to position ball

sta WSYNC		;wait for sync

lda missile1x		; load player 1's x position into the accumulator

ldx #3			; set the sprite to be positioned as missile 1

jsr PositionSprite	; jump to our Position Sprite Subroutine to position player 1


;*********************** VERTICAL BLANK WAIT-ER

lda INTIM		; load timer...

bne WaitForVblankEnd	; killing time if the timer's not yet zero

ldy #191		; Y is going to hold how many lines we have to do
			; ...we're going to count scanlines here. theoretically
			; since this example is ass simple, we could just repeat
			; the timer trick, but often its important to know
			; just what scan line we're at.

sta WSYNC		; We do a WSYNC just before that so we don't turn on

sta VBLANK		; End the VBLANK period with the zero and start charging
			; the paddle controllers capasitors

;*********************** Scan line Loop


lda INPT0		; read the charge from the first paddle controller

bmi paddle0		; if paddle 0 is charged

.byte $2c		; paddle 0 wasn't charged so waste 2 cycles


sty missile0y		; then set player 0's y position
			; based on it's readout

lda INPT1		; read the charge from the first paddle controller

bmi paddle1		; if paddle 1 is charged

.byte $2c		; paddle 1 wasn't charged so waste 2 cycles


sty missile1y		; then set player 1's y position
			; based on it's readout

lda #2

sta WSYNC		; Wait for the previous line to finish

cpy missile0y		; is Missile 0's y position the same as the current scanline?

bne SkipActivateMissile0; if it isn't then don't set Missile 0's visible lines

lda #20			; otherwise set Missile 0's visible lines to 20

sta visiblemissile0line	; and store it in the visiblemissile0line


lda visiblemissile0line	; if the visiblemissile0line is zero

beq FinishMissile0	; don't draw Missile 0

lda #2			; otherwise set the accumulator to 2		

dec visiblemissile0line	; and decrement the visiblemissile0line by 1


sta ENAM0		; enable/disable Missile 0
			; if the visiblemissile0line is non zero,
			; we're drawing it

cpy bally		; is ball's y position the same as the current scanline?

bne SkipActivateBall	; if it isn't then don't set ball's visible lines

lda #8			; otherwise set the ball's visible lines to 4

sta visibleballline	; and store it in the visibleballline


lda visibleballline	; if the visibleballline is zero

beq FinishBall		; don't draw the ball

lda #2			; otherwise set the accumulator to 2		

dec visibleballline	; and decrement the visibleballline by 1


sta ENABL		; enable/disable the ball
			; if visibleballline is non, zero,
			; we're drawing it

cpy missile1y		; is Missile 1's y position the same as the current scanline?

bne SkipActivateMissile1; if it isn't then don't set Missile 1's visible lines

lda #20			; otherwise set Missile 1's visible lines to 20

sta visiblemissile1line	; and store it in the visiblemissile1line


lda visiblemissile1line	; if the visibleballline is zero

beq FinishMissile1	; don't draw Missile 1

lda #2			; otherwise set the accumulator to 2		

dec visiblemissile1line	; and decrement the visiblemissile1line by 1


sta ENAM1		; enable/disable Missile 1
			; if the visibleballline is non zero,
			; we're drawing it

dey				; subtract one off the line counter thingy

bne ScanLoop		; and repeat if we're not finished with all the scanlines.

lda #2			;#2 for the VBLANK...

sta WSYNC		;Finish this final scanline.

lda #$82

;sta VBLANK		; Make TIA output invisible for the overscan,
			; (and keep it that way for the vsync and vblank)

;***************************** OVERSCAN CALCULATIONS
;I'm just gonna count off the 30 lines of the overscan.
;You could do more program code if you wanted to.

ldx #30   ;store 30


sta WSYNC		; wait for VSync

dex			; decrement the x register

bne OverScanWait	; if it hasn't been 30 scanlines jump to OverScanWait

jmp  GameLoop		;Continue this loop forver! Back to the code for the vsync etc





sbc	#15

bcs	PositionSpriteLoop

eor	#7





sta.wx HMP0,X	

sta	RESP0,X  

sta	WSYNC	  

sta	HMOVE	


; Interrupt Vectors



.word Start			; NMI

.word Start			; RESET

.word Start			; IRQ

I removed the last VBLANK from my previous code and still am having problems. Any ideas?





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Yup...best case (where the shortest path is always taken) ends up using 70 cycles + 3 for WSYNC. Worst case (where the longest path is always taken) ends up using a whopping 100 cycles + 3 for WSYNC.


It's probably a good idea to keep cycle time listed in areas that are time-critical. For kernel use, also a running total of cycle times for best-case/worst case scenarios. Commonly, this is preceded by the @ symbol in the comments.


Here's your kernel with timing listed. A WSYNC resets the count, so begin there and wrap if a branch to earlier lines occur...


ScanLoop ; this tag is reached @50/80 cycles.
   lda INPT0                ;3 @53/83 read the charge from the first paddle controller
   bmi paddle0              ;2 @55/85 if paddle 0 is charged
   .byte $2c                ;4 @59/89 paddle 0 wasn't charged so waste 2 cycles
   sty missile0y            ;3 @59/89 then set player 0's y position
                            ;         based on it's readout
   lda INPT1                ;3 @62/92 read the charge from the first paddle controller
   bmi paddle1              ;2 @64/94 if paddle 1 is charged
   .byte $2c                ;4 @68/98 paddle 1 wasn't charged so waste 2 cycles
   sty missile1y            ;3 @68/98 then set player 1's y position
                            ;         based on it's readout
   lda #2                   ;2 @70/100!
   sta WSYNC                ;Wait for the previous line to finish
   cpy missile0y            ;3 @3 is Missile 0's y position the same as the current scanline?
   bne SkipActivateMissile0 ;2 @5 if it isn't then don't set Missile 0's visible lines
   lda #20                  ;2 @7 otherwise set Missile 0's visible lines to 20
   sta visiblemissile0line  ;3 @10 and store it in the visiblemissile0line
   lda visiblemissile0line  ;3 @9/13 if the visiblemissile0line is zero
   beq FinishMissile0       ;2 @11/15 don't draw Missile 0
   lda #2                   ;2 @13/17 otherwise set the accumulator to 2
   dec visiblemissile0line  ;5 @18/22 and decrement the visiblemissile0line by 1
   sta ENAM0                ;3 @15/25 enable/disable Missile 0
                            ;         if the visiblemissile0line is non zero,
                            ;         we're drawing it
   cpy bally                ;3 @18/28 is ball's y position the same as the current scanline?
   bne SkipActivateBall     ;2 @20/30 if it isn't then don't set ball's visible lines
   lda #8                   ;2 @22/32 otherwise set the ball's visible lines to 4
   sta visibleballline      ;3 @25/35 and store it in the visibleballline
   lda visibleballline      ;3 @24/38 if the visibleballline is zero
   beq FinishBall           ;2 @26/40 don't draw the ball
   lda #2                   ;2 @28/42 otherwise set the accumulator to 2        
   dec visibleballline      ;5 @33/47 and decrement the visibleballline by 1
   sta ENABL                ;3 @30/50 enable/disable the ball
                            ;         if visibleballline is non, zero,
                            ;         we're drawing it
   cpy missile1y            ;3 @33/53 is Missile 1's y position the same as current scanline?
   bne SkipActivateMissile1 ;2 @35/55 if it isn't then don't set Missile 1's visible lines
   lda #20                  ;2 @37/57 otherwise set Missile 1's visible lines to 20
   sta visiblemissile1line  ;3 @40/60 and store it in the visiblemissile1line
   lda visiblemissile1line  ;3 @39/63 if the visibleballline is zero
   beq FinishMissile1       ;2 @41/65 don't draw Missile 1
   lda #2                   ;2 @43/67 otherwise set the accumulator to 2        
   dec visiblemissile1line  ;5 @48/72 and decrement the visiblemissile1line by 1
   sta ENAM1                ;3 @45/75 enable/disable Missile 1
                            ;         if the visibleballline is non zero,
                            ;         we're drawing it
   dey                      ;2 @47/77 subtract one off the line counter thingy
   bne ScanLoop             ;2 @49/79 and repeat if we're not finished with all the scanlines.

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You can save one more cycle, if you make sure that the *address* of e.g. paddle1 is an 1 byte opcode, e.g. $ea (nop) or $d8 (cld).

	lda INPT0 ; 3   - always 8
	bmi .save+1; 2/3
.save   sty paddle1; 3/2


Thats very clever :thumbsup:

I remember you posting that when I was writing Vong, but I never really understood it. It makes sense now though :)

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