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Lynxflash: The Lynx 1 cartridge door.


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This is to inspire, it is not comprehensive, and naturally is a do at own risk sort of thing.


The Lynx 1 cartridge door has to be removed since it interferes with the Lynxflash, since it it is a little taller than the average Lynx cartridge:




The door is a scoop design, and it is the bit that hangs under the hinges is the problem.


So here are the basic instructions on how to:

1) Remove the cartridge door easily

2) Modify the door so you can still use it and the Lynx Flash cart.




There are four screws:



The shorter ones on the cartridge door side, the longer ones on the other side. Good to know when you are putting all this back together. So you remove the screws:




For such a "small" device, the parts on the Lynx are kinda big. So a standard phillips head screwdriver will do. Remove those, and you MIGHT need to remove all four, and carefully remove the back if tabs under the cartridge door area are not already popped loose:




So if they are, or once you've popped those loose with a flathead screwdriver (with some care) then all you have to do is to try to separate the back shell from the "floor" of the cartridge area, like so:




You pop the cartridge door hinges out of the initial hole, up, and over in the track next to it, then down and over. The process is like a upsidedown "L" track the cartridge door rides out, and later in, with. It is like the cartridge door was meant to be removed with ease. Or just ease of assembly in Japan. ;) Another picture as it travels the L track...




And with that, the door is removed, and you can use the Lynx Flashcart hastle free. (Once you put all the screws back in of course.)

Edited by doctorclu
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So you looked over the owner's manual for the Lynx Flashcart and it first warns of Electrostatic Discharge. And that is pretty frightening. Then you read not put this in a unmodified Lynx 1 (about to take care of that), and then you learn not to hit the "Reset" or "Any key" buttons while the Lynx is being used, and you think to yourself "Ok,how can I keep from accidentally touching the Lynx Flash while I'm playing a game? I mean on the Lynx 1 that is the HANDLE area for crying out loud."




Well, the answer is relatively simple.


So here we have the typical Lynx cartridge door on a average day:




With a regular cartridge that scoop design is not a problem. However the part that hangs under the hinge dips down too low for for clearance on the Lynx Flashcart. So once you have the door out (instructions above) you have this piece of plastic in your hand...




And you think to yourself "I'm not going to be using this anyway, so what do I have to loose in modifying this to protect my $122 (79 Euro) investment I just made?" So you get nutty, whip out your favorite dremmel tool, and cut away everything that hangs under the hinge, and you get something like this...




And then you put it back together, and here is what the trimmed away part will look like.




And here is what the clearance looks like over the Lynx Flashcart:




Again, make no guantees, only to inspire and let you know of possibilities, attempt at your own risk.


Speaking of risk though, I am not crazy about open electronics, so before I go to use any circuitry I try to find a way to protect them.


Other examples of my work:

The Skunkboard cartridge shell: (Jaguar)



And remember, only you can prevent Electrostatic Discharge. ;)

Edited by doctorclu
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LOL.... I think this falls under the category of "proving it can be done just for fun".


Nice post.... you did a lot of work with the pictures and instructions.


Hey thanks! I guess most Lynx players here are the Lynx 2 players, which is strange to me, I had a Lynx 2 and that thing, to me, stucked batteries and the contacts on the D pad were always getting dirty.


But I might get another one, dunno. Anyway, the door mod is not that hard, and has held up already after hours of playing Battlezone for the Lynx high score club. :)

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