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what is wrong with this code?


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can someone tell me? it keeps on saying syntaz errors on vbB. even when it's clear nothing is wrong with it. even on lines with nothing on it! Is there something wrong, or is this a dumb glitch?


 set romsize 2k
 AUDV0 = 5
 AUDC0 = 2
 AUDF0 = 8




scorecolor = 196

pfscroll down
 score = 0+1
if joy0right then x=x+1 
if joy0left then x=x-1
if joy0up then pfscroll down
if joy0up then score= score +1
if collision(playfield,player0) then pfscroll up
if collision(playfield,player0) then if joy0right then x=x-1
if collision(playfield,player0) then if joy0left then x=x+1 
if collision(playfield,player0) then if joy0up then pfscroll up
if collision(playfield,player0) then if joy0up then score = score-1
if joy0fire then reboot 
if collision(playfield,player0) then score=score-1

goto main

Edited by Animan
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Please post errors and line numbers. Indicate where the erros are in the code. Could you edit the post and wrap it in "code tags" and not "spoiler tags"?

It keeps on saying "syntax error" on a random line. every time i compile it again, it's somewhere different, as if i fixed the first one (even if i didn't touch it), but screwed up a different one.

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Please post errors and line numbers. Indicate where the erros are in the code. Could you edit the post and wrap it in "code tags" and not "spoiler tags"?

It keeps on saying "syntax error" on a random line. every time i compile it again, it's somewhere different, as if i fixed the first one (even if i didn't touch it), but screwed up a different one.


Well, its hard to tell without you posting the actual BAS file, but from what you posted in the codebox it looks to me as though "player0x" and "player0y" don't have white space in front of them, in which case they are being treated as labels.

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Please post errors and line numbers. Indicate where the erros are in the code. Could you edit the post and wrap it in "code tags" and not "spoiler tags"?

It keeps on saying "syntax error" on a random line. every time i compile it again, it's somewhere different, as if i fixed the first one (even if i didn't touch it), but screwed up a different one.


Well, its hard to tell without you posting the actual BAS file, but from what you posted in the codebox it looks to me as though "player0x" and "player0y" don't have white space in front of them, in which case they are being treated as labels.


alright, i'll try that

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I copied your code, pasted it into Crimson Editor (well, into WordPad first, then from WordPad to Crimson Editor, so the line breaks would be there), and then added spaces to indent everything that needed to be indented. When I compiled it, it compiled without errors and ran fine. So if you're getting a syntax error, it must be from a line that isn't indented that should be. It looks like there might be three such lines in your code:


Line 1 -- x=70

Line 54 -- player0x=x

Line 55 -- player0y=y


And your playfield statement has a couple of issues, although they didn't cause an error:


Each playfield row should have 32 characters on it-- no more, no less. Several of your rows have more than 32, or less than 32.


Each playfield row should contain only periods (.) and capital exes (X), unless you include additional information in the statement to tell batari Basic which character will represent an "off" pixel, and which character will represent an "on" pixel. One of your playfield rows has a lowercase ex (x) instead of an uppercase ex (X).



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Okay, I downloaded your posted code, and I see the two bugs.


Line 1 is okay, it must has just lost the leading space when you copied and pasted it into the codebox.


Line 47 has no leading space, so batari Basic is treating it like a line label. And the first thing it sees after the "line label" is an equals sign (=), which it's trying to interpret as a batari Basic statement-- except there is no such statement in batari Basic. So it says "(47): Error: Unknown keyword: =" (at least, that's what it says when I compile it. The message is telling you that


(1) the problem is found on line 47 (that's what the "(47)" at the beginning of the message means);


(2) the problem is an error (as opposed to a warning);


(3) the error is that it encountered an unknown keyword while scanning or processing the code on that line; and


(4) the unknown keyword is "=" (an equals sign).


You have the same problem on line 50-- you're missing a space at the beginning of the line.


I don't know why I got different line numbers for those two statements when I copied and pasted the code from the codebox.



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