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Cash inside cartridge bought on eBay

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Has anyone ever found cash inside of a cartridge purchased on eBay? I purchased a large lot on eBay awhile back that I just now got around to testing. I couldn't get one of the cartridges to work so I opened it up so that it would be easier to clean the cartridge. Inside of the cartridge was cash. The date on the bill was from after the cartridge was made but more than 10 years ago. Obviously someone put money in after they bought it. I thought it was kind of wierd. Part of me is tempted to see if there is anymore cash in any of the cartridges that were in this lot.

Edited by holygrailvideogames.com
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Has anyone ever found cash inside of a cartridge purchased on eBay? I purchased a large lot on eBay awhile back that I just now got around to testing. I couldn't get one of the cartridges to work so I opened it up so that it would be easier to clean the cartridge. Inside of the cartridge was cash. The date on the bill was from after the cartridge was made but more than 10 years ago. Obviously someone put money in after they bought it. I thought it was kind of wierd. Part of me is tempted to see if there is anymore cash in any of the cartridges that were in this lot.


Oh, thank goodness you found it! I thought I'd lost that money. If you'll PM me, I'll give you my address so you can send it to me.

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Nope, all I ever get are dead spiders, dried dingleberries, and worse. :)




Worse? Eeyuck.......


Best I ever found, was a bullet, the cart had been shot.

No kidding? Damn! Tell me you kept the bullet!


As for the worse, I've found unidentifiable gooey substances in carts before (yet they still worked). At least the other stuff I've found was dry...


The oddest thing I ever found on the outside of a cart was a message. On the back of a 2600 cart someone had spelled out "I Love You" in those little sticky letters that you put on signs. It was the strangest thing. Makes me wonder if it was used as some sort of prop for a relationship or a proposal. Then again, maybe my Atari loves me. Who can say?



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I've found cash in consoles before. Just a few weeks ago I found a couple of pennies in a Nintendo 64!


Ok, so it wasn't much cash...


I know that over on the arcade forums, there is the occasional "weirdest things found in games" thread. Some people have found large amounts of money still in the cashboxes of old games. Most I've ever found was something like three bucks worth of assorted coins in the bottom of a game. But, at the same time, I'm glad I never found the petrified rats or swarms of cockroaches inside a game either.



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I know that over on the arcade forums, there is the occasional "weirdest things found in games" thread. Some people have found large amounts of money still in the cashboxes of old games. Most I've ever found was something like three bucks worth of assorted coins in the bottom of a game. But, at the same time, I'm glad I never found the petrified rats or swarms of cockroaches inside a game either.

Hehe.. When I had my DECO Cassette System out at PC3 (or was it 4?), I had pumped about 30+ credits into it but since there was no free play mode they would run out eventually. Even though I would put more in as I came by I still had about $5 in quarters in the machine by the end of the show. It was the funniest thing. :)



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The most I've found is 25 cents in a console. I've seen lots of coins in systems, but never any money in a cartridge. I had a friend find $300 in silver certificates (old paper dollars) from the 1930s in a library book he bought for $2 at a local library donation sale. He tried to spend a $10 at a taco place and they called the cops on him saying the money was counterfeit.



Edited by the.golden.ax
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long ago (before pay pal) that was the way i would send money overseas! :)




:rolling: That brings back memories! I did similar things before opening a paypal account also

Buyers overseas used to send me money inside the wrappers of chocolate bars. That was a delicious bonus!


A buddy of mine, his mom was retiring and selling their house of 20+ years, so he was helping to clean the place out, and in a book he found some very crisp 20 dollar bills that either he hid from his brother or his brother hid from him. Neither could remember, so he kept the cash.

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I've heard similar things are happening with drugs and all those Mexican Quadrun carts!



Damn, and all I got was a Quadrun. You would think a seller with a name like Escobar I would get a little extra :D



Just joking, thank you for the cart once again :)

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I've heard similar things are happening with drugs and all those Mexican Quadrun carts!



Damn, and all I got was a Quadrun. You would think a seller with a name like Escobar I would get a little extra :D



Just joking, thank you for the cart once again :)



You never know, have you started coughing yet?


*squeeel* *oink*


J/K :D



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