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Recommended Posts

1) Doom

2) Alien vs. Predator / Alien vs. Predator beta

3) Cannon Fodder

4) Ruiner Pinball

5) Wolfenstein 3D

6) Kasumi Ninja

7) Raiden

8 ) NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

9) Flashback

10) Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy

Edited by Ite
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YES SIR! :P Actually if you don't mind, I'm gonna hold off until tomorrow. It's a lot easier for me to edit the list after many people have submitted, because I have to make a lot of changes and it's very time consuming!


& Thanks Nonner. :)

Edited by kevincal
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Hmmm this is a hard list.

1. Tempest 2k

2. Wolfenstein

3. Doom


5. A.V.P.

6.Superburn out

7.Checkered Flag



10.Atari Karts



13.Zool 2

14.NBA Jam

15.Zero 5

16.Brett Hull Hockey

17.Power Drive rally


19.Towers II


21.Iron soldier 2

22.Brutal sports football

23.Blue Lightning

24.Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy

25.Val D'isére Skiing and Snowboardin


There you have it :)

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Good luck, that's a lot of work :)


1. Tempest 2000

2. Alien vs Predator

3. Doom

4. Rayman

5. Battlemorph

6. Super Burn Out

7. Iron Soldier 2

8. Hoverstrike CD

9. Raiden

10. Atari Karts

11. Missile Command 3D

12. Total Carnage

13. Protector SE

14. Breakout 2000

15. Power Drive Rally

16. Ultra Vortek

17. Zoop

18. Iron Soldier

19. Highlander

20. Zero 5

21. NBA Jam TE

22. Vid Grid

23. Wolfenstein 3D

24. Flashback

25. Skyhammer



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What sucks about this list is that I enjoy most of the games at the bottom of my list just as much as the top of the list ;)


Ya, that is a good point. I wish there were a better way. :P Or maybe there is. I suppose another way of doing this, is ask everyone to give a rating to each of their Jag games, from 1-5... :P BUT TOO LATE FOR THAT! Maybe next time. ;)


Good luck, that's a lot of work :)


I guess I like torturing myself... :lol: I just find stuff like this interesting I guess. :)


I can't believe Cannon Fodder is getting no love.


I played this a bit on my Jag. Just not my type of game... Seems more aimed towards the PC crowd, and I've never been a PC gamer! :P It is a good game though. I know a lot of people like it a lot. Over time, it may move up the list.. ;)


I can't believe Cannon Fodder is getting no love.

I dont have it :(


Ya, that's the thing... A lot of us only have so many of the Jags games to begin with. :( I guess in a way this makes the poll sort of flawed, but oh well. :grin:


Again, thanks for the contributions guys, keep them coming! I don't think I'm up to editing the list tonight though. :| Tomorrow, I promise I will! ;)

Edited by kevincal
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Based on what I own:


01) Alien vs. Predator / Alien vs. Predator beta

02) Rayman

03) Hover Strike

04) Tempest 2000

05) Raiden

06) Cybermorph

07) Attack of the Mutant Penguins

08) Doom

09) Wolfenstein 3D

10) Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tails

11) Zool 2

12) Flip Out!

13) Zoop

14) Iron Soldier / Iron Soldier beta

15) Super Burnout

16) Club Drive

17) Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy

18) Val D'isére Skiing and Snowboarding

19) SuperCross 3D

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