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My 'Custom' 7800


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Hi guys, just wanted to share this :)


I have been trying to get a 7800 case that isn't so beat-up looking, to no avail. I noticed that most of my newly-acquired items were white (Mac Mini, Wii, etc.) so I had asked Curt if there were any white 7800 shells left from when they were going to re-release them. Not really expecting a 'yes' answer, he told me they were very expensive to produce anyway, and that I might be better off painting it. Don't know if he said that tongue-in-cheek, but it planted a seed...



I picked up a can of Glossy White spray paint, Metallic Silver spray paint, and Sparkle Charcoal Grey spray print (to use on another case), and painted outside this morning. This 7800 was also modded with the 8-bit domain Composite video out, and the LED was replaced with a rainbow-colored one. :D


So I present to you, my white 7800:








I know about the left edge of the silver, I'll touch that up later.


The last thing I plan on doing is getting some Black pin striping to put above and below the silver strip (mostly to hide the bleeding of the silver spray paint onto the white).


I can put this next to my Wii now! (not that I ever play either of them) :ponder:



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The paint job came out nice but the silver doesn't look good with white. Maybe a 8-bit XL dark brown? Plus you have to high-light the 'Atari 7800' more. Maybe the same white?


PS. I figure you probably don't want to go too crazy with it.



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@nathanallan: It's a rainbow LED - it cycles through Red,green,teal,blue,yellow,purple :)


@Allan: You know, I almost bought Gold, but I decided to keep the original color instead. I think the gold may have looked better as well. It's too late now, There's no way I can get that paint off evenly at this point.


Thanks guys :)


I actually did two of them that way (I didn't take a picture of the other one).


Happy 4th!



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Okay Shawn, I'm game. I don't care for B&C's customer service anyways. They told me there were less than a dozen left and some have imperfections. Where else can I get at least a dozen (perhaps 25)? That would be awesome. I figured if I couldn't get them I'd end up having to make something. Real would be better though.



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Okay Shawn, I'm game. I don't care for B&C's customer service anyways. They told me there were less than a dozen left and some have imperfections. Where else can I get at least a dozen (perhaps 25)? That would be awesome. I figured if I couldn't get them I'd end up having to make something. Real would be better though.




Aside from B&C there is Best Electronics and Atarizona. :) $15 bucks a pop though.

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Looks great Bob! You should get yourself one of those NOS 7800 bezels and this thing would be complete :)


Crap! If I had knows about this I wouldn't have bothered with the Metallic Silver Spray Paint.


Thanks for the head's up - I sent out a request to them. :)



P.S. - Now I'm thinking about different colors... Navy Blue, Brown, etc. I even looked at Red and Fuscia! :P

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Thanks guys!


@stilth60050: Thanks! I was thinking of that (in a choice of different colors, though). I *have* to do 'Fire Engine Red' just to see how it comes out. :D

The joystick is hacked from a Pac-Man plug and play. The hardware in it is pretty solid, and being that we have the same games in several other Plug-N-Play compilations, I decided to make a 7800 joystick out of it. I originally wanted to use it as a Paddle controller as well (it has a 'twist' control - a pot - in it as well for Pole Position, but if the 2600 Paddles use a 500K pot, I can't figure out what the internals here use. I was trying all different values of resistors to try and gauge it but I came up empty. (I really need to get a ohmeter).



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Thanks guys!


@stilth60050: Thanks! I was thinking of that (in a choice of different colors, though). I *have* to do 'Fire Engine Red' just to see how it comes out. :D

The joystick is hacked from a Pac-Man plug and play. The hardware in it is pretty solid, and being that we have the same games in several other Plug-N-Play compilations, I decided to make a 7800 joystick out of it. I originally wanted to use it as a Paddle controller as well (it has a 'twist' control - a pot - in it as well for Pole Position, but if the 2600 Paddles use a 500K pot, I can't figure out what the internals here use. I was trying all different values of resistors to try and gauge it but I came up empty. (I really need to get a ohmeter).



Are the internals the original parts?

I have thought about doing a similar thing but with a sanwa 4way stick to make a dedicated pac-man controller. (if I ever get time that is :roll: )

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hey bob,

if you're looking to do darker colors, you might want to consider something like the rit dye. it soaks into the plastic, vinyl, rubber (whatever you're painting) and impregnants it, lasting a lot longer than paint and isn't as subjective to scratching like normal paints. my neighbor just spraying the rubber boots on his honda 3-wheeler, and you'd swear that the were brand new from the factory now.

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When you said spray paint I cringed a little but it actually looks pretty damn good. Nice man!


For anyone else looking at this remember you can get some specific paints and primers designed to bong chemically to the plastics. I use these all the time for various custom projects. One of them is a completely white STm with blue LED. Am still waiting for a kit to de-yellow the aged keyboard before putting it all back together and posting pics here but it does look very nice in pure white (not glossy still matte finish as per original grey colour)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now if only we could have 7800s in various colors...

Oh, but you can:







I was thinking of doing this as a service:


- 'Refurbishing' with a new aluminum strip, & paint job with custom color

- Composite mod done This way

- LED replaced with a Rainbow LED (slowly changes to different colors)


Would this be of any interest to anyone? Not sure of the price yet, but I know I will have to make two: one where a person sends in a 7800 and one without.


Colors I have so far:

-White (shown above)

-Maroon (shown above)





-Metallic Charcoal Grey

-Dark Green

-Light Blue

-Navy Blue




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