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Dealing with the unreasonable buyer


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Okay... a guy puts a best offer on a few of my auctions. I accept at about 9pm last night Sunday the 7th. The dude pays at 8am on Monday the 8th (Today). I was out from about 11am until evening sometime, say around 7 or 8pm. I get online and I have two emails from the dude, one direct, one through eBay... no questions just a statement. He tells me to please tell him when his order has shipped. Fine, I do that anyways. Again, no questions in that email, just a request. His order, just like every eBay order will ship the next time my mail man picks up. (My listings say 2 days... but it is usually one, unless it is Saturday-Sunday) I generally print my labels around midnight and request a carrier pick-up by 2am. At 11pm after 14 hours he looses it, asking if I am ignoring him. I responded and said I didn't understand that he had wanted to know when they would ship because his emails said to let him know when they HAD shipped... past tense. He writes back even sh*tter than before asking if I'm "sick". Then I have spent a half hour going back and forth over how I'm a bad seller for not responding to the first two emails, and not responding for over 24 hours... When in fact he paid only 15 hours ago, all of his emails were in that time frame... You just can't please some people. I've had so many people messing with me as of late, I'm starting to think it is intentional.



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You just can't please some people. I've had so many people messing with me as of late, I'm starting to think it is intentional.




You got a lot of room to talk, old man. I waited for my donor carts for 2 weeks, shipped in a flat rate Priority box. :roll:





























Had you for a second, didn't I? :D :P

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Yeah, we figured out the trick around the P&DC hang up. We thought we were saving time by dropping it at the actual distribution center. Early May was horrible. We were having week+ priority mail speeds. All be it during a time in the region that had flood devistation, but still SLOW. We started do www.usps.com carrier pick-up requests, and it is now 2 - 3 day priority mail again. What this guy is upset with is responce, and ship time. I think if you get a reply in 12 hours, and shipping in 24 or less from the time you paid, you got some fairly good service... I'm speaking as seller, and frequent buyer.



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It seems it doesn't matter how much info you put into your auction most people don't read it anyway? Or at least now a days! most people can answer their own questions if they just read everything. + then there is that crazy thing called feedback? Ax your a power seller with great feedback? why this guy would have any worry beats me?

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Okay... a guy puts a best offer on a few of my auctions. I accept at about 9pm last night Sunday the 7th. The dude pays at 8am on Monday the 8th (Today). I was out from about 11am until evening sometime, say around 7 or 8pm. I get online and I have two emails from the dude, one direct, one through eBay... no questions just a statement. He tells me to please tell him when his order has shipped. Fine, I do that anyways. Again, no questions in that email, just a request. His order, just like every eBay order will ship the next time my mail man picks up. (My listings say 2 days... but it is usually one, unless it is Saturday-Sunday) I generally print my labels around midnight and request a carrier pick-up by 2am. At 11pm after 14 hours he looses it, asking if I am ignoring him. I responded and said I didn't understand that he had wanted to know when they would ship because his emails said to let him know when they HAD shipped... past tense. He writes back even sh*tter than before asking if I'm "sick". Then I have spent a half hour going back and forth over how I'm a bad seller for not responding to the first two emails, and not responding for over 24 hours... When in fact he paid only 15 hours ago, all of his emails were in that time frame... You just can't please some people. I've had so many people messing with me as of late, I'm starting to think it is intentional.




I would have just hit reply and said, I will ship it in the next 48 hours, probably tomorrow. Will send you an email when I do. Thanks HHW

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Some people are just so angry. I had a guy bitch me out and report me to the BBB because I failed to mention that the $13 Battletoads arcade monitor bezel art I sold him was from a kit and not from the dedicated machine. Well guess what? There is no dedicated Battletoads. They're all kits. This didn't matter to him - I am still a moron, a retard and a scammer, don't know anything about doing business or have any experience with arcade games. He sent me a picture of a Super Street Fighter II converted to Battletoads as proof of the dedicated version's existence.


He then filed a Paypal claim... and lost. I'm sure I'll get a negative feedback.

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I got two Lord of the rings glass Goblets packed in a snickers freezer treats box with kraft maccaroni boxes, breakfast toater thing boxes, and butter boxes for padding two days ago.... SENT MEDIA MAIL. :D It was a good deal for under $7 total though. LOL




Was it the Burger King light-up ones? I still have two of those.

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I have one of those! Still lights up and everything! Next collectible from the fast-food market: McDonald's classic Coke glasses. Nice. Anyway...back on topic..


Yes, sometimes I can be a little impatient, but I'm never rude to the person I bought from. Figuring that they have my payment before they ship prompts politeness so you actually *do* get your stuff! It's just common courtesy to be nice, and don't hound someone to death over your merchandise. I get excited sometimes, though, like a little kid expecting something WONDERFUL for either my birthday or Christmas!! So, all AA'ers out there I've bought from and are waiting for stuff from, please forgive my impatience. You're dealing with a 42-year old kid here!! :P :D

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