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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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now i just have one outstanding homebrew that's not completed yet, 4 more months and it will 2 years since i paid for it complete! you know who you are!  :ponder:


Take Care,




would that be some strange game with only two letters in its title? :ponder:


:ponder: well... to get picky it's 4 letters :P


for me it's

1 board

2 manuals

2 labels


@ thomas i have all 4 thrust + also :twisted:


and Yes i order in large quantities also! :D


Take care,



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I wasn't going to say anything because I don't doubt Andrew will follow through, but if other people have received their QB labels and manuals, does anybody know what the status is on that?


Does anybody have a link to the QB status page? IIRC, I still need the label and manual.

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  • 8 months later...

Sorry to bump this topic again, but I think you should know about. And maybe some publicity will help improving the situation.


After going to court, finally everybody got his Thrust+ DC set now. That's the good news.

The bad news, Fish refuses to pay back the money I lend him and he owes me from royalties (~700 EUR/$850). :x


In January we had made an agreement that he would pay me 50 EUR/month, starting from February.


When no money arrived in February, I contacted him and he told me that he was short of money that month and promised that he would pay me 100 EUR in March instead. Ok, thought I should give him a chance and accepted his promise.


Then it was April, and guess what, still no money! I contacted him again (he never tried to contact me), and now he told me that he would make money soon by selling parts of his collection and from some remaining Thrust sets he had told me he had send to Albert for sale. Again I gave him another chance to keep his promises.


May came, still no money. I asked Albert about the Thrust sets, they never arrived! I contacted Fish several times since then, he never replied.


Now it is June and Fish is repeating what he did when people where asking for the Thrust sets, where he completely disappeared, leaving me alone with all the trouble.


Yet, he still has enough money for buying hobby stuff at eBay (BMX and skateboard parts, tapes etc.) all the time. :x

Note that he has recently canceled this account and probably has switched to another, yet unknown address. If anybody knows his new account, please tell me. Thanks!


I definitely don't want to go to court again, but I also won't let him get away with this. The money he owes me is really secondary now, I am mainly doing this due to his bad habits, constanly lying, breaking promises and playing unfair. :x :x :x


So please, if anybody of you is in contact with him, maybe due to trading, please help me. Maybe you can help to convince him for anything better. This unpleasant story is going on for almost two years now, and I am really sick of his bad behavior.


Thanks for listening.

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