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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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How long is "soon" in Jahfish's mind?


Just wondering...

Me to:

i will get back to everybody over the message board and by email at the weekend ...

Now I realize that he didn't say which weekend.


I think you will all receive the forms this week and I will also post them here. Then we are at least prepared if nothing happens (again!).

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I think you will all receive the forms this week and I will also post them here. Then we are at least prepared if nothing happens (again!).


By all means Thomas, take this mother-you-know-what-ter to court already. His name is now poison in this community, and I could care less what excuses he would offer here even if he DID post - they're not worth the postage on the packages he (obviously) never shipped. The only dialogue this man will understand is the kind taking place in front of a judge.

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By all means Thomas, take this mother-you-know-what-ter to court already.

Don't worry, words are not going to stop me or delay the process at all.


Maybe somebody prefers to believe him without any evidence again, but not me and all others where I got a reaction lately.


The clock is ticking...

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Since Fish hasn't posted here yet, I think I'll do that for him now. Here is the mail I and a few others got from him at 4/16:

hi guys ...


first of all i have to apologise 1000 times for beeing so silent.


i've had a hard time moving from flat to flat not finding anything that i

could pay. my bank account got closed down and and i had a part of my

personal items taken away to pay my debts. i try to recover from that at the

moment, doing small graphic-jobs for subotage, the site over which you have

contacted me. i am not online everyday anymore, so it might take a few days

for me to get back.


after the exhibition, the people (i rented the space from) have locked away

a part of my items and asked for extra money since they were hoping getting

more cash with their opening/final-party and this didn't work.


i actually able to "free" the games (thrust plus - taken away from me since

november) only a few weeks ago and right now i am missing a bunch of

stickers (the signed ones by me and thomas) to finalise the packs ...


some packs are allready ready to be sent, marcos for example.


right now, i am getting together all my homebrew games in order to sell them

and to pay the remaining shipping costs from that. i still also have to pay

thomas back an advance he gave me ...

there still also some unsold/unpayed games, which just made the whole

handling more difficult.


any way, you'll hear from me these days again. i will post some news on the

message board on atariage, to which i haven't been for a long time i must

admit. it's not that i wanted to hide, but i could give a definitive answer

to all the questions.


my email account at atombombe.de was probably victim of an attack from

someone unhappy, since it is daily flooded with spammails, and i regularly

have problems to check it, some mails get lost after crashes ....  so make

sure to use this emailaccount (jahfish@subotage.com) for further

communication ...  


russ, marco, and all the others: all your items are still safe and locked

away safe now. i will get them as soon as possible and send them soon, and i

will add extras to anyone for all the waiting ...


i might send some of the boxes together to usa (combine 2-3 shippings) to

save a little shipping costs, since these have raised to 29$ (from 20$

before summer 2002, the basis of my calculation). and these 29$ are still

without insurance, the whole new pricing politics of the german post is a



so i will need a week or two to get all the items together and double-check

with the old mails and confirmations, while selling the homebrew-games to

pay the costs and refund thomas for his advance and royalties ...


i will get back to everybody over the message board and by email at the

weekend ...





BTW: According to my own investigations, the part with the "locked away" stuff is a lie.

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Since probably many of you are eagerly awaiting this, here are the assertion forms.


The ZIP-file contains a German and an English translated version, both in PDF format. Since we are going to a German court you must sign the German one(s) (the English ones are only to help you to understand what you are signing ;)).


I'll contact you by email tomorrow for the fax number where to send the forms and I will also give you an email address where you can send any evidences for your claim.


I anything is not clear please contact me ASAP.


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I just had to post once in this thread! Good luck to everyone on getting his money's worth! I wish we had someone to FIX that guy Junie who also posted an excuse letter similar to jah-fish months ago. Junie got me for some cash. :sad: :x Best of luck Thomas!! 8)

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People please stop asking Thomas about Fish, Thomas is not fish's mother...

Agreed here. :)


...and cannot help what fish has done to most of us, you will not get your money back so kiss it good bye.

Why so negative? Either our pressure will finally push Fish to react (he did send me another email yesterday) or we will go to court (BTW: Did you get my email :?:) and claim our money that way.


So I am still quite convinced that everybody (who is prepared to go to court!) will get his money back or maybe even finally gets what he payed for.

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I'll contact you by email tomorrow for the fax number where to send the forms and I will also give you an email address where you can send any evidences for your claim.


I anything is not clear please contact me ASAP.




I do not have access to a fax. Would it be acceptable for me to print out and sign the forms, scan them and email a jpg image of it to you? I could also include the paypal transaction detail as well.




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I do not have access to a fax. Would it be acceptable for me to print out and sign the forms, scan them and email a jpg image of it to you?

We are currently checking this. IMO it should be ok (at least for the first step), because technically it's quite the same as a fax.


But I am no lawyer. ;)

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Since Fish seems to prefer not to post anything here, I will post his last message to me (thanks to CPUWIZ for the translation ;)). I leave it up to you if you believe him or not.


The post also finally(!) included the long wanted purchaser list which I also attached (though with all private details e.g. adresses removed).


Was that it, no response? Would you possibly help avoid having to go to court and sort things out without it?

I am waiting for concrete suggestions from you. Don't take too much time though, I am losing my patience and a lot of other people are too.

Of course not, but I told you that I can't sort all of this out overnight.


Between jobsearch, running errands, work, renovation, crisis-managment and weekends with my kids, I need to find some time to continue with the carts. Because of that, it's only happening a few at a time.


I picked up the homebrews this weekend and took some pictures, now I am finishing up the instructions and I am planning on having them in by Thursday. In the 10 days from now until then, I'll finish assembling the Thrust+ and I'll send them all together.


I hope to have all of it done by the end of May and that everything is settled by then.


Attached is also (finally) the list of items that went out and the ones that didn't.

thrust plus final list:

------ 01 --------- p postpaket ++++++++++ SENT !!!!

Thomas Linke  cyberscreen

+ certificate

------ 02 ---------

Stephen Colbert ++++++++++ SENT !!!!

------ 03 --------- ++++++++++ SENT !!!!



------ 04 --------- p AIRMAIL ++++++++++ SENT !!!!

Steve Jacobs


------ 05 --------- p surface


------ 06 --------- p surface SENT


------ 07 ---------p air +++ trade +++ prepared


Rick Weis

------ 08 --------- p +++ trade +++ prepared

Marco Kerstens  


------ 09 --------- +++ trade +++ SENT


------ 10 --------- p surface LOWER +++ trade +++ prepared

Joel D. Park

------ 11 --------- p airmail SENT !!!!!

Chris Wilkson 

------ 12 --------- ex 9! p. airmail SENT !!!!

Jim Croniger

------ 13 --------- p surface SENT

Kevin Staszkow

Amount: $59.00

------ 14 --------- sending with ricks

Russ Perry Jr 


------ 15 --------- p airmail SENT !

Pitfall Harry

------ 16 --------- p surface SENT !


------ 17 --------- p surface

Carl Eugene Howard (payed by #22)

------ 18 --------- SENT !


------ 19 --------- MO sent to randy 8/2 airmail SENT!


Money Order $70 (game: $49 + small

parcel airmail: $21)

------ 20 --------- p euro SENT!

Eric Boghos 

------ 21 --------- p surface usa

David H


one copy of Thrust2002 $49+

insured small surface parcel $27


------ 22 --------- P FOR 2 SETS surface


------ 23 --------- p airmail SENT! (trade - where is my book?)


------ 24 --------- ???????????????????????????????

Marty (SHIPPING NOT PAYED) BECKERPAMC@aol.com sent mail

no adress

------ 25 --------- p airmail SENT

Matt Reichert

------ 26 --------- p airmail


CHOSEN SHIPPING OPTION AND TOTAL COSTS: airmail no insurance $70 (right?)

------ 27 --------- p airmail


------ 28 --------- ???????????????????????????????


------ 29 --------- p airmail

black dog

------ 30 --------- p surface


------ 31 --------- ???????????????????????????????

now 3


------ 32 --------- ???????????????????????????????

now 6


------ 33 --------- p airmail



------ 34 --------- + trade

Joe Grand 

------ 35 --------- payed airmail

Waggie the CPA

------ 36 --------- p airmail


------ 37 --------- p airmail


------ 38 --------- ???????????????????????????????


------ 39 --------- P AIRMAIL (NEW ADRESS COMMING)

Brian Prescott

------ 40 --------- SENT

matty sent !!!!

------ 41 --------- sending / trade

Marc Oberhauser

------ 42 --------- p airmail


------ 43 --------- ???????????????????????????????

Andrew (drop out)

------ 44 --------- P SENT

lee sent !!!!

------ 45 --------- airmail p



------ 46 --------- p Airmail


------ 47 --------- ???????????????????????????????

lenno or jens ???

------ 48 --------- p airmail


------ 49 --------- p euro


------ 50 --------- p SENT!


A few things on this list are a bit confusing (so I immediately asked Fish about, though with no reply yet), but in general it fits to my reconstructed list. And you can see that at least six sets are still available.

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------ 45 --------- airmail p






I'm exactly sure whatt that whole thing means, but I paid for game #45 plus the $21 for the airmail shipping. I will be sending some JPEGs in the mail for you Thomas.

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I'm exactly sure whatt that whole thing means, but I paid for game #45 plus the $21 for the airmail shipping. I will be sending some JPEGs in the mail for you Thomas.

Since Fish did not answer my questions, I don't know either.


Please mail the JPEGs to Marc too.

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For some reason, I actually believe Fish at this point, that he will do what he has promised.


Of course I didn't order one of these either.

Up until this situation arose, he was VERY trustworthy.


give me some of what inky's smokin.


you realize it's been ONE FULL YEAR (365 days!) since i coughed up $118??

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