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Gamma Attack back up


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Damn, I told him not to list it with a retarded price agian cause no one would send a serious offer. I do know that it is a legit sale and he would sell it for alot less than that stupid BIN.


But with that said, good God $24k and then best offer is just as bad as $1m or best offer. Nobody will take it serious and the flames he will get *again* are gonna be enough to make California wildfires look like a rainy day.


If it was mine, I'd list it at 1 cent and let it ride if an auction was truely how I wanted it to be sold, that or contact the few people who are serious into uber rares and take the highest offer from the big boys club.


Odds are it would be sold to Jose anyhow as I don't see anyone else wanting or able to fork over the coin needed to buy this game.

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Damn, I told him not to list it with a retarded price agian cause no one would send a serious offer. I do know that it is a legit sale and he would sell it for alot less than that stupid BIN.


But with that said, good God $24k and then best offer is just as bad as $1m or best offer. Nobody will take it serious and the flames he will get *again* are gonna be enough to make California wildfires look like a rainy day.


If it was mine, I'd list it at 1 cent and let it ride if an auction was truely how I wanted it to be sold, that or contact the few people who are serious into uber rares and take the highest offer from the big boys club.


Odds are it would be sold to Jose anyhow as I don't see anyone else wanting or able to fork over the coin needed to buy this game.


Why does he want to sell it?? I'd keep it if i were him. Unless he really needs the money, he'll never be able to get another one....

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The glass ceiling on Atari carts is around 5k these days. I can't see any cart getting much more than 5k if complete. Loose I dunno? 2-3k tops for any loose cart?


25k is just silly if you are a serious seller but if you just want to have fun then sure 25k is fine. I used to do that all the time. I've never heard of this game or seen it on any want lists so I don't know how desirable it is but there is a small pool of collectors in the market for games over 1k. Posting an auction of 25k will most likely turn them off to ever wanting the game. If those few guys get turned off on the title then there falls your selling price and it goes from R10 SUPER RARE to weird obscure title no one cares about.

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The glass ceiling on Atari carts is around 5k these days. I can't see any cart getting much more than 5k if complete. Loose I dunno? 2-3k tops for any loose cart?


25k is just silly if you are a serious seller but if you just want to have fun then sure 25k is fine. I used to do that all the time. I've never heard of this game or seen it on any want lists so I don't know how desirable it is but there is a small pool of collectors in the market for games over 1k. Posting an auction of 25k will most likely turn them off to ever wanting the game. If those few guys get turned off on the title then there falls your selling price and it goes from R10 SUPER RARE to weird obscure title no one cares about.

At the moment the glass ceiling is how much Wonder is willing to pay. I do know he offered $6,500 for Birthday Mania, but the Rom was not released. Because the Rom is released for Gammaattack I don't think he is willing to be so generous for that game.

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He is not trying to sell this for 25k, it's just to get people to look at his other auctions. I would do it too if I had an Ebay store, you list one super rare item, it gets posted on many other forums everyone clicks on it and maybe one out of every 20 people see what else you have for sale. Out of those people who do check your other items maybe one or two purchase something, it's just advertising. I remember buyatari used to do the same thing with his GOLD NES championship cartridge, at least I think it was him or maybe it was someone else, I can't remember either way it is just a buisiness strategy, many sellers do it ;)

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He is not trying to sell this for 25k, it's just to get people to look at his other auctions. I would do it too if I had an Ebay store, you list one super rare item, it gets posted on many other forums everyone clicks on it and maybe one out of every 20 people see what else you have for sale. Out of those people who do check your other items maybe one or two purchase something, it's just advertising. I remember buyatari used to do the same thing with his GOLD NES championship cartridge, at least I think it was him or maybe it was someone else, I can't remember either way it is just a buisiness strategy, many sellers do it ;)


Yeap funny thing I actually sold the damn thing.

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The glass ceiling on Atari carts is around 5k these days. I can't see any cart getting much more than 5k if complete. Loose I dunno? 2-3k tops for any loose cart?


25k is just silly if you are a serious seller but if you just want to have fun then sure 25k is fine. I used to do that all the time. I've never heard of this game or seen it on any want lists so I don't know how desirable it is but there is a small pool of collectors in the market for games over 1k. Posting an auction of 25k will most likely turn them off to ever wanting the game. If those few guys get turned off on the title then there falls your selling price and it goes from R10 SUPER RARE to weird obscure title no one cares about.

At the moment the glass ceiling is how much Wonder is willing to pay. I do know he offered $6,500 for Birthday Mania, but the Rom was not released. Because the Rom is released for Gammaattack I don't think he is willing to be so generous for that game.


I think Wonder is starting to realize that he only has to pay a dollar more than the 2nd highest bidder. Even if an item is worth 100k to him why would he pay 100K if he knows he can get away with 2K+1 when the second highest bidder is only willing to pay 2k?

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The glass ceiling on Atari carts is around 5k these days. I can't see any cart getting much more than 5k if complete. Loose I dunno? 2-3k tops for any loose cart?


25k is just silly if you are a serious seller but if you just want to have fun then sure 25k is fine. I used to do that all the time. I've never heard of this game or seen it on any want lists so I don't know how desirable it is but there is a small pool of collectors in the market for games over 1k. Posting an auction of 25k will most likely turn them off to ever wanting the game. If those few guys get turned off on the title then there falls your selling price and it goes from R10 SUPER RARE to weird obscure title no one cares about.

At the moment the glass ceiling is how much Wonder is willing to pay. I do know he offered $6,500 for Birthday Mania, but the Rom was not released. Because the Rom is released for Gammaattack I don't think he is willing to be so generous for that game.


I think Wonder is starting to realize that he only has to pay a dollar more than the 2nd highest bidder. Even if an item is worth 100k to him why would he pay 100K if he knows he can get away with 2K+1 when the second highest bidder is only willing to pay 2k?


Because with one of a kind items like this it does not matter what the next highest buyer is willing to pay, it matters what the seller is willing to sell it for. So basically with something like this it's more akin to a staring contest where both people are waiting for the other to blink first.

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Because with one of a kind items like this it does not matter what the next highest buyer is willing to pay, it matters what the seller is willing to sell it for. So basically with something like this it's more akin to a staring contest where both people are waiting for the other to blink first.


Wonder has played the game. He knows about how much others will pay and as long as he is willing to pay just a bit above that the game will come to him. Chasing down a game and paying way more than you should is something many do early on but learn from it. The top guys for the most part are very patient and they get what they want for the prices they are comfortable with.


Most everyone starts out Gung-ho. You learn.

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Because with one of a kind items like this it does not matter what the next highest buyer is willing to pay, it matters what the seller is willing to sell it for. So basically with something like this it's more akin to a staring contest where both people are waiting for the other to blink first.


Wonder has played the game. He knows about how much others will pay and as long as he is willing to pay just a bit above that the game will come to him. Chasing down a game and paying way more than you should is something many do early on but learn from it. The top guys for the most part are very patient and they get what they want for the prices they are comfortable with.


Most everyone starts out Gung-ho. You learn.

Newsflash, BuyAtari you are not psychic. You do not know what people think. You have no idea what someone else is willing to pay for something that is one of a kind. In all honesty someone else besides Wonder maybe willing to pay anywhere from $1,000 to who knows $6,000. You just don't know. People are not going to tell you everything. So playing this game of I know what the second highest bidder is going to pay is fool hardy. You just don't know. I mean you can make an assumption, which is basically what you're doing. You are making an assumption, and then stating it as fact. You do that a lot. So get it through you're head that this is a one of a kind item. There is no tract record on any amount being paid for something like this. Heck, you may even have people tell you what they are willing to pay for an item like this, but in all honesty they could be bluffing you just because they don't want to give that number out if they ever have to have a bidding war on an item like this. The only thing we can say for a certainty is this is not worth $24,999. If it was it would of been bought a long time ago. But anything beyond that is just haphazard speculation. None of us truly know what people are willing to pay.

Edited by homerwannabee
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well you can get a ballpark figure in your head. What's a dumped Atari prototype go for? Then you can add that this is a 1 of 1 proto? then add how much mystic is with the game.


If this were an undumped game, and a 1 of 1, it's price may very well be 6k, but the fact it's been dumped and had repros made, etc, kills the price a bit.

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Because with one of a kind items like this it does not matter what the next highest buyer is willing to pay, it matters what the seller is willing to sell it for. So basically with something like this it's more akin to a staring contest where both people are waiting for the other to blink first.


Wonder has played the game. He knows about how much others will pay and as long as he is willing to pay just a bit above that the game will come to him. Chasing down a game and paying way more than you should is something many do early on but learn from it. The top guys for the most part are very patient and they get what they want for the prices they are comfortable with.


Most everyone starts out Gung-ho. You learn.

Newsflash, BuyAtari you are not psychic. You do not know what people think. You have no idea what someone else is willing to pay for something that is one of a kind. In all honesty someone else besides Wonder maybe willing to pay anywhere from $1,000 to who knows $6,000. You just don't know. People are not going to tell you everything. So playing this game of I know what the second highest bidder is going to pay is fool hardy. You just don't know. I mean you can make an assumption, which is basically what you're doing. You are making an assumption, and then stating it as fact. You do that a lot. So get it through you're head that this is a one of a kind item. There is no tract record on any amount being paid for something like this. Heck, you may even have people tell you what they are willing to pay for an item like this, but in all honesty they could be bluffing you just because they don't want to give that number out if they ever have to have a bidding war on an item like this. The only thing we can say for a certainty is this is not worth $24,999. If it was it would of been bought a long time ago. But anything beyond that is just haphazard speculation. None of us truly know what people are willing to pay.


Ok buddy calm down.


Sure no one knows ANYTHING for sure but you can take a pretty good guess at things. One might expect to be able to leave the house at 9am and drive to work without being killed by a drunk driver. How can anyone make such a prediction?


People make judements based on past experiences and patterns they they see. I base what I say on collecting for over 15 years now, my conversations with those collectors who need 10 or less carts and past sales of other rare carts in all this time. Could I be wrong? Sure I could esp when ONE single person could make all the difference but I have a reasonable guess here.


You base your judgement not from past sales or experience but hope. Hope that for some reason this one cart will break the mold and sell for more than any other cart before it perhaps causing all other rare games to follow.


Could happen.


Not likely to happen.

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If this were an undumped game, and a 1 of 1, it's price may very well be 6k, but the fact it's been dumped and had repros made, etc, kills the price a bit.


Why does that make a difference? There is still only one real copy.


or 1000 copies depending on how you see it.

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I have bid, negotiated and acquired all of the R10, one-of-a-kind items I have had an interest in. I know the prices on these type of items. I know the most that people are willing to pay for way rarer items than Gamma Attack.


Sure, one-of-a-kind R10 items will fetch a nice amount of change but with video games, it is a bit different. If a one-of-a-kind ROM is released and reproduced, the price of the original goes down tremendously. How do I know that, I have purchased one-of-a-kind items that had ROMS released and unreleased and, believe me, unreleased R10 items are a lot more expensive. And, many times, I have competed against other collectors and the results are ALWAYS the same....I ALWAYS pay a lot more for unreleased R10 games than released.....I just know, this has been time tested and I know the price limits with these types of items.


Another thing, if I do not compete against the other collectors for certain items, I can guarantee you that the prices of many of the items would be lower. It is funny because when I've had many instances where I have offered an amount of $$$ and they say "no", I will let it ride; well, 99% of the time, the final price of the item ended up being a lot lower than what I had offered. In addition, I have learned to be patient and boy has it pay dividends in my collecting. :)


Phantom has mentioned that this game was actually a release which to me actually makes the game less desirable. Why, because that means it is not TECHNICALLY a proto and based on my experience in buying games, I have paid a lot more for protos than R10 releases, even when the R10 was one-of-a-kind (on average).


Don't get me wrong though, I would love to get Gamma Attack, and "Red Crossing" (forgot the exact name) and Birthday Mania and the Monogrammed Space Chase and the PG-1, etc.... :)

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Because with one of a kind items like this it does not matter what the next highest buyer is willing to pay, it matters what the seller is willing to sell it for. So basically with something like this it's more akin to a staring contest where both people are waiting for the other to blink first.


Wonder has played the game. He knows about how much others will pay and as long as he is willing to pay just a bit above that the game will come to him. Chasing down a game and paying way more than you should is something many do early on but learn from it. The top guys for the most part are very patient and they get what they want for the prices they are comfortable with.


Most everyone starts out Gung-ho. You learn.

Newsflash, BuyAtari you are not psychic. You do not know what people think. You have no idea what someone else is willing to pay for something that is one of a kind. In all honesty someone else besides Wonder maybe willing to pay anywhere from $1,000 to who knows $6,000. You just don't know. People are not going to tell you everything. So playing this game of I know what the second highest bidder is going to pay is fool hardy. You just don't know. I mean you can make an assumption, which is basically what you're doing. You are making an assumption, and then stating it as fact. You do that a lot. So get it through you're head that this is a one of a kind item. There is no tract record on any amount being paid for something like this. Heck, you may even have people tell you what they are willing to pay for an item like this, but in all honesty they could be bluffing you just because they don't want to give that number out if they ever have to have a bidding war on an item like this. The only thing we can say for a certainty is this is not worth $24,999. If it was it would of been bought a long time ago. But anything beyond that is just haphazard speculation. None of us truly know what people are willing to pay.


It has been dumped and repoped. It is cool and worth a bit and part of Atari History , Nothing like the BIN . Buy Atari is unbiased and does not think with his wallet and wishing of The Big Atari Rush. I think he has more of a grasp of the game and the market than you are the seller. Just my two cents. HHW

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Because with one of a kind items like this it does not matter what the next highest buyer is willing to pay, it matters what the seller is willing to sell it for. So basically with something like this it's more akin to a staring contest where both people are waiting for the other to blink first.


Wonder has played the game. He knows about how much others will pay and as long as he is willing to pay just a bit above that the game will come to him. Chasing down a game and paying way more than you should is something many do early on but learn from it. The top guys for the most part are very patient and they get what they want for the prices they are comfortable with.


Most everyone starts out Gung-ho. You learn.

Newsflash, BuyAtari you are not psychic. You do not know what people think. You have no idea what someone else is willing to pay for something that is one of a kind. In all honesty someone else besides Wonder maybe willing to pay anywhere from $1,000 to who knows $6,000. You just don't know. People are not going to tell you everything. So playing this game of I know what the second highest bidder is going to pay is fool hardy. You just don't know. I mean you can make an assumption, which is basically what you're doing. You are making an assumption, and then stating it as fact. You do that a lot. So get it through you're head that this is a one of a kind item. There is no tract record on any amount being paid for something like this. Heck, you may even have people tell you what they are willing to pay for an item like this, but in all honesty they could be bluffing you just because they don't want to give that number out if they ever have to have a bidding war on an item like this. The only thing we can say for a certainty is this is not worth $24,999. If it was it would of been bought a long time ago. But anything beyond that is just haphazard speculation. None of us truly know what people are willing to pay.


Ok buddy calm down.


Sure no one knows ANYTHING for sure but you can take a pretty good guess at things. One might expect to be able to leave the house at 9am and drive to work without being killed by a drunk driver. How can anyone make such a prediction?


People make judements based on past experiences and patterns they they see. I base what I say on collecting for over 15 years now, my conversations with those collectors who need 10 or less carts and past sales of other rare carts in all this time. Could I be wrong? Sure I could esp when ONE single person could make all the difference but I have a reasonable guess here.


You base your judgement not from past sales or experience but hope. Hope that for some reason this one cart will break the mold and sell for more than any other cart before it perhaps causing all other rare games to follow.


Could happen.


Not likely to happen.




He switches moods every other day. His response here, is in hopes that a cart will bring more than 10k. Then his Atlantis II could do the same. Yaaaaaaawnnn. HHW

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