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Cycle Counting..


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I saw THIS THREAD about Cycle Counting.


Is it impossible to make some kind of chart for bB?

That's a good idea, but it could vary depending on how the commands are used and other issues. For example,


   a = 1

will normally compile as


   LDA #1
  STA a

which takes 4 bytes of ROM and 5 cycles of CPU time. Therefore the following will normally take 8 bytes and 10 cycles:


   a = 1
  b = 1

Normally compiles as


   LDA #1
  STA a
  LDA #1
  STA b

But if you put those two commands one after the other on the same line, they will compile more efficiently and take only 6 bytes and 8 cycles:


   a = 1 : b = 1

Will compile as


   LDA #1
  STA a
  STA b

The best way to be sure about the number of bytes and cycles used is to look at the assembly listing and then add cycle counting to the assembly listing. But it should be possible to create a table for most of the commands.



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