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Atari Conference


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A good friend of mine in Atlanta helps run Momocon, and does some work with AWA and Dragoncon, and he's been talking about trying to get a retro gaming convention together for the South. Unfortunately it's been set back a bit, and it wouldn't just be about Atari games, but I don't know of anything else in the general area.

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I'll let the thread sit here for a little bit and just see what the general reaction is to it. If there is indeed some genuine interest in getting together in South Florida and having a conference we can start putting some committees together. I have a few connections with hotels and there is certainly plenty to do down here. Quite honestly, I was thinking of it more of as a 2600 conference, but we could possibly expand it to the 7800 and 5200 depending on interest. Not too long ago I attended a domain name conference down here and I felt like it could have been done so much better.


Anyway, please let me know.

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A good friend of mine in Atlanta helps run Momocon, and does some work with AWA and Dragoncon, and he's been talking about trying to get a retro gaming convention together for the South. Unfortunately it's been set back a bit, and it wouldn't just be about Atari games, but I don't know of anything else in the general area.

A retro gaming convention for the South, held in the Atlanta area, would be great! I'll bet there'd be a lot of interest in such a thing among us Southerners!



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I'd make the trip to Atlanta happily for an Atari or Retrogames event. Not too far from Tennessee.


I've relatives in South Florida and could make it there as well every now and then. But I agree with the previous posts that Georgia might be more inviting for more people than South Florida, since you could draw people from all directions and southern states, whereas South Florida is kind of at the edge of the country. However, S. Fla. can draw people from all over Fla. and the Latin Americas.


And a question for shadowdoggie: where do you buy Atari stuff in South Florida? Are there any retrogames shops down there? It seems like there would be, but I've never seen any.

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