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Apple Snaffle (7800's 25th birthday game)


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There is a bug while entering new level codes. I'll fix that in the next release today.



This game looks and plays fantastic. Thank you so much for making this for the 7800 community. It is greatly appreciated.


I especially appreciate you releasing the *.78 ROMs, as I am definitely purchasing a cart from you, unfortunately though, circumstance and space, limits my 7800 experience (And other consoles/computers) to emulation only.


Again, please know I am for and want to be placed under whatever list for a cart purchase, but please (continue) to release via ROM files as well.


Just one question and one thought to share...First the question: Are you planning to implement the ability to "dig" to the space adjacent to you whether up, down, left, or right by holding down the fire button and pressing the joystick in the direction accordingly?


Now the thought: If you're curious for additional ideas in games similar to this, besides the obvious Boulder Dash, there is an arcade game called 'Diamond Run' which takes the Boulder Dash concept and throws a couple of twists into the mix. It runs under MAME beautifully. If you need help "setting it up", let me know.


Thanks again for all your hard work,


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This game looks and plays fantastic. Thank you so much for making this for the 7800 community. It is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the compliment.

Just one question and one thought to share...First the question: Are you planning to implement the ability to "dig" to the space adjacent to you whether up, down, left, or right by holding down the fire button and pressing the joystick in the direction accordingly?

Its on my list of things to add. The animations are sorted, they just need code support.

Now the thought: If you're curious for additional ideas in games similar to this, besides the obvious Boulder Dash, there is an arcade game called 'Diamond Run' which takes the Boulder Dash concept and throws a couple of twists into the mix.

I've a few of my own ideas too :lol:. Hopefully they'll make an appearence in the next few releases and then I can start a level design contest.

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There is a bug while entering new level codes. I'll fix that in the next release today.

Hopefully the new release will be today. From reports back to me, I think the physics is taking far too long on NTSC machines so its slowing the scrolling. I'm going to add a blank/empty level so people can compare.


EDIT: For composition.

Edited by GroovyBee
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A level design contest will be great.Hope,that you have a program,which can make levels in an easy way,cause i am no programmer.

:lol: Don't worry you won't need to be a programmer to make an entry. I'll provide the following :-


- A link to the level editor.

- A template level file containing 5 blank levels.

- A tutorial for the level editor.

- A tool to modify the Apple Snaffle binary to include the new level data.

- Instructions for the conversion tool.


All you'll need is a Windows PC and a DOS box to get going. I might be able to get rid of the DOS box. It depends how I program the conversion tool.

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A level design contest will be great.Hope,that you have a program,which can make levels in an easy way,cause i am no programmer.

:lol: Don't worry you won't need to be a programmer to make an entry. I'll provide the following :-


- A link to the level editor.

- A template level file containing 5 blank levels.

- A tutorial for the level editor.

- A tool to modify the Apple Snaffle binary to include the new level data.

- Instructions for the conversion tool.


All you'll need is a Windows PC and a DOS box to get going. I might be able to get rid of the DOS box. It depends how I program the conversion tool.

Hi Mark

Without Dos box would be great.It would also be great,if there is a possibility to check,that the created level is really beatable.

greetings Walter

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Without Dos box would be great.It would also be great,if there is a possibility to check,that the created level is really beatable.

OK! I'll see what I can do about no DOS box, I'm no Windows programming expert tho. You'll have to play the level to see if you can beat it. That's the fun part about designing levels ;-) and also the most time consuming :(.

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Find attached the latest version :-



CC2 users now need the following :-




I've fixed the bug so you can now select the level. The POKEY sound seems to have stopped in my version of ProSystem :(. I've tried an earlier version of the game and that doesn't work either. However the game's sound works fine on real hardware.


I've also made changes that will make it much easier to run the level design contest, hence the reason the binary image is up to 128K. I've also written the tool to insert the level data into the binary. I just need to add a nice windows front end now.


Can CC2 NTSC owners please try out level 3? It can be accessed by entering 33333 in the LEVEL menu option and then select START. Compare the horizontal and vertical scrolling speed against the other 2 levels and let me know if its faster on level 3 or about the same.


Collision detection still needs fixing as does the fact that you can't die. Other than bugs related to those feel free to report problems.

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Find attached the latest version :-




Thought I'd post some more screenshots too :-





There is no change in the CC2 configuration.


I've only optimised the physics in this release. Could NTSC CC2 users again compare the scrolling speed of level three against the other two levels. Use the instructions above to access the 3rd level. Thanks for any feedback.

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Anything to report on horizontal and vertical scrolling speeds from the NTSC CC2 testers?


Level 3 scrolls faster than the other two levels; up and down are slightly faster, left and right are much faster.

Also, on the title screen and in the menus I'm having trouble with it registering two button presses when I only hit it once. (debounce issue?)



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Level 3 scrolls faster than the other two levels; up and down are slightly faster, left and right are much faster.

Thanks for testing. As I suspected the physics algorithm is taking too long. I'll leave it until I can do some testing on real NTSC hardware. I might have to shrink the levels a bit to speed it up.

Also, on the title screen and in the menus I'm having trouble with it registering two button presses when I only hit it once. (debounce issue?)

What joystick are you using? As you suspected the fire button isn't debounced. I'll fix that in the next release.

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What joystick are you using? As you suspected the fire button isn't debounced. I'll fix that in the next release.


It's a custom 7800 stick I built using Happ arcade microswitch buttons (and joystick).



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Find attached the latest version :-



Changes in this release :-


1) Added fire button debouncing on menu.

2) Optimized the physics algorithm.

3) Added another two dummy/test levels. The 4th level contains 100 objects and the 5th level has 150. Both object counts are less than the first two levels. Could NTSC CC2 owners test these levels and compare them against levels 1,2, and 3 for horizontal and vertical scrolling speed? The 4th level can be accessed with code 10000 and the 5th level with code 15000.


No changes need to be made to the CC2 configuration file.

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