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5200 Flashback 3 needed now!


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Dear Atari and Mr. Vendel,

Thank you for the 7800 and 2600 version of Flashback retro consoles, now it is time to design and produce for consumers the 5200 Flashback 3 retro classic gaming console. Please make this new console with at least 20 of the original classic 5200 games included in the memory ROM and also please include the option (wireless, memory card or USB) to download and play compatible Atari 8-bit games on the FB3! And, please design it to look and feel just like a smaller version of the original Atari 5200 SuperSystem, controller storage and all! This would also be a nice opportunity for Atari and Legacy Engineering to fix the problems with the original analog controllers. I just received my second 7800 Flashback in mail today and I simply love these retro consoles! If the 5200 Flashback 3 sold for $49.99, I believe you would sell them by the truckloads! Take my word for it! And, I'm sure the entire Atari community agrees, right?

Atarily yours, Cal

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It'll never happen, at least not the way it's being talked about here. On the earlier Flashback units, many of the most popular and well-known titles had to be left out due to licensing issues, and this situation would only be worse for 5200 as its library is largely licensed arcade ports.


Additionally, 8-bit Atari computer games aren't really compatible. The 8-bit computer games that are on 5200 have required changes/porting, etc. The 5200 has no keyboard and some of the hardware inside is different enough that you can't just put and 8-but computer rom in a 5200 cart--needs modification before it'll work.


If anything "Flashback" comes out it'll be the 2600 portable, and I wouldn't hold my breath on that one even though there's video out of one being demoed.


Heck, as great as I think Curt and the Legacy Engineering folks are, they seem to be having problems. Curt's health has been rough(so I've read around here), and I just looked at the USB CX-40 joystick thread and some people who ordered their sticks in November are still waiting.

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