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CV vs. 5200: A thing I missed, but should not have...

CV Gus

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There is something else about these two systems I've experienced, as has someone else at this website, a factor which, after all of these years, is more important than ever (vast echo and distance...)


The power supplies.


Since it's been so many years, you're not likely to find a CV or 5200 power supply for sale in your local Radio Shack.


And here, the 5200- as do the 7800 and 2600- wins out.


The Atari systems use a simple adapter to convert household current to 9V DC. That's it. + and -. Easy. It's easy to find another power supply, even today, and I've even managed to run Ataris off of a 12V battery, using a simple voltage converter I picked up for 25 cents at a garage sale. Hell, just by using a couple of resistors, you could reduce the voltage to what it should be. Thus, with the 12V color television I picked up at a garage sale yesterday, during a power outage playing some 5200 games is no problem.


A CV power supply, on the other hand, is a real pain. Try to build your own, and if you are not VERY careful, then you'll blow something out. That -5V in particular is a booby trap. It can be done, but to tell you the truth, you're probably better off just getting an adapter through the mail, and plugging it into one of those little inverters if you want to use a 12V battery. Coleco fumbled the ball on this one.

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Does anyone ever find anything they need at Radio Shack (unless it's a cell phone or satellite tv plan)?


That's the last place I'd think to go!

Some RS's are better than others. I occasionally go there to get an adapter that's difficult to find elsewhere (the RCA to coax, for VCS to TV input, for example). I also got an MP3 player there with SD card for a killer price a couple of years ago.


Going back a bit further, I got my 4k TRS-80 there, complete with black & white monitor, cassette recorder for data storage, and a three-pack of data-certified cassette tapes (I did have to wait for the Level II Basic ROM).

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Even if they're in-stock items are pretty limited, RS should have a nice catalog to order parts from, plus their website. (for in-stock stuff Frys still tends to be a lot better though)


Anyway, the voltage shouldn't be a problem to get right (+9v is especially common and there's always universal adaptors), it's the amperage, if these machines pull a lot of amps (which I'd assume judging by the massive power bricks), many 3rd party or universl adaptors won't work as they tend to have low apmerage rathings. (often well below 1 amp)


Those 3rd party sega "compatible" power supplies for example won't run a Sega CD, the stock sega power supply outputting 9V (or 10V) and 1.2 amps. (and While the Genesis will work with somewhat less power, the CD unit most certainly will not)


Something exotic like the CV's ac adaptor is another problem though, as you mention, and the Intelivision (I) has that built-in power supply. (good for not losing, more of a pain to replace)

Edited by kool kitty89
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Radio Shack found in the late 90's that pimping cell phones and other monthly service products was way more lucrative than their hobby electronic stuff - hence if you go to a RS today and ask about anything other than a phone you will get a blank stare followed by a pointing to the back of the store.

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Radio Shack found in the late 90's that pimping cell phones and other monthly service products was way more lucrative than their hobby electronic stuff - hence if you go to a RS today and ask about anything other than a phone you will get a blank stare followed by a pointing to the back of the store.


You know, I've noticed that, and I'm wondering who the hell came up with that stupid idea?


The whole thing about Radio Shack was that it was a place where an electronic hobbyist could get supplies. But lately, that place has been a dead end- as you say, it's becoming more of a retail outlet.


The problem here is simple- what do they sell that you cannot find at a Wal-Mart? They can't be insane enough to believe that they can undersell them- are they?


As for amperage- that is no problem. Even if the adapter has just 3/4 of an amp- not hard to find- then you should be fine. I've never had a problem.

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Our local radioshack has a lot of stuff toward the center, lots of cables (some video game A/V cables, lots of different RCA cables, phono cables, adaptors, splitters, switches, etc), but also a decent section with resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, voltage regulators, potentiometers, switches, etc. And other standard stuff like TV converter boxes, mulimeters, power supplies, chargers, lead acid rechargeable batteries, and standard NiMH/Alkaline bateries.


About 1/2 the store is dedicate to cell phones and some computer & TV accessories though. (including some monitors iirc)

Not too many electronic toys anymore though. I miss the days when you'd see RC cars, electronics kits, and some video game stuff. (I'm only 19, so I'm talking about ~10-15 years ago) Hell, they still had manual video game switchboxes (with the pronged attachments in addition to co-ax) at least as recent as 9 years ago. (picked up one to hook up a VCS back in late 2000 iirc)

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